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jeff b

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Everything posted by jeff b

  1. Yes mate. I was suggesting in my post above that it's a great alternative if money is tight. Flying it feels just like a R22 :-)
  2. Do a search on the Magni M24. It's just like flying in a R22, however with recreational license and operations costs. A good compromise if you can't afford the costs of heli flying.
  3. Thanks Planey. I reckon we need to thank blokes like you because without the good old days of development we would not have the state of the art gyros we have today. It was just a fun boys trip and it's hard to beat open cockpit flying when the weather is really good. Did some flight demos in the M24 but mostly flew the M16 on this trip. Loved it!
  4. Airborne promotional trip (3 day Noosa Heads & Return trip) in the M24's and the M16. I flew 19 hrs over the 3 days and had a heap of fun flying the Magni Gyros
  5. I've been flying the M16 and the M24 for the last 3 months now. About 60 hrs I guess. I'm very impressed with both machines. Happy to answer any questions that you may have? I've ordered a new M16 914 Regards, Jeff.
  6. I've heard that they are priced very competitively against other top end enclosed side by side machines?
  7. The Orange Cavalon Gyro is missing from the photo, so we had 7 gyros. Great effort from everyone! My first visit to Old Bar in the Magni M24. What a great place to fly into. The Kiosk had actually run out of food when we arrived .
  8. Hi Mark, I'd suggest that you give Russell Duncan or Rob Hibberd a call at Airborne. I reckon that they are ready now to introduce the M24 or M16 (also arrived) to potential customers. I'll be surprised if the first factory demo isn't sold quickly. If you are keen Mark, I guess we'll catch up soon at the airfield . Regards, Jeff.
  9. The new OZ distributor Airborne Windsports just received the first 3 Magnis from Italy. Two were M24's and are very nice. I've just flown the first 8 hrs in the Magni M24's in the last few days. In the air they feel really solid. Did a trip from Newcastle to Old Bar yesterday via the Gloucester VFR lane. This is a very social way to fly compared to the open cockpit MTO. I love the flying either way!
  10. I've flown the new Arrow for a couple of hrs now including this week. The hands off trim speed was approx 68 knots on the front hole position I believe, with 80 kts easily maintained as the pitch is light but still positive. I think this position is the way to go as the trimmer can now be effective to reduce the hands off trim speed when desired such as landing. Handling in roll seemed a bit lighter than the SST. I really enjoyed these flights with it. I love the fact that the top surface is the latest UV tolerant Mylar material, so keeping it from staying soiled from birds in the hangar is now easy to take care of :-) Jeff.
  11. I hear that the Arrow airframe is the same as the SST but less span. Not new in that department. Very sorry to hear this news.
  12. My Dragonfly sold to Qld :-)
  13. The MTO's now have 1000 machines out there with one aircraft recorded with a frame crack and history not reported. The frames have compulsory dye penetrant testing at 1500hrs to check. An AD resolved the prop rotor clearance pretty quickly. Lots of fun in this aircraft. Jeff. MTO Sport 914.
  14. The hands off (max speed trim) setting is adjusted by the hang position on the keel tube. There are a few positions to select from. Any further in flight adjustment is only to slow down the hands off trim speed, not increase it. Unlike the PM trikes, Airborne have used a mechanical rather than an electric system for adjusting the trim speed to slower. A bungee system takes the pitch load off the pilot and holds the nose up for you. I hope I have explained that OK? Jeff.
  15. Hi Ronin, See you at the Aeroclub soon. I am just down the road at Wallsend, Newcastle with an XT912. Regards, Jeff.
  16. Hi Bill and Thanks! I flew the Streak III wing for 110 hrs before upgrading to the SST, which I have about 35hrs on so far. It was trimmed hands off at 70 knots to begin when new. This was great when flying longer XC flights, but the trade off is that you have a significant amount of pitch pressure when pitching the nose up during turns. Then adjusted the hands off trim to 64 knots (now the standard position set by the factory) and the handling is very nice. Similar in roll to the Streak III but a little lighter in pitch. Pulling in a few inches is easy & 80 knots comes up fast. I have found the new adjustable trim device to work great in that when you slow the trim speed, the roll response no longer gets harder (no luff lines). I am really happy with the SST and with no washing line on top, maintenance is much easier. A few more pics here: http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/groups/maitland-microlighters.html Have you seen the little dragonfly soaring trike from Flylight.co.uk? I have about 4hrs in it from a recent trip to Adelaide. Great fun, but that's another story :-) Jeff.
  17. Hi everyone, I have been looking in for a while now and must say that this is a great web site. Lots of information. Well done! I fly an Airborne 912 Tundra/SST wing microlight and have a 25 yr Hangliding background with a couple of years of gliding thrown in as well. Keep up the great work :-) Jeff.
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