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Everything posted by AlanB

  1. How tiny? http://www.paraoz.com.au/mini-vario.html 37mmx37mm. Has analogue and digital vsi display as well as altimeter.
  2. Hi Anthony, I have Sapphire LSA MkII 25-0150. I have a copy of the Sapphire LSA manual and the LSA MkII manual for 25-xxxx registered Sapphires. I'll see if they upload here. If you are not already aware, there are 2 ADs that deal with the trim system under the seat and the top rudder bracket. The info for the rudder bracket was posted here. https://www.recreationalflying.com/topic/48146-sapphire-out-of-luck/?tab=comments#comment-405828 No forums that I know of and very little info out there since Steve Dumesny stopped building the 19-xxxx versions a few years back. A search of this site might get you some info. cheers Alan Sapphire 25-0150 Sapphire LSA MKII Manual.pdf Sapphire LSA MTOW 254kg.pdf Sapphire LSA MKII Manual.pdf Sapphire LSA MTOW 254kg.pdf
  3. Lou, I covered my ultralight glider (the one referred to by OME) with Oratex UL600. I had no previous covering experience (apart from model planes 40+ years ago),so have nothing to compare the process to. The project was covered 6 years ago and the fabric still looks good. Have recently heard that Freebird Aviation is now an agent/distributor? here in OZ. CHIPPER LIGHT AIRCRAFT cheers Alan
  4. Hi Geoff, Attached images show the AD info for updating the rudder. There are phone numbers for Steve Dumesny at the bottom of the second page, but don't know how current they are now. Alan
  5. CAO 95.8 no longer has any reference to foot launching. Definitions from the CAO: framed hang-glider means a glider that has a maximum empty weight of less than 70 kilograms and some rigid structure. powered hang-glider means an aircraft that would be a glider, in particular a framed hang-glider, if it did not have an engine attached. The HGFA Operations Manual references these definitions. Clarification was sought back in 2011(?) to be able to include wheeled operations like nanolight trikes, such as the Airborne V-lite. The FAI (controlling body for competitions) still has a requirement for demonstrated foot launching and landing, so as long as you are not considering entering FAI sanctioned competitions it's not an issue. You will require a pilot certificate issued by the HGFA. Civil Aviation Order 95.8 Instrument 2011 cheers Alan
  6. There are headset amps out there for under $100 although I don't know how suitable they are for aviation headsets. Google "Creative Sound Blaster E1" for one such amp that caters for headsets up to 600 ohm impedance. They are designed for 3.5mm stereo plugs, so you would need adaptors and a 12v to USB for charging.
  7. Mostly stays rigged. I built a trailer for it for XC outlandings or taking it somewhere different to fly. Rigging/de-rigging takes about 45 min by myself without rushing. Here's a derig time lapse video. [MEDIA=vimeo]74189959[/MEDIA]
  8. Thanks Soleair. Yes, I built from plans with some minor mods.
  9. This particular Wedgie (pair?) definitely has issues with anything within it's territory. It's had a go at trikes, hang gliders and our ultralight gliders. You have to consider whether you stay in a thermal in it's territory and risk an attack or move away and risk not finding another thermal. Makes for interesting video's though :) Here's some other video's of the attention I've been getting at Yando.
  10. L/D is a bit over 10:1, sink rate is about 220 feet/min and stall speed is 20 mph indicated. Usually have to wipe the bugs off the trailing edge where they have run into me from behind :) Thermals nicely with no vices...and yes, it's a lot of fun to fly!
  11. Mine is a bit similar. [MEDIA=vimeo]104834489[/MEDIA]
  12. Depends on what you are comparing. Cost wise it was probably 60 - 80 % more expensive to go with the Oratex (I never actually got a quote for other systems after researching the processes of each). It's probably less now the exchange rate with the Euro is more favourable. Initially I ordered enough supplies to do the tailfeathers and tailboom to see how the system would work and then followed up with a second order to complete the wings, so I was up for double freight costs. The Goat had a target empty weight to be less than 70kg to keep it's status as a hang glider so more important than cost was the controlled finish weight of the Oratex. I wasn't confident, being a newbie to covering, that I would be able to control the weight of a Polyfiber type sytem with all the coatings to be applied. Also the Oratex adhesive is water based and virtually odourless so it is reasonably friendly to work with and wouldn't annoy any of my neighboors. Another advantage is the quick repair time. Not something one usually needs with aircraft, but we have a particularily nasty wedgie that has taken a dislike to anything airborne in it's terrritory. See the attched video. The resultant rips from the talons were repaired with the Oratex in less than an hour at the airfield. Hope this helps. cheers Alan
  13. Hi Guys, I used the Oratex UL600 to cover my Goat ultralight sailplane. I haven't covered an aircraft before (not counting the models I did 40 years ago) and found the process to be relatively straight forward. Advantages for a novice is that the weight is controlled due to the pre sealed, coloured and UV treated fabric. I dealt directly with the company in Germany with no problems except the price of freight to Oz. The Goat is the yellow aircraft appearing at about 1:20min into the following video. cheers Alan
  14. Hi Trevor, Centre mounted GPS is a Mio Moov running Oziexplorer. Strut mounted cam is one of these. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Mini-DVR-808-16-V2-Car-Key-Chain-Micro-Camera-Real-HD-720P-Pocket-Camcorder-/150860529062?pt=US_Surveillance_Digital_Video_Recorders_Cards&hash=item231ffcfda6 Rear facing cockpit cam is similar, but a wider angle lens. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Mini-DVR-808-16-V2-Lens-D-Car-Key-Chain-Micro-Camera-HD-720P-Pocket-Camcorder-/180937263580?pt=US_Surveillance_Digital_Video_Recorders_Cards&hash=item2a20b389dc and the hand held stuff is using a Kodak Zx5 All 3 cameras for less than 1 HD GoPro:) cheers Alan
  15. A few posts back there was a request for video of a Sapphire. Here's one from last Saturday. Had a nice fly around the lakes at Boort in central Victoria. cheers Alan
  16. Tex, Short aircraft and wrong "gearing" with the elevator controls. Placed some pulleys into the system to reduce the stick movement. It's a lot better now as you can see from this video. cheers Alan.
