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  1. If you visit a graveyard, any graveyard, you will find so many great ideas... graveyards are overflowing with great ideas all over the world... its an unending problem, but somehow the ideas do find a place to be stored for later use....
  2. Does this mean when it hits a hangar it will now get through to the other side and keep flying? 🤷đŸŊ‍♂ī¸đŸ¤”✈ī¸
  3. Anyone using a Stratus with AvTraffic?
  4. Yes, thats the info required; thanks 👍
  5. I would like to see more stories about Fly-Ins and what hobby plane builders have and can make on the kitchen bench and take with them for the cake and scone judging competitions. 😐
  6. Mr Google says It could be an MCX or SMB style plug 🤷đŸŧ‍♂ī¸đŸ•ĩđŸŧ‍♀ī¸
  7. Agree... "just fly the plane" 👍
  8. Read through that earlier; no specs provided; thanks 👍
  9. Morse chain, hydraulic tensioner; backlash vibration and noise problems gone away...
  10. Question for forum brains trust... Which antenna connector plug is used for the Stratus-3 adsb receiver? Looks like both are some kind of push fit style...
  11. That is the assumption flying around the entire rotax community... Another assumption is the one regarding violent power pulses from the little sewing machine motor revving its guts out while producing output to the gearbox; hence gearbox dog gear function... Morse chain would be the better choice for this unit... Easier to just pay money, service machine, pay money, fix machine...
  12. All those points above should be noted for consideration. One thing i will say is, after installing this 100hp unit that replaced the 80hp, on first start up session to check and balance carburettors the engine sounded a bit rattlee; after carbi balance it settled right down... The source of the rattle was traced to the spur gear backlash in the gearbox; at higher rpm it is still traceable as vibration... Out of all the meshing spinning and reciprocating components of these units the spur gear backlash is active to some degree. I am left believing that this is the source of first order harmonic input leading to crankcase fretting. In short it sounds bloody horrible through the stethoscope. If it was an engine that i knew nothing about and somebody brought to me to diagnose i would say that sounds f'd, needs opening up for further assessment... But alas, that's how it is, and it works, and in the bottom of the oil can we will find powdery fine magnetic dust that can be mined and turned into bespoke expensive metallic fleck paint for a custom car paint shop 👨‍✈ī¸
  13. Ozrunways has TAFG which is a useful tool however it does not combine departure arrival destinations together. That being said there are other Wx tool charts in Ozrunways that will present transiting conditions for the flight plan entered.
  14. Was it a successful job interview for RedBull? ☚ī¸
  15. Agree. Maybe someone out there knows what percentage failure rate triggers an AD and lesser SB situation by an OEM.
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