This is a great website that clearly provides an opportunity for contributors, members and any interested parties to participate in discussion about topics related to our industry.
I seem to be witnessing a lot of posts that are tending to deviate from the original thread. I think this is a shame as then the thread is lost. Private discussion that is not related should be kept for private email! Just my opinion.
As far as the election for Board members goes, the candidates are out there and now the members have to take the opportunity to vote. If some are not keen on the candidates then make sure that you lobby for people that you may want there in the future to run next time. But this time you have who you have, so vote, or not vote and get what you get.
Democracy is all about that, so use it, use the opportunity don't just complain. I am excited about RAA and it's future and I am excited about the prospect of an opportunity to contribute if on the Board. The people that have hidden agendas are usually not smart enough to not eventually get caught out. Hopefully if there is enough good people on the Board those that are not there for the right reasons will be sorted out!
So look at the candidates, look at their interest in the industry and their background. Then make a decision. If you cannot make a decision and choose not to vote then.... Well you will get who the others vote for.
All these voting systems have flaws, from our top levels of government down and RAA is going to be no exception. But unless we can change that in the future to make it more transparent then today it is what we are stuck with for this election.
I was in local government and it was corrupt as anything I had ever seen. I fought for my community, I held Council officers accountable, I fought other Councillors having hidden agendas and I have to tell you it is not for the faint hearted if you are honest and want to make a difference, I am not expecting this to be any different.
But at the same time let's not be too negative, let's be positive that a difference can be made and focus on the good, the good people that are genuine about contributing and looking after RAA. It is not just up to the Board everyone needs to fight for the rights and privileges that we all want to enjoy.
So think positive as well and don't take your eye of the ball!