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Everything posted by edgeaviation

  1. Hi Carol I would love to chat with you, give me a call during the week. Edge Aviation would be happy to help out with workshops. The historian role would not be good for me as I am not good at that stuff. But anything else I am happy to discuss where I can help. Cheers Lorraine
  2. Just got the call to say Bill Cain is the new Rep for Victoria. My congratulations go to Bill he will do a great job and is a nice guy. I will continue to lobby in the background just the same. Thanks to all that supported my nomination. Cheers Lorraine
  3. This is a great website that clearly provides an opportunity for contributors, members and any interested parties to participate in discussion about topics related to our industry. I seem to be witnessing a lot of posts that are tending to deviate from the original thread. I think this is a shame as then the thread is lost. Private discussion that is not related should be kept for private email! Just my opinion. As far as the election for Board members goes, the candidates are out there and now the members have to take the opportunity to vote. If some are not keen on the candidates then make sure that you lobby for people that you may want there in the future to run next time. But this time you have who you have, so vote, or not vote and get what you get. Democracy is all about that, so use it, use the opportunity don't just complain. I am excited about RAA and it's future and I am excited about the prospect of an opportunity to contribute if on the Board. The people that have hidden agendas are usually not smart enough to not eventually get caught out. Hopefully if there is enough good people on the Board those that are not there for the right reasons will be sorted out! So look at the candidates, look at their interest in the industry and their background. Then make a decision. If you cannot make a decision and choose not to vote then.... Well you will get who the others vote for. All these voting systems have flaws, from our top levels of government down and RAA is going to be no exception. But unless we can change that in the future to make it more transparent then today it is what we are stuck with for this election. I was in local government and it was corrupt as anything I had ever seen. I fought for my community, I held Council officers accountable, I fought other Councillors having hidden agendas and I have to tell you it is not for the faint hearted if you are honest and want to make a difference, I am not expecting this to be any different. But at the same time let's not be too negative, let's be positive that a difference can be made and focus on the good, the good people that are genuine about contributing and looking after RAA. It is not just up to the Board everyone needs to fight for the rights and privileges that we all want to enjoy. So think positive as well and don't take your eye of the ball! Cheers Lorraine
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  4. One of the issues with these elections that I have found is more than half the people I have spoken to did not even know that the ballot paper was under the plastic covering the magazine. Hence the ballot paper and accompanying envelope went out in the garbage. I know this is academic now but the ballot paper should be inserted in the magazine where it will fall into people's laps. However there still is another couple of issues with elections and that is, you then have to actually fill it out, and wait for it......go and mail it, which requires going to a post box. Then the next issue is the people that have plenty to say and complain about but can't be bothered to vote! Maybe the voting would get a greater response if it was done online! I think there are ways that it can be done securely online. Anyway I agree if there is a low percentage of voters it does not really show that people care. It is your organization so people should vote. People like myself bother to give of our time for free to try and contribute so people should be bothered to vote. How we get that message out to the membership needs to be explored. One other issue is the many people that just motor along and while everything appears to be okay they are happy until something goes wrong and then the organization is the worst in the world. Just thoughts. Cheers Lorraine
  5. Finally made it back. First the members come first. It is your RAA. I was the Finance Manager at what was the Training Aircraft Logistics Management Squadron at RAAF East Sale for 7 years. I managed the support for a total of 76 aircraft. The reason I mention this is how many people on the Board have a financial and/or business background as well as knowledge of the industry and the members needs? It is often s big call to have Board members that have the additional skills required to be able to make informed, educated and sound decisions. Or you get hopefully Board members that are willing to learn and are well intentioned, then unfortunately sometimes we get people that have a personal agenda or just want an opportunity to feel power and importance. I have no time for the latter and if we have any of those they will be fair game for me. RAA certainly needs to have its structure looked at and inefficiencies in the organization. Pilot Examiner numbers should be increased and this be a fee for service job as it is now. The Ops Manager cannot be everywhere, probably one of the reasons Mick Poole is moving on where he may also be able to have a life, spend some time at home with his family. For a start this would ease the what must be a huge travel budget. The Ops Manager should not be doing every school check, flight test etc. Grossly inefficient and I would suggest costly to the members, that is just one example. As for financials they should be transparent. It is your money, you are the shareholders. I was a Shire Councillor for a term and one of my beefs was the lack of transparency, the funds expended that ratepayers never see. It is interesting how an administration can manipulate Councillors, the weaker ones to run their agenda for them. The same applies to Boards. Employees of organizations need to remember who pays their wages. Transparency and communication are significant issues, without those you don't have trust. That seems to be what is a current issue with the present Board, and that needs and must be addressed. That's it for this post off to get a coffee. Cheers Lorraine
  6. The costs of running the organization should almost be proportionate to the number of members. If RAA was in the black with x number of members per number of staff required to administer it,then if the member base goes up the staff can proportionately. The organization should remain in the black. When operating costs increase, such as for wages increase etc, then fees may have to increase to sustain the organization. It is concerning that the member numbers have increased, and yet we have not managed to budget such that we could at least break even. Mmmmmmm Lorraine
  7. I am not up with the financial issues of RAA. But if elected I will discuss this with Board. Correct appropriation of members funds is very important.
