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About SteveD

  • Birthday 07/07/1967


  • Aircraft
    Cessna 182C
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Member (1/3)

  1. Hi there thanks Yeah they are very stable. I look forward to getting more experience and doing longer trips. Who was CFI when u guys were around the valley
  2. Hi I agree with everything you said, it fly’s well and will be a long time if I ever decide to convert,, mine has the slant tail still.
  3. He would have got a bit of a fright when he touched down,, nice looking plane tho. Hi Clinton I love the 182, did most of my training in the 172 and it’s really noticeable how much better the 182 is to fly. I’m due to do my RPL flight test , past my exams before Xmas.
  4. Yeah I really like the 182, it’s a 1960C model with the straight back, It can be converted to a tail wheel 180. Well it’s a small world for sure , I have my own tip truck and work from Traralgon every day. I’ve also worked at all the power stations and have been learning to Fly at LVAC ha ha It’s a good little club. I will have to look up TB20’s, I don’t know much about them. My girlfriends boss has a Glassair III, it gets along pretty good
  5. What do you fly
  6. I recently bought a C182, I’m not quite licensed yet but not far off. I am in Gippsland what area are you
  7. Awesome thanks
  8. Gidday :)
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