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Everything posted by BrendAn

  1. no mention of stripping and cleaning carbs. worn needles will do that to a 912.
  2. Makes sense. How long does a tyre last on a big Boeing or airbus.
  3. Had enough of the sad events of late so thought I would change the subject. Silly question but when big aircraft touch down the tyres squeal and smoke, I assume this is because the wheels are rotating slower than the aircraft speed. Why don't they have something like paddles on the rims to let the airflow spin up the wheels to a higher speed.
  4. It's already on the net before I said anything. Ask f10 what the qnh was at the time. He flew just before them. Tinamba area is dead flat irrigation farms between 100 and 200 ft above sea level. It was around 28 deg
  5. Off fr24 . I don't know how accurate it is. I would have thought it would be close. I am only guessing the same as everyone else. I still think it will turn out to be a stall spin . They had completed a couple of circuits around the farm before the accident . You are right it is a terrible tragedy and it's only 15 km from my house. The thought of losing so many family members at once is hard to contemplate. Rip.
  6. That's a very condescending attitude. A lot of aircraft now can be raa reg or vh so you dismiss it if it's flown with vh reg. The one on Saturday could be raa if the backseat was removed. Anyway I am standing by my statement that there seems to be an aircraft accident on the news weekly. You only want to count aircraft with raas reg fair enough.
  7. if your a member of raaus you can get all that from the ocurrance page in the member portal. why do you dismiss accidents that are not raaus. plenty of cessnas crash. at the end of the day they all have the same result regardless of the aircraft.
  8. he was flying 100 ft below minimum legal height so when things went bad they were on the ground in an instant. i went past there tonight on my way to work, there would have been close to a dozen people walking around the site. very thorough. the thing i keep thinking about is the parents who lost 2 sons and a nephew at once for no good reason.
  9. I am as always talking all accidents in Australia, ga and ra. What we see on the news. Surely you have seen all these news stories too.
  10. It was when it was circling Maffra townsite . We know Rotax sound different. What annoys me is news crews putting out rubbish for headlines. I know it's the way of the world. At least they didn't call it a Cessna I suppose.
  11. Maffra resident Debbie said she was sitting at home with her brother when they noticed the plane fly east and then west. They suspected at the time that the pilot was having trouble with the engine. “We just knew it didn’t sound like a normal engine flying over,” Bedggwood said. “The engine was revving and making a weird noise. We said it didn’t sound right. As we watched it fly off, we said, ‘We hope it lands OK.’ Not long after that, we got the notification about the crash.” the crap they put on the news.
  12. now we know one of the passengers was from tinamba i don't believe there was any intention to land , i think the plan was do a few circles over the relatives farm then go back to west sale for a landing.. all 3 of them had only just began their lives too.
  13. You always say this and I always say I am only talking about Australia, I can not remember so many accidents on the news as there have been in recent years.
  14. There seems to be an aircraft accident on the news nearly every week for the last couple of years.
  15. yes it was in knots. even in my little xair i never put that into a turn at under 50 knots to be safe. on my own touchdown had to be over 30 knts for a smooth landing and that thing only weighed 240 kg with a huge wing so morgans figures must be optimistic at best.
  16. it can get pretty bumpy close to the hills there and a northerly would make it rougher. temp was about 28 to 30 .
  17. do you think this might turn out be another stall spin on final turn.
  18. join your local aero club. get the club planes at a discount then.
  19. It did a lot of tight circles around. Maffra before heading over to upper Maffra . Might have been looking or knew people at the vintage truck show which was on at the Maffra oval.
  20. I left that out because I did not want to put the reg number out there but I guess it doesn't make any difference.
  21. It's all flat paddocks and lots of roads around here. I would have thought they would just pick a clear paddock or road to set it down . Engine trouble should not be catastrophic.
  22. Yes. It is vh experimental .
  23. SPECIFICATIONS: Wingspan: 7.92 m (26 ft) Length: 6.70 m (22 ft) Height (tricycle undercarriage): 2 m (6 ft 6 in) Wing area: 10.26 m² (110.5 sq ft) Cruising speed at sea level: 241 km/h (150 mph) Manoeuvring speed: 167 km/h (106 mph) Stalling speed, clean: 56 km/h (35 mph) Stalling speed, with flaps: 50 km/h (31 mph) Service ceiling: 3,048 m (10,000 ft) Rate of climb at sea level: 366 m/min (1,200 ft/min) Empty weight: 353 kg (778 lb) Loaded weight: 800 kg (1,764 lb. it has quite a low stall speed and 50knt approach.
  24. on flight radar there was a 4 seat morgan cougar circling at 400 ft @60 knts. disappeared after circling twice.
  25. there is a private strip on a farm in that area . another terrible accident.
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