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Everything posted by Chrism

  1. Boston. Nice. Brad Delp had such a great voice.
  2. Yep, I'm hopefully arranging my Coffs Harbour family Christmas visit so that I can go to EH for a day or two (but haven't told the wife of my true motives:augie: ). Keen to see what the state of play is with regards to saving airfield/preventing inappropriate development too. Chris
  3. I really liked Adams column in the magazine-
  4. G'day Tom, Being in Sydney, you will have to travel!! I live not too far from you. Starting closest, your options will be: -Sydney Jab School at Bankstown -Gostner at Camden (combined RA and GA school) -Syd Rec Flying Club (SRFC) at the Oaks (15 min west of Camden) (mostly weekends only) -Dave's School also The Oaks I've flown at all of the first 3 and i'd say the most fun and friendliest is flying Foxbats with the SRFC. I found Gostner gave the most comprehensive training (leading onto GA) and available 7days (but obviously more expensive) I think there are also some microlight (powered hang gliders) at Somersby and Warnervale on the Central coast. Father afield your options increase to include Wollongong, Jaspers Brush (Berry), Bathurst, Cessnock etc etc. Hope that helps. Don;t think too much. Go for it!!
  5. They operate the zone 7 days now, off the top of my head I think it's 8am-11pm daily. For some strange reason, with the current VTC, what was previously a CTR zone is now a restricted RA. There was some discussion about whether RA aircraft were allowed, and a RAAF controller himself said he wasn't sure; then I caught a glimpse on some paperwork on the topic (anyone else?) that stated you must possess a CASA licence and I think be in an aircraft that fits all those certification criteria that allow you to fly over built up areas etc. The RAAF ATC also said a transponder would certainly help in them allowing to clearance. He also said below 1500ft, call Richmond tower for clearance, above that call Syd radar. Having said all that, there are powered parachutes that operate near the base, and lots of other private strips and farms with heli pads within the Restricted Area that get 'permission'. So perhaps the best thing to do would be call the ATC at Richmond and ask them. The guy I spoke to was very frindly and helpful. Chris
  6. All good-5+ acres on a ridge of Sydney sandstone!!
  7. Very happy that one apiece are going to Evans Heads and Albion Park. Very unhappy one's not going to my front yard.
  8. Yep that's the aerodrome I went to as a kid to see airshows-i now live close-ish to it (again) and have to control myself lest I get upset!! What a tragedy Unfortunately the plans for development of Schoies is advanced-some (very little) of the airfield will be retained as recreation reserve. Of course that school in Bankstown talked about here used to be in uncontrolloed airspace at Hoxtons, butthey were forced to move when that too was closed and sold off by the "powers" just 4 years ago. Ah Sydney :(
  9. Gosh, that's beautiful!!
  10. Captain/Folks, I am pretty sure the Editor of the mag said that he would not merely include a monthly column from the usual RAA people unless they had something interesting/important to say and that it was well written (or something to that extent). So, the absensce of a CEO's column could be an editorial descision-or I guess they may not have been submitted in the first plance. Either way, it woulkd be good for the members to regularly hear from 'the top' Regards
  11. Or just go to the 4 Corners website-it is up there now
  12. What more can I say? http://www.wollondillyadvertiser.com.au/news/local/news/general/new-town-on-the-cards/2656043.aspx
  13. Yep it was great. Especially how they retraced their flightpath at less than 100 ft in a Cessna 410 (? I think). At one stage(in the modern reconstruction) they showed them flying right over the Australian Memorial at Villers-Bretoneaux. Just had a look at RAF Hendon on Google maps-can still make out the airfield very clearly. Now to fly around that countyside and visit thoses fields is something I MUST do.
  14. ......Except that for those over 6 feet tall and/or with long legs, we can't fit inside!!
