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Everything posted by Chrism

  1. Hi Rob Resurrecting your thread from the past-I don't have the answer; was wondering if you have found out anything more about the field? Some chat sites indicate that it is (or has been around 2009) used by powered parachute fellas from Bensons Lane (Richmond). I flew over it the other day, and found it quite challenging to spot. Great place for an RA airflield though! Thanks, Chris
  2. The charges at Jandakot are absurd-thanks for reminding me never to land there!
  3. The CASA guys running the seminars at Natfly on this subject definitely said it was to be only 1 pilot +1 pax in a 4 seater aircraft. Chris
  4. In addition, at the "Meet the Board" thingo, Steve R .(President) was clear that a questionairre/feedback slip would be included in a future magazine and was hoping for many people to respond (ie: more than who vote on board elections!) Chris
  5. That's awesome!!!! Well done. Chris
  6. Man there are so many fly ins this time of year!
  7. Shags, how about an update on your ATC quest? Chris
  8. The website does appear to be re-organised, so if the links are not working these should now http://www.canberratimes.com.au/opi...a-second-airport-urgently-20120209-1t97o.html http://www.canberratimes.com.au/opi...rra-is-no-flight-of-fancy-20120213-1t9mg.html Otherwise, search in the CT site for "David Edmunds" and they should come up. Chris
  9. Chrism

    the foxbat

    Thanks for that, I didn't know about the approval. That's great-525 is plenty for full fuel, 2 average sized people and a bit of baggage. I think the original limit of 450kg was there because it was inline with European microlight regulations wasn't it?
  10. Chrism

    the foxbat

    Thanks for that, I didn't know about the approval. That's great-525 is plenty for full fuel, 2 average sized people and a bit of baggage. I think the original limit of 450kg was there because it was inline with European microlight regulations wasn't it?
  11. Chrism

    the foxbat

    Thanks for that, I didn't know about the approval. That's great-525 is plenty for full fuel, 2 average sized people and a bit of baggage. I think the original limit of 450kg was there because it was inline with European microlight regulations wasn't it?
  12. Chrism

    the foxbat

    But isn't the A22L's MTOW (legally) only 450kg, whereas the LS is up to 600kg?
  13. Hi Folks, Two editorials appeared in the Canberra Times, 10th and 14th Feb promoting the proposal for a 2nd airfield. They were written by the secretary of the CRAA. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/news/opinion/editorial/general/why-canberra-needs-a-second-airport-urgently/2450737.aspx and http://www.canberratimes.com.au/news/opinion/editorial/general/second-airfield-for-canberra-is-no-flight-of-fancy/2454336.aspx Hope those links work. Please take a look, and feel free to write letters to the editor and/or politicians if you agree! Political apathy needs to be overcome!
  14. Hi Hemlock, There are also various Jab 160/170/230's at Bathurst (Central West ??), Mudgee (not sure of name ) and Orange (Orange Ultraflight). Further west I think there are Foxbats at Forbes; also Foxbats at Scone (Aero Club) in the Hunter. I did a few hours out at Orange for much the same reason as you are contemplating, before passing my Certificate back home. Ken was very precise in fixing some of my sloppiness and I found his briefs and notes outstanding. I also found it extremely valuable in an unfamiliar environment and handling the performance differences flying from a 3000' odd aerodrome as opposed to one at sea level. Jabs take a LOT more runway there! Have fun!
  15. At my first school (Jabs-and did things very GA-ish) I was told exactly what you are all saying-never trust a gauge and always dip a tank to be sure. Some time later i went to a different airfield (also Jabs) for some unfamiliar territory practise and as I went to unscrew the port wing tank cap, the instructor, looking partly horrified, said "no, what are you doing?" So I'd say there are very widely different practises being taught.
  16. :cell:OK....I'm happy to be a guinea pig once I have my XC endorsement!
  17. A bit closer to Canberra than Goulburn is....... Have any locals, or others, taken up Dick Smith's open invitation to land at his property at Gundaroo,? It looks less than half as far away from Canberra civic than Goulburn is. Chris
  18. I went up the coast on the weekend and can also add that despite whatever licence a pilot may have, Willy will only give clearance if plane is transponder equipped and used as directed by ATC. Ours wasn't and so we had to use the inland lane via Gloucester. It was my first time, and I loved it! No bumps, beautiful scenery and no ttaffic. Someone who went with us said the height increase to 1600' and 2000' (from 1000 and 1500) felt that it made a considerable difference to not feeling so 'hemmed in' by the valley. Chris
  19. Hi Folks, I was wondering what opinions are out there with regards to the changes to Richmond and Willy CTAs as indicated on the upcoming Sydney VTC and ERSA (you can check it online). Basically, Rich CTA has been reduced in size to 11NM radius, and the Eastern boundary has been moved west away from the southbound VFR lane. There is a new VFR lane at 1500' to transit through to the W and NW. At Willy there is a new overhead VFR lane added to the costal one. Didn't know they were in the planning, so looks like a step in the right direction to me. I assume though that RA PC holders will still need a PPL+ to access them, right? All the more to bring on the long talked about Controlled Endorsement! Thoughts? Chris
  20. Thanks Admin:wink:
  21. Chrism

    Jabiru Web Site

    I love it....they're based in Shelbyville....next to Springfield, I assume.:big_grin:
  22. Yes, Ian Moss trained at a combined RA/GA school and I believe he migrated to a PPL from a Pilot Cert. So at least he has been a member and may still be.
  23. Hi Don, Congrats from me too. One quick question: as a 'local' are there any updates on the future of Warnervale? I have heard that the RAA activity up there is increasing. Any developments at the CCAC that you know of, maybe rescheduling last years cancelled fly-in? I popped in a few weeks ago for a look: had the run up bay/taxiway been resurfaced? Very keen to see the futures of our valuable airfields secured. Thanks for any info. Chris
  24. Hey guys, How suitable would a Hornet (or other AAK plane) be as a taildragger trainer to replace an aeging Lightwing? Thanks
  25. Hi all, The Lightwing Speed seems to be the most GA-ish aust built aircraft around. There has been one for sale in the mag now fof many months (a year?) with an impressive list of features. They aren't often mentioned in discussions lilke this one. Are they unpopular for any particular reason? Chris
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