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Everything posted by Area-51

  1. Still struggling with this page... can't work out which nation had the best drugs being freely distributed around...
  2. Just buy a new arm from local BMW dealer 🤷🏼‍♂️
  3. The pigtail vent you describe is employed to mitigate the risk of fuel escaping and pooling under the fuselage in the event of a rollover during ground ops or crash landing and is the correct method for aviation related purposes.
  4. One thing recently noted after fitting a header tank to an AC, and everybody should be aware of if running a Rotax. The fuel return line has been plumbed back to the header tank rather than one of the wing tanks. As a result, under extended full power the low level lamp for the header is activating; after purging the header tank the low level lamp went out. What was found was the header tank was being pressurised by the return line preventing fresh fuel from entering the header tank under gravity; basically an air lock; however the system is functioning exactly as designed by purging, and warning points are performing correctly... so take this into consideration if you are running 912 and return is to the header. Happy fabricating...
  5. Skippy its easiest to use something like 2.5mm braising rod; its a bit more robust... make the template up, make sure you can feed it through everything in the airframe afterwards, it may not be possible as a single piece line... You lay the template out next to your straight pipe and just follow along one bend to the other, checking backwards that the fresh pipe is correctly orientated before you lay the next bend... give yourself about 8" -10" more length than you calculate from the template, it will get eaten up as you form. Practice some bends first on scrap and mark where the bend starts and ends by placing a marker line every 10mm on the fresh straight piece... do the bend (90,45,75...) and measure the linear length along the centerline.. get to know where the bending tool actually commences the bend on the pipe... then you know how much length a bend requires... its a bit of a mathematical nightmare but it prevents stuff ups... its all done by knowing the bend radius and linear length, and adding/subtracting from the distances between bends... I generally just run a piece of string along the template and add 8-10", then start in a very methodical way; and still manage to stuff up! Double, Triple, and Quadruple nested pipes; all hand fabricated and laid out to mm tolerance according to prior design... took weeks to complete.
  6. Unless you want to spend the time learning and enjoy making a lot of frustrating mistakes along the way its quicker and cheaper to just pay an experienced operator to do these sort of tasks... in the end its about knowing your tools and their limitations. Things that mostly go wrong: - forgetting to put the nut on before the flare (make the pipe again) - bending the last bend the opposite direction to required (make the pipe again) - bending the last bend while the flare nut is on the wrong side of the bend (make the pipe again) - running the corner bend too early or too late (make the pipe again) - running a bend too close to the last or to the end and the flare tool will not fit (make the pipe again) - wrong thread on flare nut pulled out of storage bin (make the pipe again) All you need is lengths of coat hanger wire soldered together as a template for the fabricator. if all the bends are 90deg you measure out through the centreline of the pipe; add 8.0mm to each end for the flare. Take your sketch and measurement to the fabricator and come back to collect and fit... often it takes two goes to get it right... So if you still want to do the job yourself and experience any of the above don't think you are special, the stuff ups are totally normal. 😃
  7. The whole purpose of fuel injection is to atomise fuel into a mist from a high pressure spray nozzle... Bosch EFI systems run up to 60psi line pressure to mitigate any chance of vapour lock... and warm fuel vaporises more readily; especially if its Avgas... winter/summer mogas blend makes no difference at 30psi to 60psi working line pressure; vapour lock is left well behind with Dorothy and Toto in Kansas... If a "hot day" with a 912is causes vapour lock then Joe Average's outback subaru or commodore in Longreach must be a real bad pig of a thing all through summer hey? ... So its not a vapour lock issue. Yes, you want that facet pump right at the tank exit point so the entire supply line can be pressurised and provide the best opportunity to mitigate vapour lock, especially if running carburettors... this is the whole reason automotive fuel pumps are immersed within fuel within the fuel tank itself; and the swirl pot prevents running dry during bumpy and low fuel level conditions. Pressurising the tank might give you an explosive airframe; so don't think its a smart thing to do unless you want to bbq yourself and passenger; it can be a very probable outcome. That being said EFI fuel systems are commonly atmospherically sealed closed loop design holding 2psi to 3psi until the filler cap is removed... Why? to mitigate volatility losses to the atmosphere... Why the 912is system us not a sealed system is just beyond amazing... and thats the real cause of Mr Long-Story's situation... or its just a faulty check valve in the dual pump assembly; does happen, and the engine stops... So the real issue here is not "Vapour Lock"... It's "Fuel Management"... Very poor human performance and quality of design thinking applied.. would of thought the people at Bombardier were smarter than this... If i was the project director i would hang my heard in shame...
