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Everything posted by Area-51

  1. Thanks, ended up using FuelMapAustralia app; same same
  2. Gees; for that money you can almost go fly a pitts s2 and have a lot more fun and get csu tail dragger and aero tickets all at once.
  3. Production cost for each aircraft on accounting ledger is probably $1234567 🤷🏼‍♂️
  4. How to make a small fortune in aviation... start with a huge fortune my son 🧐
  5. Jetex were never meant to return home; carry over miniature buzz bomb engines from nazi german assault on england, or neighbouring suburb..
  6. This is all wrong. There would have to be a large percentage of do bad terrorists out there that want to enjoy the added experience of building their own drone the way they think a drone should be built; opening the box for the first time; laying out all the bits across the lounge room floor; running off to bunnings or aldi aerospace to purchase missing pieces; arguing with the wife that it always looks the same pile of metal each time she looks at it week after week year after year; packing up and moving the entire build to new premises because landlord sold the property; cease and desist letters from council about industrial noise at 2am; cutting out side of the house to push finished drone out into front yard for engine testing; waiting eight and a half years for lockdowns to finish before flying drone mission into building only to realise target has retired from office to tropical tax haven island two days before end of lockdown... Gotta be high percentage out there of ones that enjoy the journey!! 🤷🏼‍♂️
  7. Criminal Negligence? Like politicians? Isn't engine failure caused by channel 7? 😕
  8. Natural gas comes out of the ground; thats why its called natural; must be good for us, because it comes out of the ground; like potato... or a carrot... or like oil... ... 🤔... 🤔
  9. This is clearly not Boeing's fault; cut them some slack. Ground engineer obviously screwed up or got a ping on iphone to check latest 2.5 second tiktok feature blockbuster film. All things being equal Boeing supplied aircraft; ground engineer received training with Boeing supplied content; ground engineer failed to implement Boeing approved method. So Boeing is accountable; it is Boeing's fault... 🤔... yeah that is a solid argument..
  10. Have you tried Gawler in SA? should be somebody instructing in Ra there.
  11. Tail strike factor on take off and landing
  12. Not holding any breathes... off to graveyard of great big ideas
  13. Looks like exploding ukranian device
  14. If my pencil falls out through the little slidey bit on the canopy is that counted as light sport carbon emission, or throwing projectile from aircraft? 😐
  15. The best tune i ever got out of a 875cc hillman imp was 48mpg at 75mph. The best tune i ever got out of mg tf1500 was 42mpg at 72mph. The best tune i ever got out of a mini cooper s was wheel spinning in third gear at 50mph on slicks and dry tarmac 😊
  16. Trying to keep the data relevant; subject of oil should be fodder for never ending story 🙂
  17. Well you are going to have to do the additional training for big pants aviation either way. "Pay money, gain access", same all over the planet except for dogs cats birds fish and anything else non human except politicians.
  18. The subject presented has nothing to do with choice of oil; it's a mechanical and materials related design matter resulting in reduced component longevity. It would not at all be surprising if multiple engines exhibit these aspects of lifter wear if inspected at the end of TT.
  19. Ok so some update on this subject... Just pulled out a new 916 lifter from its bubble wrap packet. It appears slightly brighter in colour than the 914's HT-900 ford unit; so will assume that is indicative of a change in base material with a reduction in nickel to chrome ratio; i.e harder wearing. The 916 measures 0.8742" against the 914's 0.8745"; the really early build 912 80hp lifters measured up at 0.8747"; so we see a progressive increase in lifter bore clearances being dialled in over the years. Fitting the 916 lifters the operating clearance has gone from 0.0001" to 0.0004". Does not sound a lot but after a really light hone things should be sitting pretty within the nominal 0.0005" to 0.0015" nominals. It would be safe to assume non rotation of lifters has been an operational challenge for quite some time. Let's hope it has finally been sorted by the white coats at the factory.
  20. RAM culture proved that experiment failed. Anyway, done with being a cockroach on the ground; better off being a cockroach in the sky
  21. Its not the cars with just one person in them, its the "realestate" that each car occupies on the road, and that is only half of the challenge. Years ago i had the privilege of working with david bentley; he was on the aesthetic design team for the morris mini, minor, 1200, 1800; we had this same conversation. His response in short was this, "the motor car is a place where an individual can momentarily escape into their own personal private space. A sanctuary where they feel safe, in control, free to be who they want to be". The battle between realestate and personal space is a constant cultural challenge that a few western nations just cannot get through. Over the decades every time there is a major volcanic eruption i just sigh, watching all that toxic pollution spewing out into the atmosphere, nobody doing anything to try and control it or prevent them from happening each time... i do feel better knowing that youtube tells me the world is going to end in a few more days time 🤔 better get that adsb grant application in before the grid goes down 🤔
  22. Depending on how competent you are expect at least 2hr minimum with another instructor before picking back up on those 4hrs to go solo; if you're proficient and they don't milk you maybe even 1hr; any instructor is going to use that first hour to assess where you are at; and don't forget you may be in an unfamiliar aircraft, so expect to feel a bit all over the shop. Personally i find it takes at least 5hr minimum to get accustomed to any unfamiliar airframe; and that has not changed from day one for me. So if you can get into the same aircraft as before you will reduce the need for familiarisation but miss out on the experience of flying an alternative airframe. Remember the instructor is there to ensure as best as they can that you don't go out and end yourself, so if you get tough love hurled at you at times there is a good reason for it... Learn from every flight. When you stop learning from every flight its time to stop flying. Go get your wings.
  23. Yeah there's the problem right there, "WE thought/hoped it was stable"... Nature is about as stable as an unmedicated tripolar schizophrenic alcoholic crackhead in a mental asylum. no offence intended
  24. Pay the money and go see dan at wings out west; you will come out the other side with tailwheel ticket and some starter stol experience. Ken out at narrabri will hammer you into good shape pretty quickly as well and you'll pick up valuable nav knowledge along the way; don't expect lazy or sloppy performance to be accepted, you're there to learn how to be a proficient aviator. Lieutenant kingaby at yhec will also show you the ropes pretty well. some airfields have cheap bunk house accomodation; its not the ritz. Motor gliders are cheaper to build hours on than ga and ra but you need to pay annual gfa and club fees to get started How many hours have you left to go on your certificate?
  25. Bare in mind there is chatter on the horizon about Ra access into controlled zones somewhere in the future of things; so if you are doing ga just to access airspace you may be wasting time and money but still be ahead of the curve.
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