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Everything posted by BrendAn

  1. a bit long but you can fast forward to shirls bell 47. family has a plaque there.
  2. Yes, I can't find anything either. Definitely reported several times today on 3aw.
  3. It was a police report about 4.00 pm. Said a plane made an emergency landing in a paddock beside the freeway. I have never noticed an airstrip near the M11. I remember a couple of years ago emergency services rushed out to a crash past Ballarat. It was an ag plane refilling. Someone on the freeway seen an aircraft disappear and rang 000. 🤣
  4. Anyone heard anything about an aircraft landing in a paddock beside the Mornington freeway this afternoon. It was on the radio news
  5. great video. but why do people think they have to play shit music on them. i prefer to listen to the engine. maybe i am getting old and grumpy😁
  6. I am looking for a prop for a friend with a 912 gazelle. I don't think jab props will help.
  7. Ok . I have only ever seen sensenich on jabs so I assumed they were the suppliers. Thanks for the info .
  8. They use sensenich , made in the usa
  9. I want you lot to stay here and keep telling your stories before they are lost forever. At least they are recorded here
  10. If anyone wants to fly in a dc3 just go to Essendon airport
  11. He is getting a quote from aeroperformance. Jabiru use sensenich.
  12. I already requested the defending posts be removed yesterday. But they are still there.
  13. yes the props on the website look very nice. i have sent a link to the bloke after the prop. their ad says they supply a lot of props to australia.
  14. hi, is there anyone making wooden props in aus. need a 2 blade 68 x 48. rotax hub pattern 912 80hp there is aeroperformance in nz. prefer local if possible. someone said sweetapples were still getting made in queensland a while back.
  15. i don't know if i am right or wrong, but would a c150, 172 , airtourers and the like be classed as hobby flying if privately owned. it would not be just raaus would it. i know theses ac are in flying school fleets as well but so are a lot of raaus models.
  16. Yes by handpicked people. They didn't look for anyone with credibility.
  17. Who cares what airhead reporters have to say. They don't have much credibility in most people's eyes.
  18. What are you pointing out though. It just doesn't look good when others read it.
  19. Look at even huge news stories, they are forgotten pretty quickly. We are bombarded with breaking news every day. No one takes notice of the ABC anyway. 😁
  20. 9000 views is f all. it will be forgotten in a few days.
  21. what are you going on about. silly comment. you reckon they want to hide any indian staff. i reckon they would have some choice words for you if this thread popped up on their computers.
  22. There was a Cessna 150 for sale last year that was raaus registered. With 600 mtow I think it had about 90kg payload without fuel. How the hell did that get registered.
  23. a lot of people in our area are on it and rave about it. my cable nbn is fine but some parts of town don't have it and are using starlink instead.
  24. casa bringing out the self declared medical took the momentum out of group g i think. that is ga to raaus conversions,
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