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Everything posted by Lindsay

  1. That's one way to deal with competition BirdDog. I feel for the freehold property owners there.
  2. I'm late to this discussion. I'm about to re-locate my Jodel D11 from YTEM to a paddock on the western boundary 04/22 after failed negotiations to install a gate. ☺️
  3. Join the long list unfortunately. I was billed four times after closing my internet account in January. I must have rang at least ten times to sort the problem out only to be given lip service. My problem was my account was in credit a couple of hundren bucks so they just kept debiting it. Then they decided to change my billing address to a residence I'd not lived at for three years, then disconnected my home line as I hadn't paid my account wrongly believing I was still well in credit. Then wanted to charge for re-connection. Still gets me going just thinking about it. Thank god for VOIP.
  4. 68volksy, Local Goulburn radio was reporting a few days ago that settlement concerning the sale of the airport has not occurred. Do you know what has happened here? Lindsay
  5. Heon, we (Temora Aero Club) operated a BP fuel installation for many years. We never had an automated card activated pump. We approached BP on numerous occasions to upgrade the installation to accept either BP or credit cards but they declined. Although we made a very small profit out of the fuel it was difficult for club members to service the needs of visiting pilots on a 24 hr basis. We never charged callout fees so attending was always out of courtesy at own own expense. Aero Refuellers have in the past 6 months installed their own automated pump at Temora which accepts credit, debit and Aero Refuellers cards. This system with the exception of a few glitches (only accepts credits cards with an attached PIN no.) works well. BP completely removed their installation recently. I would suggest any airport with fuel availability issues contact Aero Refuellers at their Albury office and discuss the matter.
  6. Practice from today.
  7. Ultralights, I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend at Temora. Hope the course went well. We like to pride ourselves on being an active and friendly club. You must come back on a museum flying weekend. Your pictures clearly show how dry it is here. Unfortunately without rain in the next few weeks thing will end up pretty grim this year....again. Lindsay
  8. Ultralights, I have driver training background so I do not have to do the PMI. Lindsay
  9. Ultralights, It's Carol Richards who runs the PMI at Temora. Make sure you come and meet us at the Aero Club. I have just started working on my own instructor rating. Regards Lindsay
  10. My children are 3, 5 and 6. They all love flying and pester me constantly to take me with them. The biggest problem I find is dealing with the arguments of who goes first. Most flights consists of two circuits each, then back to the hangar for a passenger exchange. I don't fly any longer than 30 minutes at a time so toilet stops don't become a problem. My wife isn't really interested in flying but does see the buzz that the children, (and dad) get out of flying. I use a childs booster seat which fits in my Jodel perfectly giving them an elevated view and keeps their feet away from the controls. Taking my children flying and seeing their joy is definately one of my flying experience highlights.
  11. Shafts64, There are several Tecnams available for training in Victoria, but if you would like to travel a short distance further Temora is worth a look. The Temora aero club has a new Tecnam low wing Sierra, great club atmosphere, a world class all flying aviation museum next door and various on or off field accomodation packages, not mention great weather and traffic free flying conditions. PM if you want any further info. Regards Lindsay
  12. Awetzel, the Temora Aero Club has a P2002 Sierra, $110 wet. Lindsay
  13. Ben Jones the CFI took up a position with REX a few months ago. Wally Rudin from Narranderra has been doing some training at Griffith in his Jab or you can come over to Temora and fly our Tecnam. Lindsay
  14. No worries Tim. Get to fly early as I'm a shift worker. Start work at 3pm. BTW if I were purchasing a Tecnam I'd go for the later model laminar wing as on the Sierra and Super Echo. It certainly is faster than the earlier variants. High/low wing is a personal choice. Not much difference really in my opinion. We found Bruce Stark the NSW/QLD Tecnam dealer extremely good to deal with. Good Luck. Lindsay
  15. Hi there, this is my first post. I thought I'd add my 2 bobs worth to this thread. After much test flying, debate and deliberation the Temora Aero Club took delivery of a new P2002 low wing Sierra on the 24th of May 2007. The aircraft is RAAus LSA registered for 600kg MTOW and is used predominantly for training. It clocked over 200 hrs last week. It has only basic VFR instrumentation but is fitted with a Garmin 295 GPS, Transponder and SL40 radio. Notes on its operation thus far in the training environment : 110 kt cruise @ 5200 rpm (run on avgas) 200 hrs from first set of tyres (poor quality, 1 puncture) coolant leak in first 50 hrs tracked down to a loose hose clamp Two broken muffler springs (attachment lugs modified rectified problem) Shuddering brakes (pins require regular lubrication) It is a fantastic aircraft which handles beautifully and is admired by all who fly her. The only negative comment received by typically GA pilots with limited RAA experience is the amount of right rudder required on takeoff and climb out which can catch the uninitiated out on their first flight. Last week one of our club members who is learning to fly at present purchased a 2003 model P92 RG. The aircraft currently has 100 hrs on the hour meter. After reading the earlier post on this thread this morning we decided to fly the aircraft and perform a few simple performance checks given the variations reported by some owners. 9.30am 02/10/07 YTEM conducted at 4000' full fuel 535 kg take off weight 5200 rpm 110 kts IAS (107.4 ground speed average verified by GPS) Clean stall 50 kts IAS 15' flap 45 kts IAS Full flap 41 kts IAS Gear extended 15' flap 45 kts IAS Regards Lindsay
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