It really needs to be a balance of considerations, price/speed/handling/flexibility/inherent strength. Where the Revo, (apparently because mine is on the way and will be based at Moruya but I have not yet flown it!) sets a raft of new standards is the modern approach to suspension, massive 40 knots plus speed range with electric trim (versus about 5 with the Airborne trim wheel) so you can fly fast or slow, electronics integration ie aircraft tefzel wiring, multiple circuit breakers, Enigma colour glass display with interfaced MGL radio allowing radio frequency slaving to any destination on the Enigma, and a list of options such as 100Hp Rotax engine allowing customisation. Then there is the very strong (stand on it) carbon fibre base, more roomy passenger seat, full 3 wheel hydraulic disk brakes with real aircraft tyres and after carefully considering a new Airborne 912 I came to the conclusion that the Revo was higher performance, better value and offered a longer lifespan due, in my opinion, to higher engineering standards. The real clincher was the Australian dollar parity which currently makes the Revo even more attractive. I have great respect for Airborne, having purchased two trikes over 10 years, but they need to commit to modernising their trikes and innovating where that is possible or risk losing some of their market competitiveness. My black XT912 is for sale and details are in the RAA magazine.