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Everything posted by Area-51

  1. Area-51

    ITS HERE!!!

    I read somewhere on the white paper that it really is equipped with FLIES (Flys Like It Embodies Shit) anti collision safety features... can anybody confirm this? Have any further defications been provided yet? 🤔
  2. Area-51

    ITS HERE!!!

    Rotor molded portable!! 😆😆😆
  3. Area-51

    ITS HERE!!!

    They finally cracked it!! It's here!!!! The flying dunny!!!! 😃 https://www.facebook.com/share/v/1ED1qjUUHv/
  4. Pull the ballistic chute handle; see if it works..
  5. During conversations with Dean Winton a few years ago he presented the possibility of wrapping the boom with resin carbon fibre to provide additional strength.
  6. That's great; we can all send them an email with the awesome opportunity available that if they give us an aircraft for free we will put up posts on our facebook and instagram pages to promote their product.. it would demonstrate they are serious. 👍
  7. ABC News report; news just in... "Tree falls on Cessna at private airstrip..."
  8. If pilots do not have an ASIC how will airfield security be able to identify the terrorists? This is a major security issue!!! 🙆‍♂️
  9. You are clutching at straws; i will explain why... when a crankshaft is balanced it is done so with all ancillary components attached, flywheel, pulleys, gears, retaining bolts; the clutch plate is left out as its position is not fixed. The crank assembly is then dynamically balanced; flywheels and crankshafts are generally pre balanced separately first. I am assuming rotax balance the 912 crank with conrods attached; i could be way wrong. Adding a balance master to the rear without adding also to the front will serve no benefit.
  10. I put glass of water with small frog in it and rest it on the top of the instrument panel.. if the water vibrates, it is bad. If the water does not vibrate, it is good... if the frog moves, the frog moves; means nothing, but is noted anyway...
  11. No, 600rpm on the tacho.. but only during tuning and balancing; idle speed is 1800rpm during normal operation
  12. Exactly; so would require customised insertion device at the opposite end of the prop shaft; in the rear bit.. 😐 🤷🏽‍♂️ 😃
  13. I use balance master for three years now; its great; mounted behind bolly prop hub.... carbis all balanced 912 purrs very smooth at 600rpm no gearbox rattles; very quiet, no vibration.. because prop shaft is divorced from crankshaft a second balance master mounted at rear of prop shaft will deal with residual imbalance of prop shaft. Nobody gives the rear of the prop shaft any attention 👨‍✈️✈️
  14. I am extremely disappointed with the lackluster turnover rate of replenishing on Marketplace and lack of community support by the media companies toward minority interest groups... It is stifling the development of my hobby aircraft pursuits. ☹️
  15. Area-51

    Wanted - Europa

    Dean Winton is still alive and kicking...
  16. I just ordered six of these units for my driveway off AliExpress; my AI reception lady apps suggested i feed in images of all my friends before the units arrive and are installed... 🤷🏽‍♂️ sorry the title has bad language translation... https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/N7Iq60g9JJ
  17. Maybe the airfix glue holding the wheel on was not correctly applied perhaps? 😕
  18. Who is still trying to work out difference between "bicycle" and "fire hydrant"???? How many times did you try and fail before giving up and returning attention to something real like "hobby plane" project on kitchen bench???
  19. Aircraft made on kitchen bench that real humans can climb into and fly into a state of constant peril and suspense of disintegration using 100mph gaffa tape... IMG_0419.MOV
  20. How the general public perceive "hobby" aircraft to be...
  21. But the ABCD piggle man said in the beginning that the majority of crashes were 27 fatalities in 20 GA Aircraft crashes 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ So GA has more crashes than hobby aircraft made of balsa wood tissue paper and pva glue upon masonite kitchen table... Piggle man made no mention of Sport & Recreation or LSA Factory Built Aircraft 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️. I am very confused. What is it exactly that Piggle man is trying to communicate here? My 6yo nephew just finished building a Dash-8 lego hobby plane and everything on it is working fine... This was very poor story telling by piggle...
  22. Correct; "IPAD FLIGHT RATING" ... Did not pass exam ...
  23. Hiring a pilot will entail a commercial aspect to the flying; so the aircraft being a GA Piper will automatically qualify. You are better off trying a forum site such as "pprune.org" for this sort of question. You would want to provide a bit more information; are the flights day time or night time? Are the weather conditions to be flown VFR or IFR? How many passengers will be on board; Are the flights instructional? etc etc.
  24. The clicking will likely be the intercom. I have a Flightcom and it clicks. I have read on other forums that PS intercoms have better filters and are better quality product; no clicking.
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