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Everything posted by nick_reese

  1. Crikey if you added a few crocs ...
  2. Lismore airport full flood ...
  3. Freedom of Speech? Nah, this is just a winging Karen who believes she is right no matter what. Her 'group', with support from previous (now no longer on the council) councillors, previously tried to severely curtail aviation operations at Lismore. She set up a change dot org page and only managed 241 supporters - the Lismore Airport Business and Aviators Association countermanded this with a CDO page that received over 900 supporters - we also received a vast majority of support on a Lismore Council 'have your say' online petition. We helped to organise major political change on Lismore City Council that saw a whole lot of councillors swept away and replaced by a pro-business group who swept the board with a majority that was an historical victory. The Lismore aviation sector just got absolutely creamed by a massive flood that took out at least $3million worth of light aircraft. Half the hangars still do not have doors due to damage. We have one operator (apart from the chopper guys) who is up and running again, who is the object of this nutjob's nastiness. The flood creamed my office, my training room, my aircraft ended up wrapped around a tree, another one of our training aircraft was trashed, our hangar owner's house and hangar was completely wiped out, our nominated L2's hangar was creamed, the aero club was smashed with the loss of four aircraft and all training and office facilities, and this vindictive a-hole who did not have four feet of water through their house wants to complain because one of our operators has training up and running again. Go right ahead anyone who wants to be critical ...
  4. The wingers are at it again in Lismore: From: Judith To: the aircraft operator in question In regards to Training Fri 29/4/22 4pm Why is *** roaring over Lismore doing circuits at about 550ft and not within the fly neighbourly zone. This is really disrespectful to the flood victims of Lismore and unacceptable. As you well know your Beech Barons are extremely noisy and low circuits over our residences is really disturbing. Please ensure your pilots are familiar and compliant with the Fly neighbourly guidelines. This is the same Judith who created an online petition which calls for State, Federal and local Council representatives to make some regulatory and practical changes - including the re-designation of the Lismore airport runway direction. “Changing the runway direction from south to north will take the flights out west, and not over the residential areas of Lismore,” Judith said. I'm glad there's someone out there that can accurately judge the height of an aircraft to be 550'!, even though she doesn't have a clue how circuit direction is determined. Nick
  5. Strange comment Nev. Of course he had a say in it - he was pilot in command. Brakes put weight on the nose wheel? That shouldn't be a problem if hold the yoke / stick back and apply the correct amount of braking - like I said - sounds like he may have been concerned about running out of runway. It still looks like he lost directional control, and, too late, decided to go around, and adding power only exacerbated the situation when the aircraft was likely below Take Off Safety Speed - 1.2 x Vs.
  6. From what I have read, it was a son and father - son flying. Unconfirmed eyewitness on the scene said the aircraft bounced a few times on landing (which will explain the 'landing long') - sounds like he then lost directional control when applying brakes (worried about running out of runway?) - then applying power while veering left at low speed would only exacerbate the pull to the left (similar accident happened in the US last year) and increase the speed of impact - the guy did well to slot the aircraft into that space ...
  7. Yeah, we've got a special type of Stupid Hippy here in Lismore - the sort the goes to a protest, but doesn't know what it's about until they get there (and apologies to all Hippies - there's plenty of smart ones). I find it hard to believe that the council can take them seriously when one of the main protagonists refer to pilots as "rich thrill-seekers". I don't think they are going to get much traction on the noise issue. I live under the circuit for runway 15 and have to run outside to my verandah to hear and see the aircraft properly. I might lodge a protest to the council that the aircraft aren't noisy enough - having to run outside all the time to check out the aircraft in the circuit is causing me physical and mental stress ...
  8. Yes, the submission was just in regards to the budget. There was not really any We submitted the document on June 8 - council meeting was on the 15th of June.
  9. The proposal at the time was just to address the proposed changes in airport fees, which was the item on the agenda at the council meeting.
