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About BrendAn

  • Birthday 25/04/1966


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    xair standard. jabiru 2200a
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  1. I guess you would also know that Mike's wife Chandra patey is one of the moderators on bush flyers down under group.
  2. And sometimes we discuss aircraft and flying
  3. Are you a doctor or psychologist . Just because people are driven and work hard does not mean they have adhd.
  4. if you followed mike patey and his brothers videos you might realise how clever they are. and they have said they grew up poor and all they have now can disappear tomorrow' very grounded and down to earth.
  5. i prefer them made in australia😁
  6. how many farmers grew up in war surplus nissen huts in australia.
  7. its ai though. not sure if people want to read ai articles.
  8. did anyone else see this report
  9. that was near my flat last week. google machete attacks skip. you might see i am not talking shit as you implied above,
  10. you really have no idea what you are on about. https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=0003e7a4241d3e10e7ec5dde029e391abaeeb998bcdc117cfd967ac6e45defcfJmltdHM9MTc0MjUxNTIwMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=4&fclid=3fb660a2-cc63-62fe-19da-75a5cdb663f5&psq=machete+crimes+melbourne&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuOW5ld3MuY29tLmF1L25hdGlvbmFsL3BvbGljZS1pbnZlc3RpZ2F0aW5nLWZhdGFsLW1lbGJvdXJuZS1zdGFiYmluZy9kYWJiOWM3Ny1lNDBkLTQ3NzYtYWMxZC1mZTQzOGQ4MzExMjg&ntb=1
  11. well i can tell you there are random machete attacks every day in melbourne and people murdered with them at least weekly. sometimes several attacks per day. cops don't just sign for a gun and walk off with it. in reality they are highly trained in firearm use. vicpol have their own range at our club and conduct regular training and annual refreshers. quite a few of our members are police too.
  12. i have them. don't think a chiquaua and spitz maltese are very scary though they think they are.😁 i was making the point that offenders have more rights than victims.
  13. Pilot killed in light plane crash in Ogilvie, 500km north of Perth, WA Emergency services raced to the crash site about 11.15am. By Bryce Luff A pilot has died in a crash in a tiny town in WA’s Mid West. The Cessna 150 came down in Ogilvie, 500km north of Perth, about 11.15am on Friday. Police confirmed the pilot — a man in his 60s — died at the scene.
  14. it really annoys me owning guns and not being able to use them to protect my family. a crim could break in and shoot us then get a smack on the wrist and let go because he had a hard life.
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