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Everything posted by sseeker

  1. Thanks Bryon and Neil, much appreciated. -Andrew
  2. Hi, Intersting that you use the WAC in the cockpit. I would've thought the next best thing from the VTC would be the VNC? Do you find the WAC more useful? -Andrew
  3. Thanks everyone, this is one of the reasons I choose to fly RA-Aus - the great community! Hey Tom, Sounds like a good idea, I might try and write up an article later tonight. -Andrew
  4. BlackRod, Damn right! Can't wait for the thing to come :big_grin: - Good idea, I should probably keep a copy on hand. -Andrew
  5. Thanks Pud & BlackRod. BlackRod, I haven't actually received my card in the post yet, at this stage all I have is a logbook entry saying I've completed it. CFI submitted all the paper work on Sunday night, any idea how long it takes them to process it all? An A4 certificate would be a great addition to the card, I'd definitely get it framed. In the future if I don't have the actual plastic card (although I plan to stay an RA-Aus pilot for as long as I can) it'd make an excellent addition to my resume+logbook for a future airline career. I like that idea BlackRod, I'd like to see it put into action. -Andrew
  6. Thanks Wigg! Can't wait to get out next weekend :big_grin: -Andrew
  7. Evening everyone, Well the long journey I begun in August 2009 is finally complete with me obtaining my RA-Aus 3 Axis Pilot Certificate on the 18/07/2010. Very happy with my achievement and I feel somewhat 'complete' now Now practice, practice, practice and never stop learning, I've been told that it's my licence to learn :big_grin: -Andrew
  8. According to Flight Training Australia, there requirement for a pilot to conduct aerobatics in a GA aircraft is 4 hours instruction. This hardly seems like enough training? Keeping in mind this isn't all aerobatics, I know for doing inverted spins you need a spin endorsement as stated in CAAP 155. -Andrew
  9. Hi Deskpilot, Sorry to hear about your throat cancer thumb_down I passed both BAK and Air Legislation, thanks for asking :big_grin: -Andrew
  10. Hi everyone, How much would you expect to pay for a second hand Rotax 447 without gearbox, but with a complete exhaust system with a few hundred hours on it. What's the difference between all the Rotax gearbox types? All I can see so far is there price and the more expensive the gearbox, the less expensive it is to service. Thanks, Andrew
  11. I'm 15, I've gone solo and I'm doing my certificate exam this weekend. I've never been to a GP to assess my ability to hold a drivers licence, but I think I did sign a delcaration saying that I am able to. On another note, I don't have anything effecting my health. -Andrew
  12. 1. I'm not an instructor so don't hold me to what I say, I recommend contacting your instructor for a more accurate response. If this is the case and you're unable to land there I'm pretty sure you have a 30 minute allowance to get there, divert or perform a precautionary search and landing. 2. Aerodrome that have a max circuit of 1500' will usually have RPT aircraft, you can find this out in the ERSA and even if RPT aircraft aren't in the circuit at the time, it's always safe to overly at 2000ft AGL. I agree with what Peter said, it's safer to not plan that way -Andrew
  13. Congratulations, an excellent achievement and it's a great start to your recreational aviation course. -Andrew
  14. Hi Gordon, What an awesome shot :thumb_up: Was this taken last weekend? Regards, Andrew
  15. Hi, Example of a turbine engine for the Zenith STOL, I'm sure something could be done for your 75% Pilatus. Not sure if you're right about it being illegal though Graeme. -Andrew
  16. I've flown a T300 with no brakes with my instructor and I wasn't really all that concerned. It was fairly different going from an aircraft with brakes to something without. He told me an easy way to slow down on the taxiway or runway is to weave from side to side (also giving you excellent visibility in a high attitude tail dragger) I can see problems arrising when you need to abort a takeoff or conduct a forced landing (although I'm sure you'd stop pretty fast.) Good luck with the T500 on Sunday, looks like beautiful flying weather for both of us. I'm up at Bindoon from 1030 till 1600 for some time in the Jab, if you were on 126.7 I'd listen out for you, but I guess not i_dunno -Andrew
  17. Just my two cents worth. RA-Aus registration is $220 per year for a two seater and $110 per year for a single -Andrew
  18. Hi Yenn, My instructor is putting one in his RV(8?) I can't give you much information about it apart from the fact it's model name is Jabiru 5100 & it outputs 180hp at 3000rpm, but I can ask this weekend for you. Regards, Andrew
  19. Nice report Tom, I want one! -Andrew
  20. Yup that's the one I saw not too long ago. Perfect view, nice sound, great quality, ace flying :thumb_up: -Andrew
  21. Hi Ben, I don't suppose you have any videos on Youtube? I seem to remember watching one on Circuit practice at Shepparton in a Tecnam... -Andrew
  22. In the circuit at all times, have your hand on the throttle. When you're out, about and have nothing to do with your spare hand, chuck it on the throttle. That's how I was taught. -Andrew
  23. Hi David, The Aiptek HD200 is a cheap little HD camera I got from Target for $99. (Here's a test clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFkLFM4q8KY watch in 720P HD) The Xcom intercom cable links directly into the handycam via its microphone input & you connect your headsets speaker jack to the input on the cable and then plug the 1/4" jack into the aircrafts intercom. So it's splitting the audio from the intercom/radio into your headset and the jack for the Handycam input. Camera is just mounted on the rear right hand window and the intercom cable is plugged into the headset on the right side. Only 1 of my videos is using the Aiptek HD200 - but I might start using this one more because of its brighter picture. Hope this helped. Regards, Andrew
  24. Hi BlackRod, Yeah most people just fly the perimeter but I only had 30 minutes to go solo in, so I did 20minutes in the training area and 2 circuits at the aerodrome. I have around 30 hours dual training and still no pilot cert, my instructor is pretty confident in my ability to do 'upper aerial work' solo. Just a matter of building some solo time now. -Andrew
  25. Hi David, Link works fine for me. You can try this one here: Suction Mount Tripod Holder For Car Window Camera Hold - eBay, Other Accessories, Video Camera Accessories, Cameras. (end time 04-Jul-10 12:57:28 AEST) -Andrew
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