That's a really mature attitude and question; thanks, very refreshing...
The portrayal of waste is obviously the focus, however nothing in that video explains factually how any of these cars or bicycles came to actually be there. There is no real factual back story provided to back these suppositions up, so the viewer is only able to either query the situation for further facts, or walk away with some poorly formed assumption based upon the narrative that "China is Bad", or "That Entity is Bad".
Are all those cars in storage for later use? We do not know. Are all those bicycles waiting to be recycled or repositioned outside train stations to be used? We do not know.
And I think, based upon the deep forensic research that Matthew Ehret has curated the argument presented in the video falls apart. Within this context, the story being told in the video can be viewed as extremely innocent and myopic.
One of the greatest gifts that I and many have received in life is learning about the godfather of "suggestive advertising & propaganda", Edward Bernays, and how his influence has been used to pervert, perpetrate and subvert modern day humanity. If anybody wants to enter the rabbit hole, unless one starts with Berneys first nothing at all will make any sense or have any meaningful context, and if one does the realisation arrived at for many again may be enlightening or shocking.
This is why the video to me is a crook of shit, and that premise has been arrived at based upon Ehret's research forensically revealing how various institutions like WWF were created and how others like UN were subverted. Again Ehret puts forward a very compelling argument based upon many aspects of history and players all the way back as far as the 15C.
"How many times can you be lied to when you do not know the truth"
I hope this answers the question sufficiently. It was a really great question.