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About langted

  • Birthday 12/11/1956


  • Aircraft
    PA28-140, Arion Lightning XS
  • Location
    Lambertville, MI
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  1. Thanks for responses. Indeed the port on the Piper goes straight to the starter solenoid. You have to turn on the master, but once the master relay switches on (using onboard battery power), the outside port is connected to the battery and all the loads. Odd way to wire ii, but I suppose in 1967 there was less need to just sit and play for hours trying to learn the features of an avionics set. So, if one wanted to use this port for a maintenance charge, it clearly won't work since the master relay itself poses a load that would screw up the charger capacity and voltage sensing. But for learning the avionics, it'll do. And it'd be ok for a bulk charge. So back to the original question, i have options of a large bench power supply, large battery charger, RV "power converter", or a big enough battery on a cart. Not having a big battery available, I'm leaning to the RV power converter for cost and flexibility. Any reason it would not work, damage something, etc?
  2. I am in a flying club with a nice low time Piper PA28 140, and we just upgraded it with with a Garmin GPS175 and Aspen E5 (eliminating some old stuff, including vacuum system). Being in the US, it's still Winter, and usage is low. However, our 8 semi-geriatric members (including me) will very soon be needing a ground power supply, so as to have a bit of mercy on the battery while getting comfortable with the new equipment. (To be honest, I could also use it for a little play time and currency in my own glass panel Arion Lightning as well.) My thoughts are to buy an RV (that is, Recreational Vehicle) "power converter" as these are readily available at less than about $120 US (or $190 AUD) with generous capacity of 45 to 60 amps and a piper style plug. In general, the modern RV power converter units are switching style power supplies, advertising low ripple that is suitable to drive electronics with or without battery filtering. They also double as battery chargers, and can be connected long term as long as they are bought for the type of battery in use (flooded wet, AGM, lithium). In general, these have a sag in delivered voltage, so that if connected to a weak battery, they don't charge at ridiculous currents. That would seem to be safer than, say, a straight power supply that regulates to simply hold a fixed voltage of say 13.8V. I would think a simple regulated bench power supply might not be so great to connect to small semi-discharged aircraft battery that isn't too keen on being hit with, say, 60amps. If an RV power converter unit sags in voltage to, say, 12.5V or so while in use, it seems to me that a standard battery would just give up a little charge, but be replenished once the training session is over. An alternative would be something like the more pricey Aircraft Spruce 12V, 25A power supply with Piper plug (11-05086), currently costing $289 USD. However, although Aircraft Spruce lists it for use as a ground power unit, they also state the power supply is a Schauer model JAC2512-PC. If I go to the Schauer web site, they say it's a battery charger and not for use as a power supply. I'm guessing that's because it needs a battery to smooth out power, but I really don't know why they don't recommend it as a power supply. That plus the much higher cost made me look for something else. What do you guys recommend ?
  3. Exactly correct, I think. After settling down and reading the US Federal Register and related regulations/guidance in overall context, I think this is actually not the "big deal" that I originally thought it was, Essentially, as I understand the genesis of the issue, the US FAA had a court case where a Warbirds organization was charging very high rates for "training" in their warbird(s), which also have restricted airworthiness certificates. As I understand it, the price was really for the operating and maintenance costs, and was MUCH higher than prevailing instruction rates. So, it appears that the group was exploiting the FAA's aircraft specific "training" exception. The FAA took them to task and the case went to court. There, the judge upheld the FAA, but pointed out a discrepancy between regulations that restricted training, and FAA guidance that permitted it. So the new LODA is a way to legally allow exceptions, and they issued it quite quickly without public comment (which was not required for this). Since it came up quickly and communications were perhaps a bit delayed, it was rife for misinterpretation. Reading in full context, the FAA is NOT trying to upset the apple cart, but rather to keep it upright. At least that's how I see it now. So, I applied for my own own "LODA", and presumably, all will be well for me once I have it in hand. One of my friends was quite "on the ball" and applied the day the federal register entry was issued -- he received his LODA in 3 days! Of course now, the pipeline is probably a bit more choked, but they're trying.
  4. In the US, as I understood the rules, the FAA has always inhibited using experimental aircraft for commercial profit. That is, an instructor or flight school could not rent their own experimental to others for training, or use it for paid flight. But previously, an owner could feely obtain dual training in it for himself. Likewise, a flight instructor could train an owner, and be paid for his time. I had a flight instructor at my local airport that was completely onboard with doing my IFR training in my new airplane before all this, but not anymore. I hadn't considered an instructor being "pressured" into flying an unsafe aircraft, but I don't see how that "pressure" could be very effective. And after all, if it is safe enough (or legally "OK") to take innocent unknowledgeable persons on board, why is it less safe to take along a paid aviation professional, that should be relatively capable of assessing the aircraft? But there's not much I can do except wait to see how it settles out. Lots of upset folks.
  5. Well, folks, I just waded through the long string in this US/Canada forum about "Trump wanted his personal pilot to head FAA" A big "thank you" to the administrator for ending that painful string .. finally. But, as a US citizen I am saddened at how obsessed you folks seem to be in expressing your vitriol about Trump in particular and US citizenry in general. Not living here in the US, I guess it's easy for you to interpret our foibles based on the lens of your own experiences and history and what is reported to you. Trump had a lot of exuberant die-hard supporters (for understandable reasons if you lived here), but even more "better than the other guy" type of support. Together, these almost got him re-elected. I voted for him once based on the "other" candidate, and once based on his general policies and numerous successes, while both times wincing at his blustering personal foolishness and bad judgement. But personally seeing how the last election was conducted in our own neighborhoods, there are a lot of us that don't trust the election process anymore, nor do we trust government, and especially don't trust press coverage, much less "big tech". In days past, news was reported based on being "newsworthy" (or at least that's what we thought). Now stories on both sides are chosen for reporting (or not reported at all) based on which side the story supports When reported, stories are blatantly slanted or directly falsified to further the desired narrative. Bias is even worse on the internet, where followers get to add their OWN selective filtering. I don't think its even possible to form an objective opinion anymore -- there is no reliable standard for self assessment. It's no wonder that trust in the press in the US is under 20%, and it's clear which message you guys favor. So lots of bad stuff -- riots in Seattle or riots in DC -- and extreme swings in the political pendulum occur as polarization deepens, mistrust is amplified and civility weakens. We in the US almost universally hold you Australians in the very highest extreme of regard. Sad it's not reciprocal. I'm done with that now. Just wanted to get it out.
  6. I haven't seen much on this yet, but Essentially, the FAA has deemed it necessary to get a LODA (Letter of Deviation Authority) to conduct any compensated training in an EAB. If you search for "LODA" on google or the EAA site, you will see a lot of info. As Paraphrased in Flying magazine: "In effect, the agency seeks to limit the types of instruction that could be given in experimental aircraft, for example, to that of model-specific training, and not “permit flight training in experimental aircraft leading toward the issuance of a pilot certificate, rating, or operating privilege.” To make matters worse, the FAA considers "compensated" training not only to include direct payment for services, but also less tangible rewards such as the instructor gaining logged hours or "anticipating" future revenue. This is a HUGE big deal for me, having just been granted an airworthiness certificate for my new Experimental with a new GTN650, in which I had planned to get an IFR ticket. If I have to rent an airplane for the IFR training, I will just give it up, and I may have a brand new GTN650 Xi for sale and a big hole in my panel.
