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Everything posted by Area-51

  1. $11mil??? Couldn't he just buy a train set like normal crazy people 😕
  2. Was Rotax using 518 before changing to 5910?
  3. Thanks already done that; 574 reads as the better performer over 518 for use on alloy components and petrol exposure, ie oil contamination from compression blow by
  4. Thanks; Permatex has been around and used for decades; quite familiar with it.
  5. If all aircraft were fitted with an autoexplode function that a person in a box (of gender neutral nature) activated remotely, we would not need the asic security platform. Bad actors could be discreetly eliminated remotely and instantly by trained air traffic personnel. The need to check each asic applicant along with the risk of bad actors remaining unidentified by the current platform would be 100% negated. The identification of bad actors would be immediate, and strategically 100% safe and effective. A change in how this current regime is administered would provide a broad base incentive for bad persons (including those of gender neutral identity) to "not" use aircraft for traditional nefarious matters of religiously related sectorial and or ideological ill intent. The current industry platform name could remain as people are now used to it and already broadly identify with the acronym.
  6. Has anybody had first hand experience using Loctite 574 sealing crankcase halves? What were the long term results? Doesn't have to be Rotax engines; any engine type is relative; motorcycle, porsche etc... Thanks..
  7. FAA-H-8083-16B, IFR Procedures is the second publication on this subject
  8. I have found the DG floats a little too quickly; it required constant monitoring every five minutes even with the latest update. Installing the AVMAG and splitting it between both heads rectified this totally; after 90 minutes and three inflight clearoffs DG is still aligned to mechanical compass.
  9. You cannot expect any Qualitative level of Continual Improvement in any venture unless select data sets are identified and established, monitored, analysed, and learnings extracted from outcomes and distinctions made. Target outcomes need to also be identified at the very beginning. Without any formal investigation of both tragic and survived events any changes of operational policy will be inadequately implemented as the actual cause has not been sufficiently identified and is therefore left to speculation; this very post is a prime example of speculation. Without any matrix available toward identifying all cause outcomes the possibility of unknown unknowns being discovered is "zero". The impact of this is "incorrectly aligned policy" being implemented. The outcome of this is "ineffective policy". The above is not directed at RaAus. It is merely industry accepted knowledge of how the operational policy of a project affects the target outcomes from a Facilities perspective. if the only Input is "aircraft incident, fatal", or, "aircraft incident, non fatal", then that is all there is to work with for developing operational policy upon. Flying aircraft can always, but often is not, fatal. The legacy of something positive and meaningful coming out of this tragedy would be a good outcome.
  10. Expecting there will be another update for AV30C shortly to mirror latest AV30E, provides for Squawk code display on main pages and some improvements on internal mag stability. Always best to maintain the latest update; functionality is improved; its also a requirement for tso'd instruments to remain certified.
  11. Anyone can be an Aviation Legend; there are no boundaries. All one has to do is walk to the front of any moving vessel and lean forward into the wind with arms outstretched to the side. Stretching one's arms out forward is indicative of Superhero Legend... some background music bolsters sentiment.
  12. The Av30C is the control head for TBX; they function together as a unit. Uavionix Aus will better any advertised competitor price by 10% and provide fast technical support. Av30C is required for IFR and Class C TSO compliance situations.
  13. No amount of talking, reading, or flying in Sims is going to prepare any individual for their first real spin in a real aircraft. Chances are high that if they have never experienced a spin and end up in one on their own then they will not be arriving home for tea that evening. Probably the only way the inexperienced pilot will know they are in a spin for the first time is the following, feeling mentally totally overwhelmed, situationally totally disorientated, physically unable to respond (these aspects diminish after the third or fourth entry and recovery of the manoeuvre). If they are in an aircraft with an instructor for the specific purpose of experiencing spins the inexperienced pilot will likely be arriving home for tea. You cannot learn how to negate a spin recovery by just reading a book. It would be foolish ignorant and arrogant for anyone to believe they are prepared enough by just doing so. Invest in yourself. Find a suitable instructor and go do the training.
