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Everything posted by bacchus

  1. G'day Just H , All the best and hope to chat a bit on everything aviation Take Care
  2. Good one Tomo !! Need a bloody big plane though !!
  3. Thanks Black Rod, As you may have guessed , The fear of flying with my wife is not a little , but considerably more than the usual. And before the forum comes forward with the easy answer of leaving her at home , let me say that I do enjoy spending time with my wife , and if I wish to persue my love of flying it MUST include her or the ultimate result will be VERY EXPENSIVE and no aeroplane at all !! lol. I took the opportunity to show her a few video clips of aircraft wings flapping like a seagull ( and not breaking away from the fuselage )and the wing loading demo on the Jab website to try and demonstrate the strength of the aircraft we fly. Totally agree regarding the conditons and I have only taken her flying ( locally ) when they, (the conditions) are good to very good. However on a major cross country I may not have that luxury , so if that means a few extra dollars , a few less knots , a little less cockpit room or a sunburnt head ( in the case of a low wing ) then so it shall be in the quest for a stable and comfortable aircraft. So the question still remains ? surely, some of you guys and gal's who have flown a half a dozen or so aircraft ( unlike myself ) MUST have a favourite or at least an opinion to which perform better. Thanks Blue Shed for your input , A Fly in counter lunch at the Jamestown Hotel may be in order at a later date and Nev , you seem to talk a lot of sense. Anyway it is a work in progress and I am sure others on the forum have faced the same isssues !
  4. Hi Blue Shed , IFR " very good " permission to use that one !!! How far ? Ideally , eventually , would love to do most of OZ . The good lady is hanging to get to El Questro Station in the top of WA and myself a trip from Adelaide to Boraloola or Normanton for a little Barra fishing. Adverse Yaw !! I was hoping someone would bring that up !! According to those who have flown Morgan Aeroworks aircraft they are meant to be very stable ( I have never flown so stand to be corrected ) Interesting that those aircraft are supposed to have very limited or no adverse yaw ??
  5. Thanks all for the info , Interesting comment Ultralights regarding wing loading and the Savannah , as I personally have found my mates Savvy XL a little more comfy in rough air than the sportstar I am used to flying. As far as how rough is rough ? how safe is safe ? and how experienced is the pilot ? whilst all valid questions in their own right , are pilot descisions and are to be answered by any pilot prior to flight, however in this discussion are totally irrelevent ! For the excercise , choose your own hyperthetical conditions , make them challenging , and then apply the aircraft which we fly , some will perform better than others from a comfort perspective , my question is which ones and why ? There is no doubt that from a nervous flyers point of view the more " comfortable " the ride , the " safer " they feel , which in turn makes my flying a lot more pleasurable.
  6. As I inch closer to making one of the larger descisions in my life ( the purchase of an aircraft ) this forum has been a great source of information and an education with the level of knowledge available to us all. It seems impossible to test fly ALL the aircraft in consideration , thus opinions , constructive criticism and tech data is greatly appreciated. As I satisfy myself debating such things as high vs low wing , alum vs composite construction vs rag and tube , Rotax vs Jab , Aussie vs import etc I neglected to consider the most important thing , ( my wife being a very nervous flyer !! ) She piped up today stating " I don't care what you buy as long as it is safe and comfortable in rough conditions ". So I call on the "tech heads" ( with respect ) on this forum to supply info on what makes for a stable aircraft , and ALL opinions from those who have flown many different aircraft with real life experiences. Thanks in advance , I should add that I am seriously considering an Allegro 2000 but burning the midnight oil ,reading threads going back a few years raise stability questions.
  7. Did my time in a Sporty , yes to friction nut mechanism , No to removing hand from the Noise ! With Elevator and Aileron trim on the stick no need to , only if changing radio frequencies So I was taught anyway ! If you EVER did , the instructor had great pleasure in pulling the noise out on you to practice an engine failure on take off or wherever in the circuit you were . Great Aircraft !
  8. Also congratulations to YGWA for putting MOGAS on tap , great catering to the Recreational Flying community
  9. Thanks Peter and Bas, Flew into YGWA last Thursday with Ron Hoey from Callington in his Savannah and viewed a hangar in progress and have been doing the sums as the same deal is also available at Rollo,s Murray Bridge. With an initial outlay of about 45k would need a 50/50 partner. Will speak to Geoff re possible spots.
  10. Space wanted for LSA in Adelaide Hills area. Callington , Rollo's , Strathalbyn , YMBD , YGWA or YADG Hope to hear:thumb_up:
  11. Hello Dexter You don't know me , but as with all forum members I do feel a bond with yourself as a fellow aviator. Whilst reading this thread I tried to put myself in your position , hoping to never be in it in reality The words of my CFI were ringing in my ears " Make a plan and fly the plan " in all emergency circumstances ! You did it , and preserved the life of not only yourself but also your Pax , Well done !!
  12. 60 year old male pilot from Victoria , died at the scene near Lameroo air strip S.A. Was holidaying with other Gyro enthusiasts ( Chanel 9 news reports ) Very sad
  13. Thanks Bill Makes sense to me.
  14. G'day Jack , Savvy xl being a Savannah , the new XL is larger with an extra 10 cm cabin width. www.aerokits.net.au for a look , really nice plane for STOL. Was look at building a kit as it was around budget, but don't have the confidence to build and think I would become a little impatient [link edited from .com.au to .net.au] - mod.
