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About BrendAn

  • Birthday 25/04/1966


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    xair standard. jabiru 2200a
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  1. Happened to me a few months ago on the hume camera caught me looking at Google maps in my phone. $418 and 3 points.
  2. I thought I was being conservative.😁
  3. Who are you talking to.
  4. Sounds like a kid obsessed with flying. Or are you saying Northam criminals are also experienced pilots. Tyabb airfield is near Frankston and hastings. You can times your wa crime by 100 to get to the crime levels around there. Tyabb has no problems. Same with Latrobe valley and Shepparton. As I said before the locals at the airfield are the people to talk to.
  5. Bindoon would be handy to Perth but we live in RAAF east sale airspace here and you have to wait till they knock off on Friday before you can go for a fly. You don't want that.
  6. they are only an upgrade from the pc9s . when i was a kid i used to love watching the macchis , mirages and f111s at the sale raaf base. turbo props just don't sound as good.
  7. i would ask the locals at the northam airfield. i bet they don't have any problems.
  8. do they also have a maintenance training facility. lycos would make sense if there students doing those courses. lots of them to work on when they go out into the world.
  9. thats ok but no need to insinuate that he might have topped himself.
  10. dumb comment. geoff was not well. he passed away in hospital
  11. Give it a rest. I was joking. You are quite happy to dish it out. Stop sulking and stop the thread drift as requested.
  12. great, getting my arse kicked again. got the message , sorry
  13. different aircraft though. the ones we train in now are mono planes. and they run on petrol not castor oil
  14. 2500 ft is the standard training height or why would 3 different instructors all use it.
  15. did you teach raaus or ga, because i have never practised stalls below 2500 ft . not so far anyway.
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