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Everything posted by BrendAn

  1. Well done. When are you starting your flying lessons.😁
  2. as genuine as the poster sounds you have to remember we only have his side of the story.
  3. will you post the outcome of your meeting with the neighbour. i was a bit rude. what i should have said was stick to the topic not question training and aircraft reliability. good luck with the meet. very interested to hear if its all sorted out.
  4. Stop posting rubbish. People on here have been very helpful to you. But you insist on bagging the pilot who has already been vouched for by a respected member of our group. You made assertions that recreational aircraft are unsafe. That's what we fly and who we are. Take the great advice you have been given and use it.
  5. on final over the house while annoying poses very little danger. he is setup for landing and gliding in straight. taking off. its a 100 hp kitfox, he is probably at 4 or 500 ft before he goes over the house. and we know he is a good pilot because t88 vouched for him. anyway i am sure you both will sort something out tomorrow.
  6. The RVs are nice. When we lived in Albany some blokes out at the airport almost had a production line of rv aircraft. I think they built 4 kits .
  7. Do you think about the children when you take them anywhere in the car. I would think the chance of injury / death might be many thousands times greater than a wayward aircraft.
  8. A bit slick for me but very nice.
  9. Yes it was on the experimental channel. Might have been an old episode.
  10. It's pretty easy to find. I did it anyway and it is listed on my profile. Ra people know. I talk to the tech people and Nicola quite often. I may not have RPC yet. But I have owned a few aircraft.
  11. Nothing to be ashamed of at all. I never read what the cause of the incident was. I watched a utube the other day on a new single seat atec. Beautiful looking AC. Almost all composite construction but they have stuck with the wood mainspar. I think that is a testament to wood.
  12. That is pretty close.. Forgive the troll comment, just never sure on the net. 211 mt would make him around the height you say. Fingers crossed he can modify his strip and move away from your house. Hope you can work out something between the both of you.
  13. What is the distance from your house to the neighbours airstrip. That can give us a better idea of his height. He would more likely be at 3 or 400 ft. 150 is almost over the fence. I don't know if your genuine or a troll but you need to supply facts not guesses.
  14. Did you have a hard landing in that aircraft. I remember you had it for sale but needed repairs to undercarriage. ?.
  15. Bullshit. What's wrong with doing the l1 before RPC. Absolutely nothing. Ask Nicola what her reasoning is. She won't have a clue I can tell U that.
  16. You can do your l1 as long as you are an raaus member. Don't worry about the pilot thing. I did it and the endorsement has been listed on my profile. I don't have RPC yet.
  17. the tecnam has a hydraulic park brake. its ok to hold the plane while you get the chocks. i wouldn't trust it for long periods.
  18. i would imagine the ga pilots that stacked uls would have been in the early 80s, late 70s. the rule was introduced to protect ga pilots. you and your mates were professionals. plenty of ga fliers that don't have your experience. i was told about this by an old auf member.
  19. i know of a 912 uls that has 3600 hrs in a flying school tecnam. he ran it on condition to 3600 . never had a problem , never pulled apart. still passing leakdowns . he was allowed to run on conditon because the tecnam has a type certificate.
  20. i think that 5 hours must be a carryover from earlier days when ga pilots would jump in a high drag low inertia aircraft and pancake them into the runway because they cut the throttle too early. these days there are a lot of aircraft that can be vh or ra .
  21. i know you didn't. i was just pointing out the limitations of l1.
  22. and the camel pilots never suffered from constipation.
  23. l1 means you can only work on your own aircraft and do basic maintenance . even l2 can be obtained with very limited mechanical knowledge,
  24. i already have l1
  25. i had a few months break because our club ran out of instructors for a while. now i have access to 2 excellent raaus instructors i am back into it. got familiar with the tecnam again last weekend . this week we did efato and touch and goes. hopefully get back to solo fairly quick. i nearly changed to ga but decided to stick with ra because i want to fly ultralights. more fun than a cessne and easier on the pocket.
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