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Everything posted by sandman

  1. Thanks for that onetrack.
  2. Does anyone know where I can but these clamps as Floods don't sell them anymore. Rotax Part number 853-726. I believe they are a GEMI brand.
  3. Ooops, I thought it was the 80hp rotax, I guess that's why it has the green rocker covers.
  4. I think Dalby Air Maintenance have just completed a 912 conversion, the photos look good, thinking of doing to my drifter.
  5. sandman

    Dacron Cleaner

    My Dacron is starting to get a few staines on it and what is a good cleaner to use on Dacron.
  6. I had idler jets #50 in my 582 with very little difference from the 55's but now have put the 45's in and idle is up a bit but will reduce the idle speed, with the idle speed screw, idle is not as lump which is good.
  7. Hi Farri, Just from the cable adjustable to the the throttle itself, the cable moves upwards a little way and just want to see other drifters set ups, here is another photo
  8. Just want to see photos of other drifters how theres is set up, I thought maybe the the adjustments may have to be adjusted back a little.
  9. How can you tell the difference, apart from the number on the jets itself as they look identical. I have a 45 idler jet and a 55 idler jet and they look identical.
  10. I believe this aircraft was for sale on the jabiru web site.
  11. Just found this on the aviasport website so please disregard the last post, cheers. - The instrument is basically an AC unit, therefore not need to coordinate polarity (AC).
  12. Has anyone checked the paper diagram on the back of their aviasport tach, the pick up wire should be on the left hand side lookind at the wire pins not the right as the diagram indicates.
  13. I have full covers for my drifter and they are awesome, had them for a few years now.
  14. My thread has been hijacked and we are off the beaten track, god bless you all.
  15. I see that the ecco brand 15LM12 is very similar to the original drifter fuel pump.
  16. This is an old thread but would Teflon tape around the idle speed screw seal the weep.
  17. Does anyone know where a fuel pump for a drifter might be, the one that sits at the left rear of the back seat, cheers.
  18. What size fuel tubing is used for the Bing 54 prime nipple, I have 3/16 tubing but just want to make sure, cheers.
  19. It would be nice to have a Cessna T310R and all them exhaust valves that Mike talks about oh but hang on, I've only got a drifter with no exhaust valves, I was always told that TWO STROKES rely heavily on egt readings.... wish I had a four stroke all them exhaust valves
  20. I thought I would have more replies by now, too hard.
  21. I fixed my tacho by snipping off a cable zip tie that came out if the stator. At first I thought the stator but the ohm reading was 38ohms right in the middle limits for a blue head, ( 35-40 ). I did a process of elimination so check the wiring, with a spare tacho I had wired up the grey tacho wire directly to the tacho ( I had to use a hell of a lot of electrical tape to the rear seat belt so I could see the tacho from start ). The problem still existed so the wiring in the aircraft is ok, I was thinking its gotta be that dam stator but the ohms are reading good what can it be. At this stage I was going to insure it then burn it..... just jokin!, At this stage I thought stator is ok wiring from the harness in the aeroplane is ok, so the wiring between the stator and the harness had a zip tie just out from the housing so I snipped that off then went out to fly thinking if it's not this I'm stuffed if I know, well I'll be buggered it's all good and linear now. I did get a little help from Glen Shaw at Dalby Air Maintenance.
  22. When inserting the egt probe into the exhaust manifold does the tip of the probe sit in the centre of the manifold or until it bottoms out, I always thought the tip always went into the centre of the manifold otherwise the egt guage would get hotter than it should if it bottomed out.
  23. Just an update, the tacho is working correctly, cause is still unknown but figuring out what has changed?.
  24. Have checked those other forums but my tacho is under reading and have checked with 3 other tachos, When at cruise 55 kias tacho reads steady 2000rpm but when I come back to idle power it will read from 3000rpm down to 2000. I am replacing the regulator as it was one of the earlier ones, process of elimination I guess.
  25. I have a rotax 582 with an aviasport tacho and is under reading, I have checked with other tachos and all seem to do the same thing. I checked the ohms from the grey wire from the stator and it reads 38ohms which some say that's ok for the new stators on the 99 model ( 35-40 ohms ) where as the grey head was ( 30-35 ohms ). The stator is new. The tacho originally worked for about 3 hours on a 4 hour flight then dropped back to 800-900 rpm, aircraft has new stator all new wiring and am about to replace the powermate regulator with a new one, anyone got any ideas what it could be?.
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