  10. Incorrect! We formed the Lismore Airport Users Group, and made the following submission, which was completely ignored by the council. Lismore Airport Users Group Meeting 16 May 2021 Spectrum Aviation Hangar, Lismore Airport (Full names have been shortened for privacy reasons) In attendance: Andreas U, Rob G, David B, Austin C, Wally S, Tony M, Nicholas R, Krystal F, Les and Fay M, Dieter R, Craig R. Apologies: Izaac F, Nick K, John M, Christopher W, Mike B, David W, Garry L, Malcolm Y, Kelly Y, Shannon T, Matt W. The decision was made to create the Lismore Airport Users Group (LAUG). Anyone with a vested interest in the use of Lismore Airport is welcome as part of the group. Fee changes for Lismore Airport The LAUG would like the following points considered in regards to the proposed landing fee changes for Lismore Airport: The airport has a community benefit beyond revenue generation, and while cost recovery should be a consideration, it should not occur to the detriment of the prosperity of established businesses. It is reasonable that there should be some subsidisation of the airport by ratepayers in view of this community benefit. For some people, there is also a recreational benefit obtained from access to an airport, and for others there is an educational benefit. No change in current landing fees as users will be put at a financial disadvantage to the point that they will move their aircraft and/or businesses to airfields that are more economically viable. Rate payers, hangar tenants, and visitors of the Lismore LGA have the availability of subscription-based tax (commonly referred to as annual fees) for other LCC administered public recreational facilities such as the Goonellabah Sports and Aquatic Centre and the Memorial Baths. The removal of the annual fee structure from the Lismore Aviation Recreation Centre (Lismore Airport) unfairly disadvantages the local aviator minority group, the vast majority who contribute to the LCC budget through business activities and rates. In contrast, the far larger number of boat owners in the region do not pay for the usage of public infrastructure such as boat ramps and car parks. It would be fair and reasonable for owners and lessees of infrastructure located at the Lismore Aviation Recreational Centre, who directly contribute to the prosperity of the public facility by way of taxes, voluntary maintenance and services, to have the landing fees for one personal recreational aircraft waived. Proposed recommending to Lismore City Council for the removal of one-off landing fees for aircraft that are visiting and carrying out a single landing. There are numerous reports of aircraft using either incorrect aircraft registrations in their radio calls, or not carrying out a radio call at all, to avoid being charged a landing fee when they are only wanting to refuel. This is an operational problem that should be reported to CASA if identified, but the removal of a one-off landing fee will remove the problem, improve the general safety of operating at the airport, and will lead to increased fuel sales, ensuring the long term viability of fuel provision services at the airport. The long term availability of fuel is also essential for emergency services. Lismore City Council to advise as to the reasoning for the decision to remove the annual usage fee.
  11. I'm happy to help with any submission - one of the glaring gaps in the apparent planning process is the lack of consulation with airport users - at least we have started an informal airport users group in an attempt to plug this gap - the airport noise lobby doesn't appear to have a lot of clout - from surveys I have done on local Lismore FB groups the airport has a lot more supporters than detractos. I live under the base leg for runway 15 (have done for 7 years) and do not find any problem with the noise - if anything I get cranky at the pilots who pull their power back too fast when turning onto base :-), and I can really only hear that if I am outside. Also - see the text below from a recent Daily Telegraph article: Readers slam plane noise ‘whinge’ Daily Telegraph June 18, 2021 Readers have come out in defence of flights schools in Lismore, calling complaints “codswallop”. A petition has been circulating calling for the regulation of flights allowed to fly over Lismore, but not everyone agrees. In response to a story earlier this week about the petition, many readers said the number of training flights over the town was not excessive, and they were not bothered by the noise. In a letter distributed to residents, residents were urged to support a petition calling for regulation of flights, saying people were “expressing increased stress related to the noise which is now very frequent and disturbing”. Supporters of the petition said residents deserved “peace and quiet”, but readers on social media suggested the complainant might be a “whinger”, and that the industry was good for the town. Louise McKenzie said: “I live in East Lismore under the flight path. I have not noticed an increase in air traffic. It is nice to watch the planes fly in the day and at night. They create jobs and assist people to get from one town to another. Keep in mind that we also need the planes in the sky when there are natural emergencies”. Philip O’Hehir said: “That person needs to move on, airport has been around for a long time”. Charmain Hardie: “How do these people think airline pilots start their careers? Obviously they don’t require licensed pilots to fly the planes to get them to their holiday destinations”. Rossco Wilson said: “Good for the town”. Felicity Miller McDonald said: “What a lot of codswallop”. Kerry Hensen said: “We live in South and don’t have a problem with them, and yes we are in the flight path, they turn over our house. The only time we worry is when it’s a overcast day and they fly a bit lower, but otherwise no problem”. Ken Ferguson said: “What a whinger. get a life.”
  12. I don't think they publish a list - ring them back or send a message from their contact page - they appear to keep track of calls / callers / issues quite well.
  13. All sorted very nicely now! Phone calls AND emails.
  14. I came within about 4 metres of hitting an eagle with a very large fish in its talons at Ballina once. It would have been interesting trying to explain how the windscreen came to be smashed by a fish ...
  15. I just wish they would return my phone calls and emails ...
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