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Everything posted by Area-51

  1. Ok, i think i finally understand this rotax crankcase fretting stuff from a practical perspective; here is my take... The crankcase starts fretting due to stretching of the cylinder retaining studs and modal harmonic vibration at particular rpm ranges; the longer any of the modal frequency bands are maintained the more fretting takes place... As the fretting continues it is wearing away a patch of metal between the two cases; so oil begins weeping and the cylinder studs around the area loose more tension, so combustion induced waste oil also later begins weeping from between head and cylinder joint... The engine remains in free rotation until such time the loose cylinder studs are again pretensioned... then the crankcases are squeezed back together, however the distance at the crank main journal and bearing shell is now reduced thus causing excessive tightness and friction of the free rotation, forcing out the otherwise retained viscous oil film... slacking off the cylinder stud tension again relieves the excessive grip at the main journal allowing the engine to free rotate without effort again... Repair of the fretted crankcases is only possible by refacing the parting surfaces and line boring the camshaft and crankshaft bores true again.
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  2. Have flown with one a few times; works quit well for the price, but some iphone apps can pretty much do what the Dynon does just as well.
  3. Its a challenging task, but everybody knows (especially the medua), that in general, if the kitchen bench hobby plane is found in pieces upon the ground it has probably exceeded its performance parameters... However one can still search for a similar power weight style certified aircraft POH and get a ball park impression of the AF's performance across a mixture of various environment factors.
  4. Thats not correct... 1mm = 0.039" 🤓
  5. All registered Tradies will now require a TSIC and display the TSIC while on site, and present their TSIC when purchasing trade related supplies from a wholesaler or asked by a TSIC inspector. Non registered Tradies will not require a TSIC so long as they are being escorted by a registered Tradie displaying a current TSIC... Non registered Tradies are not permitted to apply for a TSIC; heavy penalties may apply for non-compliance of TSIC compliance.
  6. This is an interesting read; better than the daily telegraph or sun mirror... If RU1 zoning then landing and taking off of aircraft is not an illegal issue. Flying under 500' during the procedure of take off or landing of aircraft, complies with CASA regulations. Landing and take off of an aircraft from a paddock; CASA regulations, in short, area must be suitable for the aircraft in command of to safely clear flight path obstacles according to aircraft's climb performance charts and atmospheric conditions. Aircraft Stalls... aircraft do not just suddenly fall from the sky during a stall as many may believe. A proficient pilot will train for this and recover the aircraft well before the aircraft is beyond the point of control. Wind Shear... aircraft can fall from the sky in the event of severe wind shear; but not like in bugs bunny cartoons Proficient pilots will train for this and anticipate an occurrence during both take off and landing in particular wind conditions. Experimental & General Aviation aircraft accidents and incidents... currently statistics have General Aviation aircraft leading the score board on this one. Council restrictions upon airfields... depends how many people complain to council and how regular aircraft movements occur. Flying Neighbourly... most community and commercial airfields have a policy to minimise pissing off the neighbourhood. This does not always align well when the aircraft pissing off the neighbours all come from another airfield and do not land or take off from the airfield the neighbours are complaining about... Risks Profile & Mitigation Strategy... What are the risks and what is the likelihood of them occurring? Low or High? What are the impacts of each risk should they occur? Low or High? Flying an aircraft is primarily all about constant risk management; it does not end until the engine is shut down and keys are removed from the switch. Talking is always best; flying is even better 👍👨‍✈️
  7. Green Machine... Black is in the box. Swapped out 80hp engine for 100hp on Sunday. Primary ground ops yesterday, minor carbi tuning later today before some climb attitude. 👨‍✈️
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  8. 18/22 sounds cooked; 16/22 is bit on the raw side; 22/22 even the dog walked away 😆😆😆
  9. You can be both stakeholder and steakholder eating steak all at the same time; so its ok, you cannot be arrested or issued a penalty notice
  10. Fact checking will reveal that a "stakeholder", "an individual holding a stake", is an important part of a cohesive society, especially with regard to social and community events... Not to be confused with "steakholder", being "an individual holding a steak", also an important part of a cohesive society, especially in regard to social and community events, however difference can be noted in the later by way of added situational experiences of extended intimate and less public affairs, however this may not always be the case and often a scenario of seeing a stakeholder beside a steakholder in both public and more private situations may be viewed as a common occurrence, the main difference being asymmetrical proportions of stakeholders and steakholders within a more public setting, but this may not always prove to be a finite conclusion and therefore one should always approach all situations with more than a grain of salt.
  11. That is great to know... now a few independent market end users need to perform the same engine on stick test and publish results. If the results are closely similar to factory, great. If they are wildly contrasting against published manufacturer results then somebody is probably telling fibs, or the test environment inputs are dramatically different. ChongQing is a great city. For a wild experience take a motorcycle taxi across town; first 30sec should be enough time to get the adrenaline pumping 🤣🤣🤣
  12. Get shiny new engine, bolt it to a stick; throw an appropriate size and pitched prop on there, start it up, run it full bore to book max sustain power, shut down at TBO, remove engine from stick, bulk strip, measure inspect scrutinise internal components, publish results... Get another engine, bolt it to a stick.... do it all again... Reassemble first engine, bolt it to a stick.... blah blah blah... run it flat out to 50% extended TBO, remove from stick, bulk strip... blah blah blah... Reassemble second engine, bolt it to a stick, run it flat out to 100% extended TBO, remove from stick... blah blah blah... Machines don't give a rats ass for human emotions...
  13. "Which part of the idea is BS?", ok, will spell it all out for basic clarification... - reduce power, retrim, hands off the yoke, use rudder only for turns... Ok, we are flying straight and level at reduced speed; we do not know what that speed should be reduced to or even why, but the nose has pitched down and the trim will need to be adjusted to a more nose up attitude; i think we are flying straight and level again; great... Now we will turn with just the rudder; great... we are turning, and what is the secondary affect of turning with our rudder? Roll... we are rolling and our hands are off the yoke... What is the primary affect of rolling? Gravity... we are gravitating towards the ground... What is the secondary affect of roll? Yaw... we are yawing into the turn... Our bum is telling us "we are climbing, good, we are saved"... now we are climbing faster, "something does not add up here"... we keep climbing faster, "this is weird, now i am uncomfortable, we are still climbing, my hands are off the yoke, and the power is now at idle, but we are climbing..."... "why is my altimeter dial moving backwards so fast when i am in a climb!". Again, unless the pilot has basic ppl instrument training practical knowledge, no mars bars for dinner. It is rare but widespread blanket cloud can form pretty instantly under certain conditions; VFR you have margins to follow to mitigate the chances of being engulfed in cloud without warning. The margins are there partly for this, and partly so VFR remain visible to other aircraft. The safest thing to do is wings level, straight ahead, cruise climb attitude, check your fuel reserve, mark your current position fix, squawk 66, contact ground for assistance, check for surrounding terrain/obstructions if able. There are additional things like monitoring engine speed or if flying a csu, manifold pressure to assist in determining transitional climb descend pitch rate changes. Things go more wrong when turns are brought into the imc scenario.
  14. Everybody knows terrorists are dressed in gym wear and mostly active between 08:15-09:15 and 14:30-16:00 Mon-Fri, and all day Sunday... The chances of an SUV hurtling through a Part139 perimeter barrier are slim though cannot be ruled out as impossible. If you see an SUV acting strangely do not engage with the vehicle controller; report it to authorities immediately and keep a vigilant yet safe distance at all times. Be prepared to run without warning.
  15. Quickest way to get into a death spiral; this idea is BS. If you have no turn coordinator altimeter vsi or appropriate training there's a fantastic chance nobody in the aircraft will be arriving home for mars bars; go try it on Xplane and see what happens. At least that way you can pick and choose the arrival scenery and season for the crash site...
  16. Area-51

