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Everything posted by Fredbloodybear

  1. Hi Stephan there are three steps shown on vtc. Max 2500 from sgsv to Arthur’s creek approx, then 3500 to just before kmg where you can go to 4500 max. I pretty much fly the 2500 then 3500 as per vtc steps on the 313 heading.
  2. I probably would have but the username would toooo long
  3. And i primarily fly warriors
  4. Primarily i fly out of ymmb , but i like going for a fly from anywhere i travel.
  5. Thank you everyone. does anyone know the status of jaspers brush strip
  6. Hi everyone, just read a few posts and thought this may be interesting. I am Fredbloodybear because on some thing i was trying to register as fredbear it would not accept, so i tried fredbear 1, 2, 3 ...99. So to vent a bit of frustration i tried fredbloodybear and it work. pretty new to flying. Warriors are my thing. FBB
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