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Everything posted by bacchus

  1. Hi Jodie , Many thanks My situation with work can be very random as far as time free to fly, so it is not unusual for me to call up and slot in where I can. So Far Steve 3 hrs karl 3 hrs Leo 1 hr Wayne 3 hrs Ryan 1 hr Had another hour with Karl at 0900 this morn , best air ever would love to have gone out over Normanville way but was stuck on circuits. Have 3 sessions booked with Karl next week , want to plough through it if I can while I have the time. Don't know if many instructors help ?? but has not bothered me. Take Care Bacchus " Life is too short to drink bad Wine "
  2. Great idea " Class of 2009 " future fly in ! 11 hrs up , currently about 2 hrs a week , had first solo on Monday . Love the flying , not the study . " Life is too short to drink Bad Wine " Bacchus
  3. Congratulations to all , Had the experience on Monday at Aldinga in Sportstar , for the record was in 11 hrs , have been blessed with the weather , good instruction and probably the most important thing , a very stable little training aircraft. Thanks to all who have assisted Regards Bacchus " Life is too short to drink bad wine "
  4. Thanks to Nev , Doug and Decca , Yes Nev the nickname Bacchus is indeed a spin from my love of good Red , and as Doug would know there is plenty of it over the hill from lovely Aldinga Airfield. Thanks Doug , have e'mailed Aldinga Aero Club re Jab syndicate and asked for information regarding hrs as PIC required. May look to build a kit over a period of time so any opinions on kits would be appreciated from those who have been involved in either Jab kits or Morgan Aero Sierra with Jab Engine Regards Bacchus
  5. Hello Forum 44 y/o Student Pilot at Adelaide Biplanes Adelaide , 11 hrs in Evector Sportstar and loving every minute. Had a passion for flight since Rossair trip to Moomba every 2 weeks in early 80's as a pup working the oil fields. Q : Wanting to purchase own plane in near future or syndicate share , As I myself am Aussie made and proud ! I am interested in Jabiru 170 , have not flown as yet and would like to hear from anyone who has , and can discuss difference to Sportstar. Thanks Bacchus
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