  14. Did this on the tecnam sierra a few times myself in the beginning. Yes it does throw some surprise and excitement into the mix. Pushing the trim thinking it is the ptt could of happened on this occasion. Lucky each time it happened for me i was no lower than 2500' and worked it out almost immediately and corrected. A review of the trim motor position would determine this straight away. As with everything else causal above it is a speculation of possibilities. Any electric trim setup without a dedicated isolation switch on the panel to mitigate runaway is a recipe for disaster. After designing a custom stick grip with electric trim switches i decided to not connect them due to the ease and risk assessment (high probability, high situational impact) of an uncommanded operation occurring during both taxi and flight.
  15. We may never find out what really happened unfortunately. Having flown with Dave, based upon his aptitude, level of patience and situational engagement, i would not expect him to allow a stall spin situation to develop through uncoordinated controls. Its possible he suffered a medical episode. The wind yesterday would of made it challenging at boonah; base final turn onto 22 would of been subject to left wing drop if the wind suddenly dropped off due to rotors coming off the south hills. We will never know. A great guy, and a great tragedy. The whole team up there and everyone involved would be in a lot of pain right now.
  16. Soon; hurry; offer ends today
  17. Bunnings Aerospace have a special on doors all day today!!!
  18. Yes, 28v on 96A
  19. The ky96 will also fit in the same cradle; there may be other Apollo or Bendix units that will also fit the cradle
  20. I had my lawyer draft a standard single page purchase agreement when I purchased my AC. It provided clarity toward who was selling, who was purchasing, agreed price, AC details, clear title free of liens, encumbrances, liabilities, claims; AC condition and inspections undertaken prior to purchase, additional items, spares, log books, ancillary equipment etc, dates, signatures. The AC was due for its Annual so I had it flown to a LAME of my choice and offered to pay for the annual regardless of my final decision to purchase or not. Drove down to where the AC was, and went for a fly with owner after going over LAME's report. Got flown back down three weeks later after funds had cleared and conditions were good; filled up the tank, took off, circled overhead once for clear offs, flew home. If somebody requests an inspection, if they are serious, it would be fair to expect them to offer to also pay for it. If they kick up a stink and expect you to pay for it then its probably not the right AC for them.
  21. Now the island has "no" trees 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷🏻‍♂️
  22. The purpose of the mount is to "isolate" vibration; its referred to as the "Modal" factor/s in design engineering. The Modal is a resonant frequency of the individual component in each assembly; and assembly as a whole; there are more than one and generally the first four are targeted for identification. Determining the Modal specification should not be taken lightly because it is the determining factor in component fatigue that decides safe operating ranges across the entire allowable operational envelope. e.g 3500rpm max 5.0min rated, or 3300rpm continuous rated for same component. This is what engineers are paid to do. It is the same reason certain materials are specified for certain environments speeds loads and stress cycles. This is the scientific side of design and fabrication. That being said, have seen similar mount setup used in several 5XX and 9XX aircraft without long term issue using 3.0mm carbon steel angle iron. Both sides of the mount need to be kept rigid and in respective position; Cups and crush tubes are required, and the isolator needs to be the only flexing part; softest possible combination that does not self destruct in service or lose form will work best. The isolator material needs to be chemical resistant, and the entire frame assembly should not be able to seperate from each other should all rubbers perish. Correct grade of fixings is another Modal related factor for consideration. The FAA Acceptable Method publications are full of practical and relevant Aircraft related information that is fully explained and easy to understand and available free in PDF format off the website. Everybody should have and use them as reference documents.
  23. So your comment is related only to 9XX motors and the material treatment of the valves? All or just sodium filled units?
  24. Why do you say that? When vehicles changed to unleaded guides and seats both required upgrade to required suitable materials to affect service life longevity.
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