Incorrect! We formed the Lismore Airport Users Group, and made the following submission, which was completely ignored by the council.
Lismore Airport Users Group Meeting 16 May 2021
Spectrum Aviation Hangar, Lismore Airport
(Full names have been shortened for privacy reasons)
In attendance: Andreas U, Rob G, David B, Austin C, Wally S, Tony M, Nicholas R, Krystal F, Les and Fay M, Dieter R, Craig R.
Apologies: Izaac F, Nick K, John M, Christopher W, Mike B, David W, Garry L, Malcolm Y, Kelly Y, Shannon T, Matt W.
The decision was made to create the Lismore Airport Users Group (LAUG). Anyone with a vested interest in the use of Lismore Airport is welcome as part of the group.
Fee changes for Lismore Airport
The LAUG would like the following points considered in regards to the proposed landing fee changes for Lismore Airport:
The airport has a community benefit beyond revenue generation, and while cost recovery should be a consideration, it should not occur to the detriment of the prosperity of established businesses. It is reasonable that there should be some subsidisation of the airport by ratepayers in view of this community benefit. For some people, there is also a recreational benefit obtained from access to an airport, and for others there is an educational benefit.
No change in current landing fees as users will be put at a financial disadvantage to the point that they will move their aircraft and/or businesses to airfields that are more economically viable.
Rate payers, hangar tenants, and visitors of the Lismore LGA have the availability of subscription-based tax (commonly referred to as annual fees) for other LCC administered public recreational facilities such as the Goonellabah Sports and Aquatic Centre and the Memorial Baths. The removal of the annual fee structure from the Lismore Aviation Recreation Centre (Lismore Airport) unfairly disadvantages the local aviator minority group, the vast majority who contribute to the LCC budget through business activities and rates. In contrast, the far larger number of boat owners in the region do not pay for the usage of public infrastructure such as boat ramps and car parks.
It would be fair and reasonable for owners and lessees of infrastructure located at the Lismore Aviation Recreational Centre, who directly contribute to the prosperity of the public facility by way of taxes, voluntary maintenance and services, to have the landing fees for one personal recreational aircraft waived.
Proposed recommending to Lismore City Council for the removal of one-off landing fees for aircraft that are visiting and carrying out a single landing. There are numerous reports of aircraft using either incorrect aircraft registrations in their radio calls, or not carrying out a radio call at all, to avoid being charged a landing fee when they are only wanting to refuel. This is an operational problem that should be reported to CASA if identified, but the removal of a one-off landing fee will remove the problem, improve the general safety of operating at the airport, and will lead to increased fuel sales, ensuring the long term viability of fuel provision services at the airport. The long term availability of fuel is also essential for emergency services.
Lismore City Council to advise as to the reasoning for the decision to remove the annual usage fee.