  8. Back again after a day with family and some flying so can't beat that. Good to see that people are thinking about what bugs them and what you want from a Board member. RAA is growing fast and it needs to be able to keep up with the number of members and the changing flying environment. Your Board members should be representing you and your interests. They need to act in the best interest of the RAA and it's members at the same time maintaining an environment and culture that spells out safe and fun flying. At the same time you need to vote. This is something I am very passionate about, we have choices as members, we can nominate and try and make a difference (not for everyone), we can vote for a candidate that we think may act in the best interests of the members and the organization or we can sit and accept what comes our way. But if you do not vote fir whomever you think may do that job for you, then please do not complain. You have the chance to have your say by voting, so I say have it. Cheers Lorraine
  9. Thanks so much for your kinds words, I will do my best. Cheers Lorraine
  10. Thanks Frank I am. I live and breath this industry apart from it being how I earn a living, it is my hobby and my life really. So how it is influenced by our governing bodies is very important. If you have any questions pleasevask away I will try and keep up with them. Cheers Lorraine
  11. Hi all finally made it to the site. For those that don't know me I run a full-time aviation business , Edge Aviation with my husband Bob. I am based at West Sale, in Gippsland. I am also one of a lucky few that lives on their airport. An RAA Senior Instructor, Bob is my CFI, so a nice husband and wife team. I have a GA background, but spend most of my time involved in RAA activities. I love my flying, it is my business but more importantly it is my life. So I care deeply about the organisation that governs my business and my recreation. Hence my I nominated for the Board. So if anyone in Victoria wants to chat either via this site or call me or email me then please do. [email protected] Ph 0419307768 In between flying I will try and keep up with any questions. Cheers Lorraine
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  12. Hi Lorraine MacGillivrary Victoria Board candidate. I have posted my intro on Just Landed. I clearly need to keep touch with this site. It is great for hearing what concerns people have. Voting is important if you want to have input into who is your voice and making sure you influence the way your governing body is run. I am passionate about my flying and the organization that impact on my flying life. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. If I am elected in Victoria I am available anytime. Any concerned Victorian voters can phone me if you like 0419307768. Cheers all and happy voting, don't forget if you don't want to vote or can't be bothered, it is your governing body.
  13. Thought I would say hi and introduce myself. I work full-time in aviation, hold a GA licence and am a RAA Senior Instructor. Based at West Sale, run an RAA flying school with 33 students. I love my flying, love the industry and could not imagine my life without it. These elections are important if we want to makes sure that the members have a voice and your concerns and ideas on how the organization is run are heard. I am very keen to see that the RAA organization is resources sufficiently to keep up with the rapid growth, in member numbers and technological growth, that's is more aircraft types and higher performance in some areas. No we cannot forget the people that just want flying around their local area and not be too encumbered by over regulation. However, we also have to look after those that seek more technology, performance and increased privileges. So I am about being across the board (pardon the pun) representation. However our flying is about fun and enjoyment, but also about safety and that can never be overlooked. Look forward to chatting with as many of you as I can, in between my flying. Cheers Lorraine
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