    ITS HERE!!!

    Gas emittance... the internal seat probably rotates for directional aiming of the gas source and this augmentation is safely and effectively achieved. I am assuming the Scandinavian version will be released first due to pre existing language alignment - in this scenario all that the unit requires is a red occupant activated button that says "FART" or "FARTING"... The OH needs only to confer this... One would need to be prepared to learn at the minimum a couple of words in Dansk or Svensk, or even Nordsk to become a capable and intensive user... There should be a practice exam section in the rear of the OH with useful pre-exam revision "you say the word" questions such as; "I am ....ing my way around to you now" or "I will .... to work this morning".... but these questions may be in a scandinavian language as opposed to english presented here. "fart til dig nu!!! 😀"
  17. The iS maintains around 14 Stoich; this is where they achieve the 6% fuel burn reduction across the board over the ULS, its also monitoring and adjusting on a per cylinder basis.
  18. Bing64 runs richer as pressure altitude increases; at 4500' and up its running at about 12.3 Stoich
  19. Pipistrel Sinus - Vario Prop POH PIPISTREL SINUS POH.pdf
  20. Sorry threw up wrong file... see attached SW121 POH SW121 POH.pdf
  21. Area-51

    ITS HERE!!!

    New employment position opportunities for airport ground staff opening up soon; "Piss-Takers" required, apply within, must hold current green card and ASIC....
  22. Pipistrel Sinus POH.pdf
  23. You can use Pipistrel Vario Prop performance charts from either Virus or Sinus POH; plenty of relevant information in there. Long story short, you acquire your set engine rpm then coursen the pitch to your set MAP, and then make fine adjustments for desired cruise speed. In general 26 MAP at 4800rpm will be most economical cruise for a 912 up to critical height for that MAP. When you adjust back to fine pitch you adjust your rpm down first, then pitch fine to MAP, to avoid over speeding the engine... Going to a course pitch its the opposite, pitch course, rpm increase to MAP Cruise 25-28 MAP Downwind 23 MAP Final 18 MAP With all those flight modes and MAP settings you can set 5000rpm as your target for all of them; the CSU governor will hold 5000rpm
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