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  1. Hi. I agree the pictures are inconsistent. There are my pictures, taken in my workshop, and then some pictures of the same engine mounted on flying aircraft (in order to show it fitted to an airframe). My apologies for the confusion. By brand new I mean it has never been fitted to an airframe, and never run (other than initially firing it up to she/hear it running). I have also regularly turned the engine over by hand. As for the appearance of the engine - it has been in my workshop for the past 10 years, and has “dulled” over time. I was very motivated to sell the engine because we were moving back to NZ. However, I received no offers so the engine was crated and shipped out here. It is actually still in transit, and will arrive at the end of the month. I will possibly sell it locally, o r use it myself. I would remove the advert from Rec Aviation, but can’t find a way to do so. Regards Duncan
  2. No builder's manual. But there seem to be HUNDREDS of sheets of A1 sized plans. And there is a very active Sonex online group where you can get all the help your heart desires.
  3. MMM let me check. But I don't think so.
  4. Hi. Yes they are. Actually we are busy packing at the moment for a move to New Zealand, and I have just found them in the workshop. Where are you based?
  5. Hi. Some years ago there was quite a stir about a New Zealand designed aircraft engine. From what I remember, production was moved to the US, where it seems to have died. Last I heard, the designer returned the engine to NZ to continue development. And then nothing. Anyone know anything about this engine? The designer? Current status? Regards, Duncan
  6. I'm selling my Valley Engineering "Big Bad Twin" (as they called it). It is a Generac big blovk (990cc) engine together with custom made Culver prop and custom belt redrive. The engine is brand new. I bought it to mount in my then project, but I now realise it is a bit too big. Valley Engineering, said that their 50hp motor turning a larger prop (which they supplied) outperforms the 60 hp direct drive vw, and it does so with a pretty significant weigh savings at only 29 litres per hour. Some information (from Valley Engineering) 50hp 9 litres per hour 115kg static thrust (250 lbs) 1000 hour TBO 990cc Generac industrial engine Weber carb Custom carb heat Custom exhausts (made by Valley Engineering) Electric start Alternator Oil cooler and filter Valley Engineering belt redrive with auto tensioner Custom wooden prop by Culver Props 52kg with oil in cranc, starter, alternator, redrive, oil cooler (verified by me) The engine is brand new, only run for a minute or so to verify starting etc From the lightsportaircraft website: "The "Big Twin" starts out life as a Generac generator engine, which Valley Engineering modifies with the addition of a specially designed intake manifold and carburation. With the low rpm and low compression, Gene estimates the TBO at 1,000 hours. Valley Engineering is offering "Big Twin" engine firewall forward packages which include a custom intake manifold, Weber carburetor, custom carb heat and a Culver propeller. The packages are available direct drive or with the Valley Engineering PSRU unit, and can be used both tractor and pusher configurations. The engine package weighs in wet with oil, 20 amp alternator, starter, oil cooler, and filter at 117 lbs." Originally bought for $7500 USD ($11,320 AUD) Asking price: 50% of new (i.e. $5660) Pick up only from Moggill, Brisbane. (Or arrange courier).
  7. I have a set o0f unused SD-1 Spacek plans together with the licence. %50
  8. I have a full set of Sonex plans for sale. $50
  9. Hi. I have been sourcing all my wood (plywood, Hoop Pine and Cedart strips) from Boatcraft Pacific in Brisbane. However, I am moving to New Zealand (far north - Paihia or Kerikeri) and was wanting to ask for recommendations regarding a good supplier of these materials in NZ. Tyhanks in advance, Duncanj
  10. I am selling the wings to my Aeromax. The wing spars were built in the Aeromax factory, and I built the rest. The wings are fully built, but not covered. The Aeromax and the Airbike use identical wings, apart from the aluminium fittings to attach them to the fuselage. Same airfoil, same construction and same span. I can't complete the build, so the wings have to go to a deserving home. I'm asking $950 for the wings as well, if you wish, the full set of tail feathers (fin, rudder, h-stab and elevator). The cost of the kit to build the wings is well in excess of four times my asking price - so if you'd like to save 75% of the cost of the kit, as well as saving the 6-weeks it takes to build the wings, then grab this now. I'm based in Brisbane. Please feel free to drop me a line and come see for yourself. Sorry about some of the photos being upside-down - I don't know whiy this is, and I couldn't fix it. Apologies.
  11. Oops - It seems I was less than clear. I ive in Aus, but my son resides in SA. He is wanting to learn to fly and has been offered a PPL or a Microlight licence path. I know nothing about Microlite licences in SA, and I was hoping someone would have the necessary experience to say something like: "Th SA Microlite licence is roughly equivalent to a Recreational licence in Aus." Or something along those lines.
  12. Hi My son is in SA and is wanting to learn to fly. It seems his two options (in the area where he lives - Cape Town) are a PPL or a Microlite licence/cert (don't know the exact name). Is there anyone with some experience with this? Where can I (or he) find info regarding pilot licences in SA other than a full PPL. Regards, Duncan
  13. ...maybe fit floats to the Flea? Ha ha.
  14. My wife and I are considering moving to Paihia in Northland, NZ. I've flown into Kerikeri (once) - but don't really know much about recreational flying in the area. Anyone have any info/background/suggestions/advice? I got my PPL at North Shore aero club about 15 years ago, and have done almost no flying since then. I'm currently building a Flying Flea, which I hope to finish next year. I'd like to be able to fly in and around the Bay of Islands. Thanks.
  15. Thank you for your replies. I've dropped Coldsign a note asking for details, price, availability etc. Cheers, Duncan
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