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Everything posted by AlanB

  1. Grounding Query Thanks for the info regarding plastic containers. I have a question regarding grounding. Where do you ground a fibreglass aircraft? My Sapphire has f/glass tanks in the wing with no dedicated grounding point. Do I ground to the Mr Funnel I use when refuelling....supposedly the Mr Funnels coduct. Or maybe to the metal drain valve at the bottom of the wing tank which would directly contact the fuel in the tank? cheers Al
  2. I recently purchased a Pentax Optio W60 for taking wing shots. Features include interval shooting, 28mm lens, waterproof and dustproof, 10M pixels. Still experimenting with settings, but so far I'm pretty happy with it. There are some other nice features such as time lapse into a movie file (AVI), The pic attached was taken from the camera mounted on the dive stick. Total weight of the camera and mount is 300g and as the lens doesn't protrude from the case side on it has a small profile. $365 from The Good Guys, $35 for a 4GB SDHC card. cheers Al [ATTACH]6746.vB[/ATTACH]
  3. Gary, I'm interested in your experiences with the Ricoh R7. I know some cameras get confused with the auto focus bouncing off the undersurface of the wing. However, reading the manual for the R8 (and R7) it has a manual focus mode that I thought would have been ideal for overcoming these problems. Years ago I had a wing mounted camera (film type) on my hang glider and had it set to focus on the pilot. With a wide angle lens there was still reasonable depth of field to have the background relatively focussed as well. I thought the R8 would be ideal, but I am having second thoughts now after your comments. Can you provide some more detail of which modes you trialled? Scotty, Not me. This shot was taken using Steve Ruffels trike (Eagle Shool of Microlighting) that I hired while holidaying at Bright a couple of years back. I don't own a two seater, but I do have a nanolight soaring trike. My friends own an Outback that we use to tow hang gliders with at Boort, so I still stay current with "big" trikes. cheers Al
  4. Arnaud, Not so brave. I was always within a glide to the Porepunkah airstrip. I'll always want a landing option no matter what or where I fly. cheers Al
  5. Oops. Forgot the pic. Al [ATTACH]6333.vB[/ATTACH]
  6. Arnaud, One way around it is to source a camera that has interval timing. Set the camera to record a pic say every 1 minute and activate it before you go flying. The camera will continue to take shots until the memory card is full. 2 and 4 GB memory cards are getting pretty cheap these days. You end up with heaps of shots, but you can just delete the ones you don't want. One such camera is the Ricoh R8. It also has a wider angle lens than most of the other point and shoot digitals, so should have a reasonable field of view when mounted out on the wing. The attached pic was taken with this method, but not with a Ricoh R8. cheers Al
  7. Add 1 Sapphire. All available seating filled. See you there. Alan
  8. Thanks for the info and the replies. I have used a slight rotation of the carby to even out the EGT readings. Is this OK to do or am I just camoflaging symptoms of problems I should be dealing with? The maintenance log was a bit sparce when I acquired the aircraft so I am assuming the engine hasn't been decoked for a while (+250 hours). I intend to have the engine checked / overhauled this winter so that I can have some sort of baseline for future engine maintenance. cheers Alan
  9. I have a 503 SCDI mounted inverted in a pusher aircraft. Last Saturday I throttled back from 5400 to 4000 RPM to descend after an hour of cruising. I also reduce airspeed to keep from leaning out the engine. On this occasion the PTO cyl leaned out while the MAG cyl remained normal (ie. slight drop in EGT). If I opened the throttle to 5000 or above the PTO cyl EGT would settle back to its normal position. Likewise for low throttle settings the temp was in its normal range. Having a single carby I thought if it was a needle/jet problem it would affect both cylinders and if it was an air leak it would show up at other throttle settings. Have I made some wrong assuptions here? The EGT did not exceed 1150, but as it hasn't done this before I would like to find the source of the problem. Any clues?? cheers Alan
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