Today I test flew an aircraft currently for sale and advertised in our circles. To say I have come away concerned is one hell of an understatement !
I do not wish to identify the aircraft specifically , although I have been very straight forward with the owner regarding the way the aeroplane was advertised.
Am I overreacting ??
Aircraft advertised with 270 hrs TT ( changed slightly to avoid identification )
When wanting to confirm the motor was 270 hrs from new I was told it had a " Floods Overhaul " 270 hrs ago , no probs.
This occured A few days ago , anyway the flight did not take place that day as the aircraft would simply not start !!
days later , phone call , problem solved , battery was cactus and has been replaced , no probs make a date for today .
Took one heck of a long time to kick over this morning , eventually got running and sounded pretty good , so off on the test flight , Taxi out , check Hobbs Meter , not moving !!
Finished flight , pretty good , Quized re Hobbs , was told that it is configured to START COUNTING AT 60 KTS !! So it does not cut in until flight as he only wants to record " Flying Hours " So all the hours spent taxiing , warming up are not recorded ( surely this is not normal ??? )
Best of all when I asked what parts were replaced in the overhaul and could I view the invoice , I was told it was actually an " inspection " and as all was in good condition
the engine was re assembled with no new parts required !!
So I asked where he sourced the engine and he advised that he bought it second hand and it had done " about 1100 hrs " when he bought it ! To me that means the engine has done about 1370 hrs NOT 270 Total Time !! Am I going over the top ? Or is this normal ?
Sorry long rambling post Pretty Annoyed:angry: