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  1. Correct; "IPAD FLIGHT RATING" ... Did not pass exam ...
  2. Hiring a pilot will entail a commercial aspect to the flying; so the aircraft being a GA Piper will automatically qualify. You are better off trying a forum site such as "pprune.org" for this sort of question. You would want to provide a bit more information; are the flights day time or night time? Are the weather conditions to be flown VFR or IFR? How many passengers will be on board; Are the flights instructional? etc etc.
  3. The clicking will likely be the intercom. I have a Flightcom and it clicks. I have read on other forums that PS intercoms have better filters and are better quality product; no clicking.
  4. Bottle of Smirnoff into the tank will ensure fuel meets required certification standards, water ingress is contained, deadly emissions are reduced, and jobs are created... "underpants save lives"...
  5. Buying 80kg of popping corn and sea salt first thing tomorrow morning...
  6. Mandatory "realtime" ADSB IN/OUT would assist the sausage factory pilots to notice the proximity of other aircraft while they are fixated on their ipad conducting their Defacto Instrument flying. After 250hrs I am realising the same type of people that reverse the car and shear off the open drivers door with a bollard, or enter the underground parking with the tailgate fully open, or get on the nightly news showing their car perched up in a tree, or continue driving down the highway on a steel rim after the tire has long departed are also able to somehow get loose with an aircraft; there is just less of them; but they are still ever present and dangerous. Maybe training aircraft should have a designated sqawk code that activates some kind of proximity alarm for other aircraft to know there is sausage about?
  7. Thanks. To be clear there was no event concern with the parachute plane. Skydive Aus' pilots at tyagarah present excellent use of the radio across 3 broadcast frequencies simultaneously and coordinate with other traffic during ops. The sausage factory pilots are an ever present and constant danger to be watched out for in the 127.55 ctaf. The worst aspect about a few of these aircraft is poor use of the radio coupled with no ADSB out being piloted, eyes fixed on an instrument panel, and instructor distracted away from whats going on outside. The 737 sure looked comfortable and settled in. It was not moving for nobody. As explained the event took place south of the lane termination.
  8. Yes, that is totally correct; your question is not ignorant in the slightest... In this situation the bias of the opposing aircraft was offset to the left so i elected to roll away from the approaching aircraft's path instead of across it while observing the other aircraft's response. It was not an extreme 60 or 70 degree roll. Both aircraft were visual on each other so a 30deg roll was sufficient to avoid each other. There was no time to be academic about the situation at hand; which could of still ended very badly. Unfortunately the cockpit recorder battery had gone flat about 4min earlier; which sucks because it is there to record adverse event occurrences such as these for review and debriefing.
  9. So today was "Collision Avoidance Day"... Flying back from Redcliffe with both forward facing 30watt LED supernova lamps on, counted 4 seperate situations that could of ended badly; only one event received communication response and input from the other aircraft and joint mitigation of situation. The other three were all, visual, respond, and avoid... One event involved a 737 while crossing over from the end of the southern moreton lane to continue tracking coastal while on decent 2000' to 1000'; 737 tracking north over water levelled out at 1400'; yes a 737 loping along up the coast 5nm north of Porpoise Point, no radio calls. Traffic screen icon went red and indicated 100' horizontal separation and a perpendicular collision trajectory as visual was achieved; had to check my eyes three times to confirm that what i was looking at was a 737... Selected climb and diversion around behind and over the big plane... Then at Q1, 1nm off shore and 2000' a black mosquito VTOL thing appeared in front of me; no radio calls, no ADS-B Out; rolled left and flew further out to sea. Final episode was exciting. Called 10mile inbound to tyagarah, parachute plane opens communication for jumpers and coordinate timings. Called 3mile over mullumbimby. About 3 seconds after that i see a 172 heading directly for me head on in my front screen. Without hesitating, as i said out loud "there's an aircraft in my front screen" i rolled left; the 172 followed and rolled to their left immediately. It could of ended very badly. The always on supernova flight lights i use when flying probably saved the day. After checking the adsb data on both aircraft the last episode was concerning. Both aircraft were on decent to 1500', heading in opposite directions at 105kt with avoidance actioned only 0.5nm horizontally apart; the math says 10sec to impact. What's concerning is within a 10min timeframe of conducting airwork and completing airwork the other aircraft provided no radio calls to make its presence or position known to aircraft entering the ctaf area. Secondly 10sec to impact while using internet traffic app with a 15sec latency resulted in no traffic proximity warning being presented on screen; so no attention drawn as my eyes were scanning outside. Will be upgrading immediately to better "real time" ADSB in traffic hardware and additional position lighting. Sausage factory training altitude band in the 127.55 ctaf seems to be 1500' to 2500'. So it would be prudent to pay extra visual scanning attention if transiting within or across the Lismore - Hastings Point corridor at these flight levels between 0900-1600 daily. Some radio operators are just impossible to understand; it happens... The worst radio operators though are the ones that never operate the radio...
  10. I'm going to throw a brick into the mixer by saying the following regarding airmanship. If you have called Final, or, have entered the cleared Active Runway and advised such, or, have landed and are manoeuvring upon the active runway, the runway is "yours". The choice to taxi in the centre, right, or left side of the runway is "yours". The decision to allow another aircraft to enter the Active Runway while you are still manoeuvring upon it is "yours". It is also your responsibility to lead the situation and communicate with awareness of the situation. As pilot in command the decision to abort your take off, return to the parking area, shut down the engine, and boot the "passenger" in the right seat out of the aircraft, is "yours". Some airfields simply will result in the aircraft becoming bogged in mud unless remaining upon the centreline; so this offset taxi rule is not practical is it? Other fields have a terminal or parking at either end, so if the instructor gives you unwarranted grief and you own the aircraft you can boot them out and make them find the gate code to walk back; they might cause to rethink their abusive performance. At the same time being unnecessarily stubborn egotistical and uncompromising in the subjective situation will not help either.
  11. Dean Winton told me a few years back they fly great with balanced responsive controls and have a very good glide ratio. Scott used one to ridge sore along Coorabell. The later versions had the tail plane raised midway up the vertical stabiliser.
  12. Yes thats the one! Sapphire.
  13. The legend of Tyagarah... Was at Caloundra air museum today and stumbled across this bit of kit! I think this one hanging from the rafters with floats is a Winton Bros production as well?
  14. Area-51

    Wanted - Europa

    Must of flown a Storch and got a taste for speed! 🙂
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