  15. I just recently askes Airservices the same question- There is a SARTIME MANAGEMENT pamphlet, which is helpful, but doesn't quite fit for our purposes of RA AUS flying in Class G; I recieved an excellent reply frtom David via email which I will reproduce below. I began by supposing a flight Oaks- Golburn-Cootamundra lodged via NAIPS, and diverting due WX to Oaks-Bathurst-Coota. "Dear Chris, The most appropriate telephony is the example given in AIP ENR 1.10-9 4.3 In the scenerio you described details have been lodged in the system, so by saying "SARTIME FLIGHT PLAN AMENDMENT" you are alerting the controller that details exist for your flight. You could also use the phrase "SARTIME details" as per AIP GEN 3.4 - 28, 5.4 but this wouldn't alert the controller to the fact that details already exist in NAIPS & CENSAR As a Sartime or VFR flight wholly OCTA, ATC are completely unaware of your flight plan details. NAIPS will not send your flight plan to ATC unless your flight plan indicates it will enter CTA/R. By saying "SARTIME FLIGHT PLAN AMENDMENT" the controller knows a flight plan has been submitted and it is not necessary to ask for all the items specified in the table below as they have already been provided, just any changes. The usual response from the controller to the above phrase, is "standby" -what is occurring behind the scenes here is the controller is asking NAIPS for your details, this can take a few minutes. Once he has your original flight plan in front of him he will ask you to advise your changes. The controller then sends those changes through to CENSAR or if the new route involved flight through CTA/R to those relevant ATC sectors. Regards David" So, from that I take it we call whatever the area frequency is and use his phraseology. PS:the AA guy at Natfly said we should all make use of AA people on the phone or email to ask any questions-they are more than happy to help and by using them, they can more easily justify their funding and jobs!!
  16. You could check out the discussion here: http://www.pprune.org/dg-p-general-aviation-questions/462383-avplan-vs-ozrunways-2-0-a.html Sorry for mentioning another site, Ian!!
  17. Great work! I'm hoping to do mine soon, so I'll look at your blog with a "could I have done that?" interest.
  18. I love how your daughter describes "Dad's big kite.." It's sooo cute!
  19. 242% is a bit of a wack! Luckily too many people vote to risk putting a CT price on MOGAS. Roughly how many of us use ULP as opposed to AVGAS? Generally speaking, don't Rotax prefer ULP while Jabs prefer AVGAS? cm
  20. I've read a couple of books about WW2 pilots training on T-6/Harvards etc and all the ground loop problems they had with them, only to convert to an operational type like a P40 or P51 and find them far more forgiving. Their comments were along the lines of they whished they'd trained on a p51 first in order to land a T6!
  21. Hi ladies and gents, An incredibly proud new father chose this one of his now 4 month old (she's less than a week in the pic), clearly dreaming of her first flight.... The blanket was a present from my hoplessly-romantic-for-all-things-flying mother-in-law; (especially if it's powered by a V12 Merlin, or 4 of them in the case of a Lancaster!) I knew I had to marry my wife when I found this out!
  22. Yep Tomo. I think Kevin was featured in a Flying Mag article a few years ago and he was equally forthright (on other issues). The real test would be that when an EFATO happens, would I do what I know I should and land ahead on the road/paddock/in the bush, or would I panic and turn back?
  23. Hi Ian, A couple questions regarding the RF GPS's; -Does the 5" version have Word and Excel viewers like the 7" or is it just PDF? If not are thy able to be put on (and other apps I guess) by the customer? -Has AA updated their WAC's so that from now on they will be the new ones loaded (you mentioned this in another thread)? -Lastly, how are we going with a replacement for the individual VNC/VTC's that were offered by Maptrax? If these are still not available, are these also something that can be added on if'/when they do become available? Thanks!
  24. Hi Bill, I think I found it after a bit of searching-i wanted to look it up too! Try http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/recreational-flying-gps.27195/ Chris
  25. Dear Cazza, Well I would like to say thanks for all the forums-for me they are the highlights of the 3 Natflys I have been to. Certainly where i learn the most. I wish I could say I understand all the tech-talk the SAAA guys were on about, maybe one day! The CASA and Airservices ones were great, but the best of all was the guy from Dynon Avionics-his presentation was absolutely fascinating. Hey, I even liked the ukeleles! But we ran out of instruments... :( (Everyone has the right to have a whinge). Just joking! Good idea whoever thought of that one. A bit of variety. cm
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