Hello community.
I have a Thruster T300 which is of 25 rego and after much work and an L2 inspection I believed it to be ready to fly. Turns out my 532 engine, which has only done 117 hrs, is due overhaul due to the 5 year rule on 25 registered aircraft. So, my question is where do I go from here? My plane is certified for either a rotax 503 or 532. Neither of these are in production any more and no one in Australia want to touch them to overhaul due to parts shortage. I've priced up freight to Florida and I'm looking at $1200 each way to send an engine to rotax rick plus overhaul cost. Have I wasted the last year and alot of money on an aircraft which is basically scrap? I was aware of the tbo rule but I was under the impression it wasn't relevant on aircraft for private use. This Clearly isn't the case. Is it possible to change the 25 registration to another prefect? Is there another engine option I can adopt? Is there any point of either buying or owning a 25 registered plane with this tbo restriction? Looking for advice and options. She's a great little plane in excellent condition that shouldn't go to waste. I would be comfortable flying this engine 'on condition' but I don't think that's an option.