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Everything posted by BrendAn

  1. nice kiwi radial. 9 honda xr600 engines.
  2. your not alone there
  3. i think it is a competition in america, he who has the biggest tyres wins.
  4. the bloke at the end probably wishes he had kept a better lookout for powerlines
  5. To put it in context I had already flown 12 hours with that instructor and done a lot of stall training with him. I doubt he would do it with a new student. I thought the amount of time we spent on stalls was over the top but now I look back I am glad we did it.
  6. i had an instructor cut the throttle and drop down maybe to 100 ft above a paddock without warning. scared sh#t out of me but he said that wasn't the intention. he just wanted to show me how quick things happen on climbout with a sudden ef. he is a great instructor that shows you a bit more than what the syllabus says.
  7. That's why I love flying xairs. I know most people want to fly faster and get somewhere. For me its all about flying around my local area on the weekend. Being up there is more important to me. And everywhere I look around here there is a flat paddocks or farm road to land on and the xair needs very little space to land. Just have to be mindful of powerlines and pivot irrigators.
  8. Raaus do teach outlanding and we get made to practise it quite a bit during training.
  9. I already said we are on the wrong forum for the subject. But at the end of the day does it really matter. I already got my info regarding the prop.
  10. saying there is no quick fix means nothing gets done. we need to change bail laws. jails have to be places people don't want to go to. not somewhere to catch up with mates . tobacco taxs should be returned to previous levels. if cigarettes cost no more than chop chop the tobacco war would stop overnight. all those taxes do is incite crime and take food off the table in low income households. i have seen it myself around here. the do gooder judges need to be sacked and get some decent people in there.
  11. What about all the torched and shot up houses. That poor girl that died the other night because scum torched the house she was looking after for her brother. . The do gooder attitude has caused a lot of this . It started with schools abolishing corporal punishment. When we were young we were shit scared of cops now they get laughed at and attacked. School teachers are leaving the profession because of the violence and abuse by students and their parents. But don't worry about that nev.
  12. No
  13. Gazelles are certified so I would imagine it would be an extremely hard process to do that. But I agree with you.
  14. My uncle was high up in vicpol. Retired now but he says they could all see it coming with courts changing to a mentality of the criminals wellbeing and rights being more important than the victims. Andrews government and puppet Jacinta have buried their heads in the sand for 15 years while shops are torched daily, people woken up and bashed in the middle of the night. I could rant about this topic all day but we are on the wrong forum for it.
  15. Found out the prop maker has gone out of business years ago so doing the marap for a bolly 3 blade.
  16. Don't know but the article said we have 44 more laws than china. The law and order crisis in Victoria would certainly be true. Where else can you commit 60 serious crimes and get let out on bail the same day. 2 people killed in a family brawl at a 1 year Olds birthday party ,2 days ago. Melbourne is out of control.
  17. I read once that we are the most governed country on the planet. More restrictive laws here than communist countries.. here in Victoria it is the nanny state. We get told how to do everything yet we have the highest crime rate in the country.
  18. It is at all 3 airports around here.
  19. Would have been a real adventure for you back then. And a lot of hard work. I drove a road train at chalice gold mine between Norseman and higginsville for a while. 60 km haul road. All onsite with a railway and highway crossing. That mine cost 55 million to set up and not long after it started they dug out one spot so rich that the mine was paid for in 2 days. One thing that got me was how every site I ever worked on had been mined by the old timers 100 years before.
  20. having a mining lease would be a dream for me. maybe one day. do you know the story about reedys gold mine out of cue. some drillers i worked with had sample bags too heavy for to lift one nightshift , there was that much gold in them. the digger operator in the same pit was complaining the digger was slow. they had hit almost pure gold.
  21. Run the dirt you dig up and you might get lucky. I remember a mate saying his mum dug up a big nugget in her garden at sandstone.
  22. Cao95.10 is up to 300 kg single seat. But you have to have an raaus certificate and the aircraft has to be raaus registered. The old 95.10 was not under raaus . Cao95.10 started in 1990.
  23. Stop all your cryptic rubbish and point me to the information that says we have a part 103 equivalent.
  24. excellent work.
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