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Everything posted by Area-51

  1. I've heard of a novel fuel quantity device that monitors the mass pressure of the fuel in the tank via a pressure transducer. The sensor is calibrated after installation. As the fuel gets used the pressure weight is less so gauge reads lower. The AC also has a seperate flow rate monitor. Another aircraft I made a 7L custom header tank with a magnetic low level sensor that activates a light on the instrument panel when the header tank drops 250ml, providing 20min flight time at max cruise. The warning lamp also has a test button for preflight checks. A seperate flow rate monitor is fitted as well.
  2. 🤷🏼‍♂️ The american made motor exploded 🍩🙀 amazing. Glad to hear they all walked away.
  3. I like the dual spindle main gear; makes it more big plane impressive
  4. The rotax 912UL will happily idle smoothly all the way down to 1200 before gearbox starts chattering and if really well tuned 1000; my 80hp will idle at 650rpm happily all day if allowed to. The ULS manages 1500 ok as it has slightly hotter cam. In the air they both windmill down to 1500 off power at around 50kt. Had the same float problem with aircraft after purchase, idle was set at 2000 and thing just floated right down the 900m strip in ground effect; handed controls over to more experienced right seat and was not an issue. Higher nose up attitude while above the stall speed also helps on round out but requires sufficient experience and practice of flying power on stalls at safe altitude beforehand.
  5. That would of been the renault 18; yes 15,21 also a great car; better still and best all-round car ever experienced has been the peugeot fuel injected 404gt; thing did 180kmh effortlessly and felt like it just glided silently over rough outback roads; handled really well and was also amazing on fuel
  6. There is a general lack of knowledge within western countries as to how fast and productive the rest of the world really is. The default view on every occasion we are presented by the media in the west is that this rate of development is a "threat to national security". Then low and behold a conflict will break out and the chances of further development destroyed. Seems to happen very often; most odd; most odd 🤔
  7. This is true; that's why westerners have such a challenging time roaming around the planet; they expect too much will be the same as it is at home 😊
  8. Ok, thanks for the pre mission briefing 😊 China is actually a great place to experience; great food great people. It is not one single culture but a basket of hundreds. Like anywhere you should know the local rules and customs, be polite and respectful and a great time will be had.
  9. Valve seats will only fall out in operation due to the mitigating factors at the moment they are installed; most likely insufficient temperature differential clearance factor between cylinder head and valve seat. It is a more common scenario than you might think and can affect any engine employing this method, not unique to just jabiru. As long as there have been valve seat inserts in alloy heads there has been this scenario. Some have an added threaded screw in application to deal with this. boils down to manufacturing tolerances and QA standards to maintain and deliver those. Overheating can also lead to this scenario.
  10. It was not me, but I declare that if people wish to embellish me with a few bags of cash, bullion, and high grade plutonium first then I may give it some thought over a plate of fresh donuts before disappearing back into the ether!!! 😃 hurry, opportunity ends soon!!!! 🍩
  11. Watch the Right Prop rpm fluctuating afterwards; expensive badness; big fat invoice 😊
  12. Excellent demonstration here 😃
  13. It's electric right? Everyone will ask if its electric because there is no propeller; like the big planes... 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️
  14. Read a book?? I need to get one of those autopilot thingymajigs 😃
  15. What about a straight NPSM tap and converting to a banjo fitting; more choices when it comes to dealing with tight spaces.
  16. This is a challenging and anxious situation. My personal experiences in similar scenarios at non-controlled airfields along with feedback afterwards from extremely experienced pilots. The other aircraft may provide a very incorrect position report. I have joined circuit downwind with another aircraft clearly transmitting they were entering, backtracking, lining up and rolling on the opposing runway with no aircraft to be seen on the strip the entire time and no response to four repeated queries of their position until I called late final with a very heightened preparedness to bank hard right and power on, only to see them 50m off my port 10 o'clock at equal 150' flying the opposite direction in a twin. This was a new and very unsettling experience. Advice received for above was: "If the other aircraft is not visual where they say they are, request they "CallSign" confirm they "are" where they say they are and to acknowledge your request", and be prepared to exit the circuit immediately if you believe it is required. Runway numbers can be misleading if either aircraft has them perceived in reverse. (I have done this, and safely exited the circuit as soon as I realised the loss of situational awareness early in the circuit). If one aircraft is familiar then that's still 50% chance of something going pear shaped. Get familiar, and if the other aircraft is clearly not situationally aligned then use the radio to advise; that's what the radio is there for. The radio is not there to abuse other aircraft in flight for making an error. You can do that later on the ground when it's safe to do so if you feel, or submit an incident report. Primary objective is to fly the plane in a safe and responsible manner. Learn from every flight.
  17. Its all relative; either throw more fuel out through the exhaust valve using a big bore lug engine; or throw less out using a small bore high speed reduction geared engine. Forget any reference to horsepower; the only useable comparative data set is "Torque" delivered at the propeller flange at RPM. Nothing wrong with running a gearbox; been done successfully for past 150 years along with pulse absorbing devices. The only difference between then and now is Material's Technology. X horsepower (derived from torque and rpm formula) = X btu's regardless of capacity. X btu's = Fuel + Air @ X ratio / time
  18. Bose A20; everything sounds awesome! 😀
  19. Check out Speedflow or Morosso catalogues for off the shelf AN manifold blocks; might be something in T6 ready to bolt up
  20. 😀😀👏👏👏
  21. Rotax Heavy Maintenance, SEC 72-00-00, Pg23 - Pg25, Propeller Shock Load, Inspection Crankshaft Distortion.
  22. I don't understand why anyone is even debating this subject. The engines are cheap with unknown reliability. So just buy and install two 🤷🏼‍♂️
  23. So today during a check flight the AvTraffic OzRunways solution was given another run. For now it is an immediate stop gap solution, and fully agree, it is not able to supersede or replace the accuracy of realtime ADSB live signal observation equipment, or Visual when proficiently scanning the circuit in VFR. The OzRunways screen was showing a Jetstar RPT on departure climb and there was visual on the aircraft tracking perpendicular also; so it was a good opportunity to observe actual Latency. The Jetstar RPT was also displaying both an AvTraffic ADSB and OzRunways bubble simultaneously. The observed positional Latency was about 10 seconds. Eventually the AvTraffic solution will be replaced by a Uavionix Ping or similar real time ADSB-IN solution.
  24. Correct, a pilot in command always needs to continue using the primary flight instrument of the "windscreen" to maintain visual awareness around the aircraft at all times. The other query regarding lack of "time stamp" on OzRunways traffic, again, from the app Developers of both AvTraffic and OzRunways, its a few seconds. After watching a Youtube video of a fatal WX in the US due to Latency of a few minutes at the user end it prompted me to ask both app developers what their latency was for Traffic. OzRunways had that data published already, AvTraffic updated their FAQ immediately upon presentation of my question being asked. Onscreen Traffic is a great tool if used affectively within its limitations. It allows a pilot to see approaching aircraft at a radius between 1-80nm. For the type of flying I do 8nm works well and provides ample time to divert and monitor. I do no use it in the circuit.
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