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Everything posted by BrendAn

  1. A couple of days ago you put up a brilliant post. Now you have gone back to being deflection turbo. Tell everyone they are wrong but never explain yourself.
  2. The people in raaus that were pushing for it have all been let go over the years. That's what I have heard anyway.
  3. From what I have been told, casa want the faa part 103 rule here. It completely takes away any responsibility from them . Michael monk jumping up and down on the tv demanding investigations may help 103 come to fruition here.
  4. Casa part 103 is a different thing altogether. Just uses the same number .
  5. You can fly a hummelbird anywhere but here. Is our sky different.
  6. The uk now have the ssdr category. Single seat deregulated. I assume that might be there version of p103.
  7. This subject has been getting kicked about the group for a long time. There are some of us who would like to fly under the faa part 103 rules in Australia. Turbo keeps saying we already have it . I would like turbo or someone to explain this. I really hope it's true because it would open the door to affordable flying like in the auf days.
  8. Ok. I agree this thread should get back on topic. How about we start another thread and you tell us about this part 103 equivalent you keep talking about.
  9. Turbo gave the membership cost for the sporting shooters association.😁. Handy to know I suppose
  10. More rubbish. These posts seem to be more about your ego and trying to show your intellectual superiority to us lowly commoners. Wtf has the sporting shooters association got to do with flying. Show me the equivalent of part 103. Are you an raaus member. I doubt it.
  11. Well that tells me nothing . There is no equivalent except in your mind.
  12. Raaus are dead against bringing it in because they are afraid of losing members and their money. But it would only be a small group that would switch anyway.
  13. Show us the equivalent of part 103. I don't understand what you're talking about.
  14. We don't have the equivalent to 103. Are you talking about the early category. 300ft ceiling . No flight over bitumen rds.
  15. I watched a YouTube yesterday. a flight in a Cirrus sr22. The owner said Cirrus advise 600ft minimum to deploy chute but the manufacturer of the chutes says deploy at any height. I have read of a chute deployment at 100 ft that saved the pilots life.
  16. Witnesses observed it flying very low struggling to gain altitude.
  17. I realise it won't be compulsory. The point I was making is raa is moving into the GA world .
  18. The woman in the video used to be one of our councillors. Wellington shire.
  19. Experienced instructors killed in Nambucca Heads plane crash 5 hours ago · Bodies of pilot and pass The pilot, Mark White, 67, was an experienced pilot and instructor at local flying school Midcoast Microlights. Mr White and 69 year-old passenger were believed to be training at the time. The aircraft left a private airfield at Coffs Harbour about 3.30pm yesterday with two men on board, NSW Police confirmed. Emergency services battled dangerous conditions in their attempts to recover the small Sting aircraft from Scotts Head Beach on Sunday. Police Inspector Stuart Campbell said “we’re struggling with the tides and movement of the debris” enger recovered after light plane crash off NSW north coast ... who have confirmed the aircraft left a private airfield at Coffs Harbour about 3.30pm
  20. he flipped his Cessna on its roof after an engine failure but he thinks everyone else should have their planes signed off.🤣 the other person saying too many young pilots getting killed. where are the records of that.
  21. don't forget some photos. 👍
  22. channel 9 said it was raaus and the pilot/owner also owns a flying school if its the person they said it was its not his plane. he has a foxbat
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