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Everything posted by Area-51

  1. The 109 with a high lift wing option is 30:1 at 860kg; amazing and robust performer yet underpowered with standard 80hp Limbach. Unexciting powered climb performance is its weak point exacerbated further when two up.
  2. No; just feels like its that time of year again when a "this will change everything" announcement happens, followed by six months of happy happy joy joy before "never heard of again" forum post emerges ☚ī¸ Staying ahead of the bell end curve...
  3. June 1st tomorrow... its now 18.21 EST... 🍩🧃đŸĢ... ⏱📟⌛ī¸đŸ“ĄđŸ”­đŸ“Ē... 🤔.... should be an announcement any day now about a new engine that will change aviation for ever... 🤔🕰â–ļī¸
  4. Rotax don't bounce back as direct drive setups may. They just stop; and clunk. Even rolling them over by hand they no way feel as free spinning as a 360 or such.
  5. Earlier springs were zinc plated and rusted out over time. Latest Rotax choke and throttle springs are stainless. Throttle arms should be upgraded to those with integrated nylon spring retention bush to prevent failure.
  6. Clarity on above; the AV30C can be used as a primary HSI or DG for IFR but currently not as a Localiser VOR or DME.
  7. For certified aircraft this is correct; for Experimental aircraft it is accepted. The Av30C will receive its AV-HSI approval later in the year and will still require a TSO nav/com/gps source to be approved. The AV30C is fully compliant and approved for IFR.
  8. Its just a question of how much you want spend; you can always upgrade and on sell the lesser product
  9. There is also a Terrain Graph feature that can be used as well
  10. This is not true, a C180 will fly with any load as long as the doors can close shut and the pilot has a pulse; just push the throttle forward and go! If it crashes the news reporters will at least correctly report the aircraft as a Cessna 🤷đŸŊ‍♂ī¸
  11. ASM challenges can be applied to any type aircraft 😊
  12. 2 pilots enter the aircraft, each weighs 0.63 ASM, if 8 passengers arrive 3 time ASM before departure how many ASM of 0.246 ASM luggage can be moved from the rear luggage stow to the front luggage stow to achieve minimum 0.0564 ASM MAC CG before 0.321 ASM of extra fuel is added to the left auxiliary tank?
  13. What is Vs0? 🤔🤔... 2.375 ASM 😃
  14. 🤔🤔🤔🤔 1 ASM, 2 ASM, 3 ASM... 😀😀😀😀
  15. Why not be like the French and just create a brand new and unique ASM! "Aviation Standard Measure"... Then there will be "zero" confusion! 😃👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍
  16. France gave the world many things that did not work out well on this planet... Maybe on other planets a metric day will work just fine. On this planet 12x12x12 allows everybody to celebrate christmas together, a case of beer to be used as currency, and enough eggs to make an omelette.
  17. Uavionix AV-20 is also worth looking at as a basic turn coordinator and attitude instrument; also has some expansion options.
  18. The Dynon pocket panel is great value for the lower end of the market user wanting a backup HSI; it gives you basic air and attitude data. The graphics are reasonable enough and easy to read in flight. The AV30 is way ahead of the dynon regarding capability. With the new AV-HSI accessory module added it can now provide coupled approaches and compete directly with the G5; there are a few things each can and cannot do. Overall the AV30-E is amazing value for price and offers an array of instrument expansion options.
  19. There "is" one standard; "Nautical Mile" "feet" "seconds" "minutes" "hours" "degrees" "north" "south" "east" "west" "kilograms" "litres" and "psi"... everything else is fake 😃👍
  20. As far as I am aware SIL2 is the minimum required for ATC; as long as a unique ICAO HEX code has been issued and loaded into ADSB TX or EC device the ship data will display for ATC. Could be totally wrong on this though..
  21. Some pilots may have questions regarding the necessity of TAF or TTF... These individuals should understand the opportunity toward peril they create for themselves. The information presented is there to allow the PIC to make an informed go/nogo decision or possibility of an expected en-route diversion situation. Taking off without consulting a TAF of the closest nearby airfield with one is the beginning of any event occurring. Just because the sky is blue all over from the ground does not mean its all happy days up there...
  22. 5000 regards visibility not minimum distance from cloud. These aspects are provided for by NAIPS in a TAF
  23. This thread is truely amazing... The story is just shockingly tragic. It could of still ended much much worse with the aircraft impacting a facility packed full of other souls. Tragic all the same. Point 1 - PIC demonstrated appalling situational awareness End of Story Point 2 - PIC demonstrated appalling understanding of personal minimums End of Story Point 3 - PIC demonstrated appalling ability to admit being overwhelmed and request available assistance End of Story Point 4 - Its a great video, can't think of anything else to add except see Point 1 above
  24. Stud shank dia' = 0.280" for the early 9XX with through stud config. Calculating stretch on studs will be arbitrary at best without knowing the exact alloy formula employed. You may be able to extrapolate this data from other european manufacturer sources from around the same late 90's early 00's period to get a less arbitrary figure. Material yield is often the reason soft alloy components are tensioned when cold and harder when hot. Stuff needs to expend without reaching yield and retain clamping pressure when cold again; Nev made some mention of this above being the loss of clamping force cause; i.e the stud stretches to the point the nut losses tension and rolls off its thread. The M8 cap screw though i am not convinced; it is only about 2.5" long and will be a different alloy to the stretch studs. The studs and mains cap screws appear to be fitted at the factory with Loctite DriLoc 200; the head nuts have no thread locker applied.
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