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Everything posted by sseeker

  1. Hi Burbles, It's not really an 'endorsement' (he told me it was CTA though) however I seem to remember Basscheffers saying something about you being restricted to the aerodrome you learn from because of the special exemption conditions. So really it's not a 'true' CTA endorsement, you're restricted to the aerodrome you learn from. In this case, Jandakot. -Andrew EDIT: I also have about 8hrs GA at Jandakot and I also study aviation at school and have been over the procedures many times with a Grade 1 instructor. I told him this and he quoted me ~3hrs.
  2. Today my friend sent me a link to the latest RA-Aus school in WA which is located at Jandakot. Cloud Dancer Pilot Training are currently doing RA-Aus pilot certificates and will apparently be conducting GA training very soon. The school operates SportStars (both GA and RA-Aus) with a CTSW in GA rego (I think) They are the West Australian dealers for Evektor and Flight Design. They have received their exemption from CASA to operate in Class D airspace. I'm heading down for a brief on CTA tomorrow and check out their facilities, aeroplanes etc... Will keep you posted. Just thought some people from Perth would be interested, especially if you're sick of driving 1hr+ to get to the aerodrome you fly from. He has given me these *approximate* rates which he gave me over the phone and he wasn't 100% sure of them so don't hold me for it. All rates are wet. $250/hr Dual $180/hr Solo Very steep but I suppose he has his costs and they'd be much higher than a Class G aerodrome. Both include the $25 landing fee and it's $3 per touch and go. He also told me that all pilots need a Class 2 medical and estimated it'd take me 3hrs of flying to reach my CTA endorsement to fly at Jandakot. Thanks, Andrew
  3. Hey Ross, Thanks I got the email and it's working fine and I've worked everything out I think. I think OziExplorer should add a search function to the waypoint list, would sure make waypoint navigation easier. Is it possible to add custom cursors in OziCE? -Andrew
  4. Hi, GPS arrived today from China and I managed to set everything up and it's all running well. Thanks for the info slarti! Would it be possible for you to post a new download link to your OziCE home screen? The link further back in the thread is dead now. Also can you navigate directly to a waypoint just by selecting options on the GPS unit? Or do you have to set the route up in OziPC first then import it? I'll be flying this weekend so I'll have to test it out :D Thanks for your help! Andrew EDIT: Disregard I've found the all-in-one page, thanks! Still wondering about the routes though...
  5. sseeker

