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Everything posted by glenT300

  1. Not as yet, no. I've come in contact with some really nice and helpful people along the way though. Have you possibly got something for me BrendAn?
  2. I've looked into those and they are a good option with minimal fuss. From memory the setup was around 12k which is definitely out of reach at the moment.
  3. Hi Nev. There are a few new 582s left. You can get a bare bones one for about $8200 aud. As much as I'd love to go this way I'm under strict instruction to explore cheaper avenues. With the new simplified MARAP system with RAAus I'm hoping the people who can will upgrade to a 912 and sell their 582. Wishful thinking maybe.
  4. Hey RFguy. Are you considering it for yourself?
  5. Do you know the hrs of the engine and where is it located?
  6. Thanks Bllieadventures. Something to think about.
  7. Interesting. I know a guy who wants a drifter to put a 912 onto. Could be worth a look.
  8. Hello everyone. Does anyone have a 582 they'd be per$uaded to part with? I'm looking to upgrade from my current 532 and feel this would be a sensible transition. Either grey or blue head is fine.
  9. Thanks Nev. Shame they're so expensive. If I can get my hands on a second hand one, I will.
  10. Excellent. Thanks for the info.
  11. I'm trying to get my hands on a flywheel puller kit for a rotax 532. I think it's the same kit used for a 503 and 447. They seem a bit over priced new and was hoping there might be a second hand one getting around not being used. Otherwise tips on removing the flywheel without this tool would be a big help too.
  12. It's a bit ridiculous isn't it. I emailed them around that same time. They're probably being bombarded currently with this same question. Waiting with bated breath.
  13. Thanks for that. Gives me some questions to ask RAAUS.
  14. Hi Nev. Yeah I've heard this about the 532s which is one of the reasons I don't want to throw too much money at it. I'd prefer 4 stroke or a 582 but I don't think I can fit either on the T300 legally. From my understanding the T300 only came out with the 503 or 532. I've emailed RAaus Tech so hopefully they can give me some clarity and direction. Ideally I'd like to fly behind the 532 on condition for a short period of time then upgrade to a 582 in the not too distant future and when the bank permits.
  15. Is his name Wal? If so I spoke to him and he wouldn't touch it because it's a 532 and parts are a bit of an issue. If it's a different guy I would greatly appreciate his number.
  16. I bought this aircraft for cheap affordable flying. Cheap affordable flying isn't having to send my engine overseas for overhaul every 5 years irrespective of how many hours of flying I've done. Mine is an 89 model and they've classified it as certified and a 25 rego so not much I can do about that. Hopefully I get some joy out of the Tech manager.
  17. Thank you for the info. I knew there was something I was missing to the puzzle. I thought this must have been a new rule or an ignored one. I'll get in touch with the tech manager and see what they say. Fingers crossed I get this sorted as painlessly as possible.
  18. That sounds cool. Was the T300 fitted from factory or was it a mod? I didn’t realise T300 came out with the 582? In my log book it only indicates that mine came out with the 503 or 532 option. Maybe mine was an earlier model but if yours was from factory with the 582 maybe I can go that direction. She must be a rocket with the 582? As for on condition it has to be allowed and stated by the manufacturer that you can do it. Maybe it's different it the 582? I might do some digging on that one. Seems like a sensible option if it's possible.
  19. One of the registration guys at Raaus. He said because it is 25 rego it is a certified aircraft and therefore an LSA. I did some searching around and found what he said on the RAAUS website. It's a bit stupid because if it was any other prefect you can run on condition.
  20. Hello community. I have a Thruster T300 which is of 25 rego and after much work and an L2 inspection I believed it to be ready to fly. Turns out my 532 engine, which has only done 117 hrs, is due overhaul due to the 5 year rule on 25 registered aircraft. So, my question is where do I go from here? My plane is certified for either a rotax 503 or 532. Neither of these are in production any more and no one in Australia want to touch them to overhaul due to parts shortage. I've priced up freight to Florida and I'm looking at $1200 each way to send an engine to rotax rick plus overhaul cost. Have I wasted the last year and alot of money on an aircraft which is basically scrap? I was aware of the tbo rule but I was under the impression it wasn't relevant on aircraft for private use. This Clearly isn't the case. Is it possible to change the 25 registration to another prefect? Is there another engine option I can adopt? Is there any point of either buying or owning a 25 registered plane with this tbo restriction? Looking for advice and options. She's a great little plane in excellent condition that shouldn't go to waste. I would be comfortable flying this engine 'on condition' but I don't think that's an option.
  21. Awesome. Thanks for that. I appreciate the conformation. Medium it is!
  22. So contacted Mackay Rubber and they have something similar but in soft, medium or hard. Which would you all recommend? I was leaning toward the medium. They have a weight capability chart but not sure whether I need to allow for engine torque?
  23. Thanks for that. I'll give them a go.👍
  24. Howdy all. I'm trying to find where I can purchase new engine mount rubbers for a T300. I've hunted around but can't seem to find them or a part number anywhere. The I.D is 13mm. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Glen.
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