  8. Thats a decent quote
  9. Golfball size nuclear steam turbine generator with magnetic bearings.. power anything for decades.... nothing to service... 😃 Joe Donuts
  10. Today I drove a Kia Carnival 1000km... it was great... Just select the desired cruise speed, and steer; the car did everything else... it slowed down and followed the car in front to final halt... it told me to stop and buy it a coffee!! It told me when another car was too close to it... it told me the key was in the ignition and the door was open, fearing abandonment... it told me my seatbelt was undone... it prevented me from driving without hands... it steered itself down the highway... It constantly told me what speed to drive... The Kia left me feeling very valued, cared for, and most of all important... I did not have to think of anything at all 🤷🏼‍♂️
  11. Well that makes sense; "ground cover" only, for when the aircraft is on thr ground... other than a mid-air collision, or hitting a tree or power lines, what could possibly go wrong while flying?? 🤷🏼‍♂️... and to roll it up in a ball and a ground loop the aircraft needs to be "on the ground"!! 🤷🏼‍♂️😊😂😂😂... They must pay 👍
  12. You would need to know specific material's data specs to make any worthwhile assumptions. Pic below, precision flaring tool; does just about everything... the other type above is for single flare on copper pipe.
  13. There's only one option left... we start our own insurance company of Cheats & Dobbers & Co, where we can freely tell each other to go get stuffed without fear of accountability and repercussions!! 🤓
  14. https://www.pilotlifeinsurance.com.au/
  15. Again, if it's not included in the policy wording as an "exclusion" then you are covered... this is not my opinion, its a fact provided by an experienced senior underwriter for QBE. All claims that are not straight forward clear cut are denied in the first round; leaving the policy holder to pursue a settlement. insurance companies are a business and will be more than happy to upsell and create additional clauses within a policy for a fee on a "risk based analysis" assessment; even if they are not required... if you request it then most will service at a fee... Employing a broker is the best way to go as they will endeavour to find the policy and underwriter that best matches your individual situation... And yes, you get what you pay for... for some reason, regardless of industry, as soon as the word aviation is mentioned normal humans enter into some kind of a trance of impossibility...
  16. AL fuel line is not pure aluminium, its a specific grade alloy, and A/C tubing is the best grade alloy tubing to use due to high pressure cycle count.. In over 45 years I have never had a single alloy pipe fail from vibration when correctly fitted... These lines will easily contain 120psi; the Rotax fuel line pressure is 3-5psi... My hydraulic swage and flare tool cost almost $1000, and its worth every cent, my benders are not cheap either. The stainless steel or alloy end nuts and fittings used are sourced on quality not price. Personally, after the most recent project, i would use braided PTFE or Nylon fuel lines as they will not be affected by ethanol; nylon will dry out though over time and may crack, but again, in over 45 years have never seen a nylon fuel saturated component fracture or crack....
  17. Read the fine print... enter C word where required... what ever "is not" included within policy wording or PDS is covered and contestable against the underwriter in court or by the ombudsman or both.... but they will first claim insured did not inform insurer in writing at time of policy application... remember the "quality assurance and training purposes" statement on every phone call? 😀👍👍 All life insurance policies are null and void since covid vaccine rollout. Read the fine print regarding "medical trial participation". Enter C word again as required. 😊
  18. Really appreciated the way we can still carry around all that hydrogen in a tin can?
  19. 35 years and still going strong and strategically on track - "The slowest longest drawn out death of an icon company in the entire history of human kind". Last one bought a pub, this one going into fiddle fuddle land... wonder what this new one will exit into afterward 🤔
  20. Have just fitted a custom header tank with purge circuit and low level lamp on instrument panel to an airframe, and replumbed the entire fuel system with flexible braided teflon tubing and AN6 fittings; ended up being a real hassle free way to go and will last the life of the airframe... was sceptical when customer requested using this method but was pleasantly surprised in a good way. Have also designed and hand fabricated hard plumbing in custom automotive; fuel, A/C, brakes, hp fluids. Fabricating and bending hard lines is a real art; you really need to know your linear lengths for bends, and relative angles between bends too, and its all got to be calculated before making the first bend, otherwise stuff sometimes gets made again... and again... and again... stuff ups are great learning opportunities... matching siamese lines are the ducks guts of challenges. Using a quality flaring tool is a must; otherwise don't even bother trying, all the work may amount to naught in the end otherwise. Everything from EFI Solutions, available from Burleigh Heads store, or online store... very well priced and excellent quality materials; just measure, cut, put the end on... the return restrictor i just used a thick nylon line, screwed the restrictor jet in and pushed it all down into the teflon line; a snug fit.
  21. Cricky... its hard enough just getting a worksafe certificate that says you are adequately trained to open and close a commercial fridge let alone open steam valve... Maybe my barista license will be recognised as a steam valve operator 🤔
  22. Now we're talking! 😂😂; back onto steam powered omnibuses; they used a big onboard vat of molten aluminium that would remain in liquid state long enough to last for a whole shift... they were heavy... a golf ball size plutonium nuclear reactor surrounded by mercury coolant pumped through a thermal heat exchanger to a steam turbine is guaranteed to get people talking for decades 😀... personally i'm staying with the donkey
  23. Back in late 90's i met an old steam engineer; during our afternoon discussion he told me of a friend of his who converted an XP falcon to run on steam; it cold go from stone cold to driving in 15 seconds; it had a closed loop system... the oil companies tried to buy his IP to which he told them all to go get stuffed... i was told the guys name but never chased it up at the time.
  24. I remember more now, the daimler motor was fuel injected but normally aspirated...
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