    Schools in

    One thing I don't understand is wire has a drag force of 1.1 when the aerofoil has a drag force of 1.0, if you stuck an aerofoil around the wire it'd have a drag force of 1.0 right? So that's hardly improving the efficiency unless you had a lot of wire? Or was he saying that the aerofoil was bigger than the piece of wire (in surface area) yet was more aerodynamic? -Andrew
  6. I don't know if this is any help to anyone, but this .KML file (it can be converted to a .gpx or .wpt file for OziExplorer) has all airport/aerodromes in WA (including all center of WA country strips). I have a .wpt (I think) file with all aerodromes in Australia loaded into it if anyone wants it. Regards, Andrew See attached for WA airstrips. Airports-&-Airfields-20101206224533.zip Airports-&-Airfields-20101206224533.zip Airports-&-Airfields-20101206224533.zip
  7. Hi Pud, Yeah I did end up going, forgot to PM you, sorry about that! Is Jack getting a new aeroplane? Do you know what type? It's a nice setup alright, lots of friendly club members. I was flying at sunset without the doors, piece of cake really, handles the same. Regards, Andrew
  8. Hi Mike, I was wrong, the Skyfox at Bindoon is infact a CA22. Apparently you won't have much luck finding a CA25 though. -Andrew
  9. It's banned because of some problems Ian had with them. No content to do with them is allowed to be posted. All I can say is 2 strokes have a better power to weight ratio (weight being engine weight), use more fuel, I don't hear a lot of good things about them and are commonly associated with a whipper snipper Andrew
  10. Arghh there's too many different models!! I'll clarify for you tomorrow Mike. Andrew
  11. Hi Mike, My school owns a C25 (taildragger) and a CA25N (Gazelle) the aircraft for sale at Bindoon is a CA25 (taildragger) as far as I'm aware. I'm gonna be at Bindoon this weekend, if you want me to check for you. EDIT: In fact, if the plane advertised has a Rotax 912 in it like the ad says then it must be a CA25 because the CA22 has a anti-clockwise prop rotation (from the cockpit) and a different engine I'm pretty sure. Regards, Andrew
  12. Ahhhhh c'mon I thought we were talking about the REAL Red Baron here, none of this modern plastic fantastic stuff The official roll rate for them is 400 degrees every 1 second at a specific speed (which I couldn't say) on the single seat versions and 360 degrees every 1 second on the two seaters. Would be a lot of fun to fly! -Andrew
  13. Why would anyone want CASA to govern their organisation? CASA is chaotic already just handling the GA guys. Could you imagine if they got rid of RA-Aus (that's if they are gonna do that) and took on a whole new group of 10,000 odd member? A mate of mine waited 3 MONTHS to have his CIR paperwork approved. What will happen to the executives that currently work with RA-Aus? Will they still have job? No one has answered my questions regarding age either..... -Andrew
  14. I'm also concerned about this. If CASA goes ahead and takes over the recreational sector, does this mean they will change the solo age to 16 and licence age to 17? If this is the case I lose my certificate and ability to fly solo which would **** me right off. -Andrew
  15. Looks like a lot of fun although he must have some extreme confidence in his gyro/engine to be doing stuff like that. -Andrew
  16. David, so basically any RA-Aus registered aeroplane can be operated below 500ft, only with a low level endorsement or proof of prior training/experience (when it was legal) and must comply with section 6.2 -Andrew
  17. Sorry I'm an idiot! LOL just read your post David. Sorry makes sense now! RA-Aus could be more specific in saying "Section 6.2 of CAO 95.10" and then it says that you need a low level endorsement. -Andrew
  18. David, thanks for pointing that out however the RA-Aus operations manual says, Section 2.01 RA-Aus Ops Manual: "No person shall operate an RA-Aus registered aircraft below 500ft AGL unless: a. The aircraft is operated to the requirements set out in CAO 95.55, 95.32, Section 6.2 or relevant legislation as amended from time to time, and b. Holding an RA-Aus Low Level Endorsement, or c. Provide written proof to the operations manager of an RA-Aus recognised equivalent." So that is an overall rule that all RA-Aus pilots must follow. This law stuff often confuses me so I may be missing something here but it doesn't say 95.10 there. So unless it's mentioned somewhere in section 6.2 it's not allowed. 95.10 aircraft do not comply with CAO 95.55 or 95.32 (as far as I'm aware) therefore they cannot be operated below 500ft fullstop. -Andrew
  19. David, sorry I must have missed that post. The operations manual doesn't permit 95.10 aircraft below 500ft as far as I can see, my manual says 95.55 and 95.32 only. Has it been updated? -Andrew
  20. Hi Maj, I couldn't agree more, my CFI even went to the effort of putting this in the students handling notes: [ATTACH]12796.vB[/ATTACH] I agree with Nev also, the Gazelle really isn't that slow however it does have a **** load more drag than the Jabiru. I'm not doing this to get the LP endorsement I'm doing it to take the doors off the Gazelle to take some photos with a friend... I was just told I needed the endorsement to do the flight. -Andrew
  21. David, additionally you must hold the RA-Aus endorsement and the aircraft must be registered under CAO 95.55 or CAO 95.32. According to the ops manual any other type is not allowed below 500ft unless taking off or landing. -Andrew
  22. Dexter, I can see where you're coming from but the cruise of the Gazelle isn't 80kts, at 5000rpm the cruise is like 65-70kts this is why my school is issuing the LP endorsement, because it cruise at less than 80kts. Then the question is what does RA-Aus base there 80kts on? I always thought that cruise was 75% power. -Andrew
  23. I use a Cam Shot HT10 which appears to only be available from Race Recall here in Australia (just google their name) it was a bargain at $199 including free express postage. Comes with tonnes of moutning gear, head straps etc however the headset mount was a DIY job out of the gear I was supplied with. I can give you some pictures if you want. The camera has a 120 degree wide angle lense, runs on an SD card of up to 32GB (4GB gave me 1.2hrs recording), comes with a long life lithium battery, waterproof for up to 10m so you can take it swimming. Disadvantages are the camera is fairly large when it looks small on the website, it is headset mountable but I need to redesign my mount so it's lower for the Gazelle, the Jabiru won't be a problem. It's by far the best deal you'll get for a sporting camera and its quality is reasonable. GoPro is like $300AUD for just the camera and the ContourHD is something like $450AUD for the camera and mounts are on top of that. Pud explained it all pretty clearly. The Super Light Aircraft Club of WA leases the land from the AG college and has ~31 hangars, the club also allows a flying school to operate, TopFun Aviation. The full length of the strip is not useable, however it is landable in the case of an emergency. Strip length is 800m usable with 600m unusable I *think* Also gives you loads of extra room incase of an EFATO. I'll probably be there the next two Saturdays and I think Bob is also there most weekends (I usually see him on Sundays) -Andrew
  24. Hi Destiny, According to the RA-Aus ops manual anything less than 80kts is considered low performance, so you will need the endoresement to legally fly the Gazelle if you only hold HP. It was very turbulent in the circuit but wasn't so bad on landing, I can upload some footage of were the aeroplane is getting thrown around if you want. -Andrew
  25. Hi, Video is up at: http://www.recreationalflying.com/showthread.php/129241-Gazelle-CA25N-Flying-Pilots-Perspective?p=253514#post253514 -Andrew
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