Hi Bill and Thanks!
I flew the Streak III wing for 110 hrs before upgrading to the SST, which I have about 35hrs on so far. It was trimmed hands off at 70 knots to begin when new. This was great when flying longer XC flights, but the trade off is that you have a significant amount of pitch pressure when pitching the nose up during turns.
Then adjusted the hands off trim to 64 knots (now the standard position set by the factory) and the handling is very nice. Similar in roll to the Streak III but a little lighter in pitch. Pulling in a few inches is easy & 80 knots comes up fast. I have found the new adjustable trim device to work great in that when you slow the trim speed, the roll response no longer gets harder (no luff lines). I am really happy with the SST and with no washing line on top, maintenance is much easier. A few more pics here:
Have you seen the little dragonfly soaring trike from Flylight.co.uk? I have about 4hrs in it from a recent trip to Adelaide. Great fun, but that's another story :-)