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Everything posted by Area-51

  1. Correct, a pilot in command always needs to continue using the primary flight instrument of the "windscreen" to maintain visual awareness around the aircraft at all times. The other query regarding lack of "time stamp" on OzRunways traffic, again, from the app Developers of both AvTraffic and OzRunways, its a few seconds. After watching a Youtube video of a fatal WX in the US due to Latency of a few minutes at the user end it prompted me to ask both app developers what their latency was for Traffic. OzRunways had that data published already, AvTraffic updated their FAQ immediately upon presentation of my question being asked. Onscreen Traffic is a great tool if used affectively within its limitations. It allows a pilot to see approaching aircraft at a radius between 1-80nm. For the type of flying I do 8nm works well and provides ample time to divert and monitor. I do no use it in the circuit.
  2. After one more recent near miss have upgraded the situational awareness by taking out a paid subscription with AvTraffic ADSB in, which now allows that data to be overlaid onto OzRunways' screen (so no longer need to switch between apps and miss critical information); and its paid dividends. The first flight afterward saw almost the exact same scenario with the very same other aircraft, however this time was able to see the situation unfolding well in advance, so simply turned away. A second dedicated wifi slave screen for AvTraffic will be installed to add additional layer of situational proximity visual and audio warning cues. Cockpit workload has been reduced. The positional receive/transmit latency on both app servers is a few seconds, and works great providing there is cellular signal reception.
  3. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ yippydooo, join the club
  4. Looks like the SR23 will be arriving some time around spring. How did the following aircraft on final for touch n go not see there was an aircraft already on the runway?
  5. Everybody is correct on this occasion; but we can still throw mud around the cage because its fun. Heavy Maintenance Section 72-00-00, page 39-54 Line Maintenance Section 05-50-00, page 2-10 (propeller strike) Line Maintenance Section 05-50-00, page 15-17 (overload clutch) Line Maintenance Section 12-20-00, page 60-61 (propeller gearbox) The Dog coupling is there to absorb rotational pulsation; it is provided cone springs to provide a set preload upon the two Dog halves returning the Dog back to central position when the pulsation ends; these Dog teeth are allowed a max limitation of 30deg free rotation at a specified torsional breakaway load. The clatter often heard in a 912 at idle and shut down is from the Dog lugs clashing back and forth due to loss of preload at the cone springs as the Dog ages. They will clatter away until the cows come home and a new Dog installed. The Slipper Clutch is there to absorb sudden extreme torsional loads experienced from propeller strike or kickback when the sprag clutch is damaged. Cone springs are again used within the Slipper Clutch assembly to provide a specified breakaway preload and 360 deg of free rotation at the propeller with the crankshaft locked. Loss of preload can result in partial or in extreme failure total loss of thrust.
  6. Safety Investigation Findings: 100% of engine failures have occurred after starting the engine. New Regulation: Engines shall not be started.
  7. Extremely disappointed to hear this from such experience when house bricks are always closer at hand ๐Ÿ˜ž
  8. Just peel label off old prop and stick it on new prop ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ
  9. A 10lb mallet ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ
  10. Most bodies of dead climbers are left frozen on Everest. There appears to be a certain death connection between aviators that go deep diving in the opposite direction?
  11. When you have nerves of steel Carrillo rods and enough horsepower and really good brakes and tyres you can drive all over the place at WOT; what are you talking about? ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ
  12. The engine stopped; Aaaaaaaghhhhh..... we're all gona die!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  13. Ah it is a swashplate engine ๐Ÿ˜Š
  14. Hillman Imps will forever rule the world ๐Ÿฆนโ€โ™‚๏ธ
  15. All engines will have fiddy diddy characteristics. Something that has stuck with me since the first day it was imparted when asking an old swapper; "which machine gives the least problems". Answer: "Any machine is only ever as reliable as the person maintaining it"
  16. Super Capacitor emergency jump starters are safer, and recharge to full capacity in a few seconds. They weigh about same as lithium cell units but are much larger.
  17. All 9XX series Rotax power units require 500rpm minimum to excite the CDI ignition into operation; below 500rpm the ignition system does not operate. So it is totally possible to hand start these units if you know how.
