It took me 7 flights to go solo in a glider. (I did a lot of messing about in the T/A with my instructor like aerobatics and thermalling) I did about 5 circuits and was sent circuit solo, might not seem like much but in a glider on a 37C day you get exhausted very fast. Each circuit includes a tow to 1000ft and my first solo was to 1500ft (both AGL). I then had the option to go solo in the single seater for a thermalling flight but the weather turned crap and I decided to do my last two flights as aerobatic flights. Gliding is great fun and I considered taking it up after that 3 day camp however it isn't much cheaper than RA-Aus flying (~$90/hr with a tow to 3500ft in a DG1000, the Jabiru is $125/hr with a tow to where ever I like ;))
My camp consisted of 3 days gliding, food, accomodation, membership fees, tow costs, glider costs. ~$760. If you just wanna try it, do a TIF. A lot of powered pilots don't like gliding because believe it or not, it IS harder. There's a lot more skill involved with flying a glider than there is small powered plane. It will take you a while to get used to it.