  7. If you live in a Gulf state or east coast of the US, you WILL encounter hurricanes (cyclones) at your property, and they spawn tornados as well. But although widespead, the winds are slower than tornados, and you have many days to prepare or evacuate. Tornados, on the other hand, come at any time with only minutes warning (if you have a siren alert system), or seconds if not, and the winds can be ridiculously high. The Nuclear plants I worked at were designed for 360 mph, though that's the extreme upper end. There was a famous one a couple decades back that sucked up soil down to the clay subsoil of a whole midwestern town. The sirens around here sound like air raid sirens, and its pretty spooky when they go off in the middle of the night. But all said, I'd rather have the tornados (knock on wood). Guess its the "devil I know".
  8. Thanks-- I loved the link, reading a few of the associated stories as well. Sadly, indeed it's a lesson not learned over and over. And beyond military, even to supply chains like the recent Japanese fire-induced micro-chip shortage that has cut deeply into US auto production. I guess It's just easier and cheaper (absent a mishap) to put all the eggs in one basket.
  9. This string is a little old, but I just noticed it. My career was in Nuclear Power. I worked at two plants on the Great Lakes (Northern Mid US). Both were hit by mid sized Tornados, well within their design. Inconvenient to the plants, but devastating to normal structures. We joke that Tornados "normal target" is trailer home parks. Not a good place to be at the wrong time, but honestly, the VAST majority of homes and small towns are never hit in normal human life spans.
  10. Dave: I Love your interior! I'm not surprised that the engine isn't ready yet. It always takes 3 times longer than your worst nightmare (especially near the tail end of a project) and that's not even counting COVID! But what a sweet demo plane it'll be when its ready! Mine is waiting for the guy to put the upholstery in. When will happen, I'm not sure even the Great Almighty knows! But at least it can fly without it. Wiring is about 95% and my panels are in place and have been fired up. I have two Dynon 10" screens and a Garmin 650 -- that uses up about all the available real estate. If I had it to do over, from a panel perspective, I think I would have gone with a 10" and a 7" screen to give a few more options for other stuff. I am planning on Driving back to Shelbyville on June 15, and hoping for an airworthiness inspection on June 16 or 17. Ill report back once its flying. Ted
  11. Thanks Kevin-- I'll post a few pictures soon.
  12. I didn't post for quite awhile.... and then it appeared my account was terminated. My prior posts are still intact but have the word "Guest" inserted in front of my username. Anyhow, I'm back now, my Arion lightning XS is nearly complete, and I'm using the same username. Is there a time limit where you get booted off, or maybe a platform change happened? Ted
  13. kgwilson -- Hopefully, I'll be getting my airworthiness inspection on June 16th or 17th (yes, this year). I'll be sure to send some photos after that. I'm guessing Nick of Arion might also put some on Arion's facebook page, since he typically does so. I went with the Titan 340 over the Jab mostly for a little more top end (expected cruise at around 165knts). That said, I was sorely tempted to go with a Jab and a constant speed prop, which would have been a very sweet combination indeed. My ligthning is pretty typical for the XS types except it has an epoxy (vs vinyl ester) fuselage, BRS chute, gear shortened by 2", and I eliminated the post that goes from between the seats up to the control panel. I think after mine, they might have started using epoxy resin again--earlier models were also epoxy so it wasn't breaking new ground. I got the legs shortened by 2" because I thought the standard XS gear was a little "spindly" and it was also a big step to get in (you might have noticed the steel XS legs are a LOT longer than the aluminum "classic" legs used with the Jabiru engines. The classic legs are nicely proportioned). Nick was comfortable with shortening them 2" at the time I started in 2018, but now some are another 2" shorter than mine, which looks even better. As for the BRS option, I could probably do with or without it, but its one of those things that sounded good at the time and the wife likes the idea. Center post elimination -- It was a bigger effort than you might guess, but I will like not having that post in middle! It is easier to get access under the panel and it has easier ingress/egress, along with the illusion of more leg room.
  14. Hi Dave-- My Titan 340 powered lightning is about ready to fly. Wondering about your progress? In the meantime, it looks like my access to this site was terminated, maybe I didn't log on for too long. Anyhow, signed back up with same name. Ted
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