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Everything posted by Area-51

  1. When will the incubation, sorry confiscation, sorry, correction, sanctuary, damn dit it again... when will the contamination, far out... Let's start again... When will the quarantine huts be settled at each side of the border?
  2. Sav only needs 50' to land and take off with a good head wind
  3. Boundary island must surely have two pubs 🤷‍♀️🤷🏼‍♂️
  4. Its possible the flex line was fitted when the blue oil hose mod was installed due to components clashing. If your engine is a certified red label version, without required mod cert approval, it is no longer certified. Unless there is a log entry the high pressure fuel flex line should be regarded as an unknown, and unless it can be identified as a high pressure fuel line then it would be prudent to replace it with a verified known spec component. Just because it looks right does not always mean it is. The last aircraft I purchased, after having a bit of a poke around, I realised the previous owner should not ever been allowed near any tools; which motivated giving the aircraft an entire and thorough scrutiny and expunging of all remaining badness. If the aircraft is 24 registered then return it to factory spec and maintain your insurance cover.
  5. The article mentions boeing 🤷🏻‍♂️
  6. Maintenance means parts replaced were manufactured by boeing. Only house getting off the hook at the moment is jabiru; appears they are enjoying a well deserved respite from being a general aviation punching bag.
  7. Beggs Muller is not a given for "all" aircraft. There are a multitude of subjective study papers and conclusions on this with each individual aircraft responding differently according to its inherent design, position of CG in the moment, and orientation of autorotation. Beggs Muller is not a blanket one size fits all affect. Anybody writing it off as a "fad" does not yet understand the intricacies of it.... Additionally anybody that thinks they need to be looking at the stars with the horizontal stabiliser beyond its positive or negative stalled position is not yet mentally flying through a three dimensional space and should go acquire some more advanced and challenging training.
  8. Another amazing gadget searching for a problem to solve. if it could clock 400kt, break into a hijacked jet liner, and dismember joe average hijacker who is not really named joe. Then it might be a useful thing. Still waiting for my flying car they promised me last century in 1923!
  9. Its a Boeing; police are taking notes... "cause of incident; Boeing", "supporting evidence... castle nut found on ground at Crown & Kembla by member of public.... other circumstances noted; "windows and doors missing..."
  10. https://www.pprune.org/rumours-news/658024-stuck-rudder-pedal-during-landing-roll-out-boeing-737-max-8-a.html
  11. Sounds like a bad Dream...
  12. Arriving with a few spare doors included we can assume.. 🧐
  13. Chippy had a shielded rudder; spin recovery results to be expected and not surprising; end of story...
  14. I dont recall that being presented in the basic training syllabus.. 🤔
  15. Short podgy man with glasses directing aircraft seen waddling away briskly from scene shortly after incident.... Fake security ID tag found laying upon tarmac belonging to R.E.Joyce
  16. Don't worry the media department of qantas will spin a line of their own on this incident to demonstrate how safe and efficient the airline is operated.
  17. $40/L sounds about right
  18. Maybe the new secret oil has tiny programmed microbots in the oil that know how many hours total time the engine has done and upon reaching TBO they expand with diamond spikes that gouge out all the bearings and journals and score the bores to ruin 🤷🏼‍♂️
  19. I never knew they made a twin turbine blanik!! 😳
  20. There's no such thing as "pro" or "anti" spin rudder in the above situation; when the contributing factor of elevator limit is crossed the aircraft will spin in what ever direction, toward which ever is the first wing tip to stall. It's either going to spin to the left or the right, before turning upright or inverted and autorotate. Until the aircraft starts entering to the time of exiting can there be termed "pro" or "anti" spin rudder; and it should be termed "positive" or "negative" spin rudder because using too much "anti" spin rudder is probably just going to send the untrained spinning again in the opposite way. To apply this terminology while in a slipping or skidding turn gives the untrained pilot a false sense of security that as long as they apply "anti" spin rudder they will be arriving home for tea that evening.... (its not going to work like "antilock braking")... If that is what is being presented in the training syllabus it would explain a lot of now dead pilots.
  21. That sounds perilously misleading
  22. Did you hold full aileron and wait for the aircraft to roll back level, or did you swap aileron direction and roll 360 through the direction of the rotor?
  23. This is a good couple of examples addressing the original question posted; its got some great footage of how the elevator reacted with buffet in the moment, and also how much elevator was being used during the pattern in general while trying to slow the aircraft up. It's a little rear to hear these kinds of stories because the pilot in command is generally often too dead to talk about it.
  24. Please give the forecaster a break; they are dealing with wind. Its not easy, it blows all over the place. Herding cats would be easier!
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