  17. I wouldn't have minded if this wedgie had of just overtaken me. cheers Alan
  18. Good question Tex..... There's nothing in the HGFA ops manual that references 3 axis, so there's no additional sign off required. It's a grey area that's never been rectified, probably due to the low number of this type. The pilots I know that fly them (including myself) were existing HGFA members before flying them and sought 3 axis training (sailplanes) to solo level. The operation of powered hang gliders and paramotors took a bit of time to address at an organisational level and they had a bigger groundswell than 3 axis hang gliders may ever have. Perhaps the next update of our ops manual will address it? cheers Alan
  19. All fly as hang gliders according to CASA. The hang gliders in the pic are back left Moyes Litespeed, back right Archaeopteryx, front right Goat and front left powered Swift. Tex, FAI require demonstration of foot launching and landing for competitions, CASA no longer makes that destinction. Section 2 of CAO 95.8 gives the definitions as empty weight means the actual weight of aircraft to which this Order applies in its airborne configuration including all fittings and equipment but excluding recovery or personnel parachutes. framed hang-glider means a glider that has a maximum empty weight of less than 70 kilograms and some rigid structure. powered hang-glider means an aircraft that would be a glider, in particular a framed hang-glider, if it did not have an engine attached. Along with gliders, paragliders, balloons etc it's important to know what else is possible to be flying in your airspace and their mode of operation. cheers Alan
  20. While we are on the hang glider education trail, lets have a little quiz... how many hang gliders can you see in this pic? cheers Alan
  21. Hi Maj, Footage is from last Tuesday near Boort Victoria. Aerotowed the goat up behind a trike. Another ultralight sailplane (Archaeopteryx) was also hit on the same day. Over the last few years several of our hang gliders have also been "scarred". The nest is only a bit over 1 km from the airfield, so at nesting time we are definetly on it's radar as a threat. Information about the goat (and other aircraft by Mike Sandlin) can be found at http://www.m-sandlin.info/ Here's a video from one of my first high tows. cheers Al
  22. Yesterday I was enjoying a pleasant afternoon soaring flight in my ultralight sailplane when I had an encounter with our resident Wedge-tailed eagle (Jack the Ripper). Only a 100mm rip this time. Last flight it was 2 x 200mm rips. I'm getting good at patching.
  23. FlyingDog, I think it's a formatting issue. If you look at the first set of coords from the comparison the lat appears to be deg min sec. ie -33.5317 or -33 deg 53 min 17 sec. This is -33 deg 53.283 min in dd mm.mm This is close to the comparison lat of -33 53.281. The long does appear to have a leading 0 missing. I remember seeing this format when trying to convert some coordinates awhile back using some sharewhere program. It also runs into the next variable without a delineator. The Lon part is 151.730, adding the leading "0" makes it 151.0730 ie 151 deg 07 min 30 sec or 151 07.5 min. This is also close to the comparison lon dd mm.mm of 151 07.482. I agree with CraigRat that the remaining part "35434.500" is another variable, maybe a numeric date format or it may even be two variables without another delineator?? There is still 30 ish meteres between the coords and the WGS84 ones you compared them with...is this close enough? Hope this helps. Al
  24. Decca, The latest release of the MioPocket software and the latest link can be found on the GPSPassion site. GpsPasSion Forums - MioPocket 2.0 (Unlock for Mios and other PNAs) ....and thanks Ross for the thread. AlanB
  25. Although I don't have a Microair radio, I purchased a music input adaptor from Barn Stormer Audio. It has the preamp required with auto mute option so you don't miss any radio calls. It runs off a 9V battery, but I modified mine to run off the planes 12V. I'm running it with a Icom A22 radio and so far I'm pretty happy with its performance. Barnstormer Audio - Aviation Headset Portable MP3 Music Adapter cheers Al
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