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Everything posted by Area-51

  1. Would not the trim require adjusting as fuel load reduction alters CG? What else other than airspeed changes and icing would require trim be adjusted? If the pilot knew the aircraft really well they would know when trim adjustments are required?
  2. Thanks; yes Armidale has been mentioned often, Taree apparently is another; Fuelmap App has been useful too to see whats in walking distance of fields. Will get fuel cards to keep things easy and let the valve seats and guides get some lead.
  3. Just regular automotive bowser fuel 95 or 98 octane; USA call it Pump Gas; others Auto Fuel Did some research ERSA found stops where auto fuel can be prearranged, but also looking for airfields in walking distance to fill up a bladder
  4. Any body got feedback on which fields have pump gas close by on mid north and central coastal routes NSW? Have scanned through previous posts... Ta
  5. All airfields should be security controlled; conformity will solve all these issues presented in the forum and ensure that nobody misses out, remains unaccounted for, or is discriminated against. It will create more jobs.
  6. This topic is filled with suspense much influence and education. Firstly I cannot make the connection between how having or not having an ASIC affects a command pilot's ability or responsibility to self crew and passengers in doing a pre flight walkaround if and as required. If an instructor that i do not know ever suggested i not do a walkaround on an unfamiliar aircraft then i would question their ability toward the rest of operational standards practiced. If they got tardy with me for ignoring them then the training session would be terminated there and then by me. Climbing gear as hand luggage is fine with me; will work better than a box cutter being wielded around by a terrorist to subdue them there and then on the spot. Guess this is why perhaps old school flying was a more enjoyable happy affair. Passengers had ways and means to incentivise no gooders. But i understand times are different now as the narcotics have deteriorated profusely over the decades. Airport security have a tough job as well. My belt was confiscated once because it was made of reefing line; unlike any other belt it "could be used as a restraint"; all other waist belts are not able to be used as restraints. I really couldn't care less about the ASIC. It is an "operational" requirement for anyone wanting to access a certain jurisdiction. So i just have to have it. And it provides 10% discount at kiosks within major international/domestic terminals. If you jump through all the hoops you can have the banana. If i had no need to access these environments then i would not need an ASIC; i would just use different airfields and my life would be no different and the aircraft i am flying at the time would perform no differently what so ever, because i would be performing no differently. but this is still a fun forum full of shock awe and much intrigue.
  7. πŸ€” My plane has a $1.80 mounted glass cockpit... When i turn left or right the fluid level line changes. When i fly too fast the lid blows off When i fly too slow nothing changes but i can drink the contents and feel young and dumb again as everything turns to crap When i fly too high the gauge just explodes. πŸ˜•πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
  8. No, rock solid on that one; developed an amazing untapped ability toward situational awareness after buying an aeroplane and an ASIC card. I feel validated when wearing my ASIC card, and lucky when flying an aeroplane... and no longer get selected aside for explosives or narcotic swabbing when advancing through airport pax security by men and women dressed in crisp blue clothes accessorised with their very own current ASIC card. Its like being gold member. The doors, they part like the red sea and angels blow trumpets as my path beyond is heralded by the validated ones. Others, the non-validated ones, carry on oblivious to the parallel universe at play going on around them.
  9. People complaining about potholes should stop complaining, learn to fly and buy an aeroplane, and an ASIC card. Terrorists will not go to any airport with their Office Works box cutter if the airport has a security fence and ASIC airside protection regime installed. We should be grateful for the safety ASIC has provided the community. It obviously works. There have been no terrorist hijackings in Australia since ASIC arrived. So it has proven itself 100% effective.
  10. An ASIC holder also receives 10% discount at all food kiosks at all major Australian domestic and international terminals
  11. Not at all. I am totally impartial and neutral on the subject. If an aviator want to use the high security facilities then it requires the stipulated correlate high security Category C ID clearance
  12. Upon reviewing the 4 levels of ID required to apply for an ASIC. It requires a very thorough ID verification vetting procedure administered by a federal government department starting with Birth Certificate at the top, ID Category A. The next level down, Category B, is a Passport or Drivers License. Under that is Category C ID is anything connected to community involvement; such as a Library Card (not very difficult to attain, takes about 20 minutes, everybody should have one). The lowest level of ID , Category D, is a Services Bill; but you only need this if nothing else displays the applicant's current address. There are lots of ID checks required on every ASIC application whether it is a new application or renewal; same ID vetting procedure is used every two years. It is very thorough and involved process to go through before being granted this High Security clearance; lots of ID required to verify the identity of the recipient; and rightly so; this is a High Security clearance. Looking at the forms of ID recognised as acceptable in each category it clearly states that a current ASIC card is accepted to be submitted for ID vetting under Category C, Community Involvement, where the Library Card ID can also be found. It's a good system. It keeps our skies and airfields safe from those that may wish to do us harm. It creates employment for those that may not otherwise have an opportunity to be a contributing member of society. It gives people a sense of confidence and purpose. And provides access to otherwise unknowable airside security gate codes.
  13. Putting one in the Drifter now!!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ–
  14. A risen cannot fly through buildings and keep flying πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ Legends are born, not fabricated ✊
  15. See, this proves that lawnmowers can fly!!! 😬
  16. Flat flood plains all the way to coolangatta. ADSB registers on the ground at YMUR, Tygalgah is just north of YMUR though. So must of happened on climb out
  17. They are wearing very nice flight suits!!
  18. Why has nobody ever built an experimental military aircraft called "Cockroach"??? They fly very well, survive almost any scenario, and have terrific ground handling qualities πŸ˜•
  19. πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ Let's all flyin for Sunday coffee!!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜€
  20. The LE is a single piece extrusion?
  21. 4 day induction policy is perfectly ok; the Facilities Dep' have to cover their asses. Form Ply is dangerous. It has formaldehyde in it. Somebody at the airport might grind it up and burn it in a confined space and die from the toxic fumes after the third day of constant burning and inhaling, in the confined space. Has to be a confined space.
  22. An external Bosch EFI pump off an old W124 mercedes will work great as a transfer pump. Very reliable unit.
  23. Did they have one of these units installed on the active runway? I see them everywhere while driving around. Very affective at preventing these kinds of situations; not quite sure how, but they are all over the place like bin chickens. Except in the outback; they never seem to be visible out there in the outback.
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