  18. If this youtube video was used to arrive at the above conclusion all that can be said is "that is not correct, and possibly grossly insufficient" . This was excruciatingly painful to watch (got about 30sec in before looking for the nearest exit), and not sure why it's been posted because neither individual being spoken about is dead yet and are still both very able to speak for themselves. This presenter is about as engaging as a, umm, sorry no word is currently presenting itself for me, sorry; just not engaging. Better to just read the books (which are full of footnotes and published data sources, so very difficult to pigeon hole into the Conspiracy Fiction section of the bookshop) or listen to first person interviews for oneself before incorrectly dismissing either writer off as a nutcase doomsday prepper (Ehret himself openly admits to not being a prepper and would fail that test hopelessly). Non of their interviews will be found on youtube so don't waste time searching. Anyone interested will find plenty free content backed up by complete reasoning on "Soundcloud". Actually, to bring the post back into focus, Cynthia Chung's latest interview talks a great deal about Electric Cars. So please go have a listen if one chooses and help keep the post focused on electric cars and the impact their existence is making upon the environment. I think that's what the ball being kicked about here is? EV Waste & Impact?
  19. I agree, prehistoric cave scratchings found in the French Alps and deciphered by experts during the sexual revolution of the 1960's verify without any doubt a 4 engine aircraft equals 1/2 the weight and double MTOW of an equivalent sized 2 engine aircraft... The 4 engine aircraft also has the greater surface ricochet Per'bing Factor. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค” I think that's how it all works... W&B complete, cabin crew arm and cross check doors ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  20. Humans doing truly amazing things.
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  21. That's a really mature attitude and question; thanks, very refreshing... The portrayal of waste is obviously the focus, however nothing in that video explains factually how any of these cars or bicycles came to actually be there. There is no real factual back story provided to back these suppositions up, so the viewer is only able to either query the situation for further facts, or walk away with some poorly formed assumption based upon the narrative that "China is Bad", or "That Entity is Bad". Are all those cars in storage for later use? We do not know. Are all those bicycles waiting to be recycled or repositioned outside train stations to be used? We do not know. And I think, based upon the deep forensic research that Matthew Ehret has curated the argument presented in the video falls apart. Within this context, the story being told in the video can be viewed as extremely innocent and myopic. One of the greatest gifts that I and many have received in life is learning about the godfather of "suggestive advertising & propaganda", Edward Bernays, and how his influence has been used to pervert, perpetrate and subvert modern day humanity. If anybody wants to enter the rabbit hole, unless one starts with Berneys first nothing at all will make any sense or have any meaningful context, and if one does the realisation arrived at for many again may be enlightening or shocking. This is why the video to me is a crook of shit, and that premise has been arrived at based upon Ehret's research forensically revealing how various institutions like WWF were created and how others like UN were subverted. Again Ehret puts forward a very compelling argument based upon many aspects of history and players all the way back as far as the 15C. "How many times can you be lied to when you do not know the truth" I hope this answers the question sufficiently. It was a really great question.
  22. There is some truth in that. However upholding a finite attitude toward anything can also close oneself off to the possibility alternative and very valid points of view, perspectives, and open discussion and the acquisition of and greater appreciation for worldly matters. Personally I leave the door open to be proven wrong and welcome it. The crock of shit comment was not made without merit, and the context of that merit has been provided for anyone able to consider it. And until proven otherwise that merit appears to compellingly hold water.
  23. It could actually be viewed as poor form to ask these types of questions in some jurisdictions and can be viewed by some as discriminatory. Vaccines are a fantastic development against a great multitude of very real threats. There are many proven and well documented processes and methods of treating multitudes of human afflictions. Just as successful some are others are also, after time, shown on occasion to be failures. Many projectional mathematical models fail to account for unforeseeable random elements that emerge at later stages, such as a subject's ability to adapt and alter trajectory, due to criteria such as resource attrition or supplementation; this is a fixed rule within all empirical scientific enquiry. As a result these mathematical models are sometimes grossly inaccurate, and like anything, if left uncorrected the impact can lead to a detrimental affect and an inaccurate conclusion.
  24. Shouldn't be a paywall with any Soundcloud content... Yes quite surprising that Matthew Ehret and his partner Cynthia Chung are both still alive, given that all their research and sources of information can be backed up and verified by pre existing documented and published facts. Their books make for a very interesting read. Still, the cat is out of the bag now for anybody interested or left feeling something is not quite right at the circus... And for others it may just be too outrageous to consider as a possibility that any other narrative may exist.
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