  15. Thanks Crezzi , so even if you were to purchase Garrys current Sierra demo ,( which is for sale ) and the next Sierra was to come off the line as an LSA ( should certification come through ) The demo is not able to become LSA even though they could be the same aircraft type , possibly built only weeks apart by the same person ?? With the only difference being one was completed before the certification paperwork had come trough ?? Hope I am making myself clear ?? I am purely thinking of resale value
  16. At the risk of asking a silly question , If you purchased an aircraft today 19 REG at current 544kg , and then at a later date the aircraft in an unchanged format was granted LSA qualification and 600kg status , does your aircraft automatically assume qualification of the same status ? And therefore be used for training ? Technically from amatuer build to factory build all be it by the same person / factory ? Using Morgan Sierra as an example if Garry gets his LSA as mentioned elsewhere ?
  17. Thanks Ding , but prefer alum / comp construction for various reasons . Thanks for the reply David but why so negative ? have since spoken to an ex-owner who has said he would buy another one tomorrow , and loved the way it flew. Getting more confused the more people I talk to ! Will have to try and hire one for a real comparison I guess . Thanks all
  18. Thanks Ian , just had a look , obviously a lot of good memories for you in her ! Looks a sweet aircraft.
  19. Hi Neil , will take another look at the Gazelle ! Must admit have not really considered it as I have not enough info having never seen one up close. At around 95 to 100 kg , and 6ft I do need a fair bit of room in the cockpit with a passenger and I was under the impression that they are not that roomy ? ( stand to be corrected ) Stitt fabric and the up keep of , I am also ignorant in , just seems like more maintainence long term ? Although I think the real reason is that I want to spend the entire family allocation of funds lol , because all the reports say the Gazelle is lovely to fly. Many Thanks
  20. Thanks all for the feedback , Walter , if the budget stretched that far sounds like a good buy ! Also have spoken to the owner of the Allegro on E'bay Howard and think is an exceptional buy @ $65 k with less than 100 hrs , BRS etc but also exceeds my solo budget ! Thanks Ian , will keep that in mind . BlackRod point well taken , I thought Allegro was Italian for happiness ? Does being cheerful and Gay = Happiness ? Don't Know lol ! Thinking a 50/50 share in a Factory Savvy may be the ultimate for what I want either that or a lottery win ! Can anybody confirm if the full view Lexan doors from the new Savvy XL can be fitted to the origianal VG or is there a size issue ?
  21. Yes have looked at the improvements made Black Rod between the two models and noted the larger tail , and the extra stability it provides. Have not considered the 2007 due to price but I Guess you may be making reference to the reported handling of the 2000 with Elevator , rudder and alieron controls not being in sync in relation to the amount of control pressure required ? If so this is the exact reason I would like feedback from people rather than flight reviews ( with respect to those who write them ) Thank's Black Rod and I will continue to dig ! :thumb_up:
  22. Hoping someone is able to help me with info on the Allegro 2000 . I am currently considering all aircraft to hopefully make a purchase in the next six months , having trained exclusively on the Evektor Sportstar , I have a preference for Rotax powered aircraft. My other requirements are " reasonable " not exceptional STOL Performance , High Wing , and Good visability for low and slow flying ( being able to open doors in flight would be a bonus ). I have flown in the right hand seat of Ron Hoey's recently completed Savvy XL and was sold on the spot with the beautiful aircraft, and that is more than likely the way I will go , however now having decided to buy second hand and not build , the Allegro seems to fit the bill by spec standards also ! In addition to this it would also fit into the preferred budget of around 50 k which will not get me an XL. Whilst I have read all the flight reviews , spec sheets etc on the Allegro I would like some feedback on how they handle etc from a current owner / flyer. In addition to this if anyone is interested in a 50/50 partnership in either of these aircraft with a view to hangaring at YADG , YGWA , YMBD , Rollo,s , Callington or Strathalbyn SA , " this would also open up the possibility of a New Factory built Savvy @ $85 k " Please give me a call ! Thanks in advance Bacchus
  23. Hi Ron, Thanks for the time spent yesterday at Callington going over your beautiful girl the build quality is a credit to you and I hope you have taken plenty of photos to post as the few things you were able to show me will be of great value in the future. Well done and I hope to see you around the end of the month when you let her fly !! Regards Rick " Life is too short to drink bad wine "
  24. Thanks for the information , certainly gives plenty to think about and I am sure many changes of mind will be made before the final decision. Good points , to fly many aircraft , I intend to do so ! Initial capitol outlay , yes to be considered ! Many Thanks ---------------
  25. Although still a while off I continue to struggle with the descision on aircraft purchase, I would like to draw on the experience of anyone who has owned both or has knowledge of the running costs of both types of aircraft. License is not being considered as I intend to go to PPL anyway , considerations being Registration Costs Fuel Costs per hr Insurance Costs Servicing frequency Time before Engine Rebuild The Aircraft being considered New J170 or piper or cessna 2 seater to $80k
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