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Everything posted by BrendAn

  1. hi mate, would you be able to post pics and updates on the build as you go along. i and others would love to watch your progress. did you import the kit or do they have an agent in australia. aircraft spruce?
  2. cat g and cta endorsement will push raaus even further away from affordable flying than it is now.
  3. bring on part 103. casa want it. raaus don't. a lot of other countries have it and its gaining popularity. single seat. keep away from busy areas and fly low 500 to 1500 agl. i would be happy with that, in the unlikely event that i got killed who cares, didn't take anyone with me.
  4. your right. the daily mail footage shows a heli winching up a survivor in a life jacket as well. different crash to yesterdays.
  5. what the government waste every day would cover plenty of atsb investigations. priorities are out of wack in this country.
  6. THE BIG DEBATE is the 40:1 PREMIX RATIO. I been rebuilding the Rotax 2 stroke crankshafts since January 2011. Since then, I have learned a lot. Most other manufactures use 2 piling slots at the lower eye in the connecting rod to supply more oil to that prone to fail bearing. WSM, a large improvement company, builds replacement rods for the 582 engines with the required 2 oil slots. Now PLEASE understand this: every two out of three 582 engines that fail, does so in the lower rod bearing, which burns up causing the failure. Since I started rebuilding these crankshafts I have NEVER had one single 582 lower rod bearing fail. WHY? 70% of the cure is 40:1 gas oil ratio. The other 30% is due to the double oil slot. this is from rotax rick , what don mentioned earlier.
  7. well it was a lot more than 40-1 to do that. 1200 hours flying 2 stroke you know that.
  8. that might be possible with a super rich mixture not 40 -1. in the 1980's australian built johnson outboards ran on 100-1 premix, after a few engine failures they advised all owners to switch to 50-1 with no jet changes. that is double the oil and certainly did not lean the engines out, it saved them. a friend has run 40-1 in 503 and 582s for years. your mate had an engine failure from something besides rich oil mix.
  9. a good example is my vro johnson outboard. i have just reconnected the oil injection tank. any time you do that the omc manual tells you to premix the fuel in the tank at 100-1 and mark the oil tank to make sure its drawing oil for the next ten hours then you go back to straight fuel in the tank. so it runs 50-1 through the vro plus the 100-1 at cruising revs. i believe the biggest killer of 2 strokes is overloading from incorrect prop selection. doesn't matter if its pushing water or air.
  10. an engine on less than half the recommended oil is not going to last long. we were talking about 40 from 50 -1 adding another 100ml to 20 lt does more good than harm. and modern 2 stroke oils are great, plugs don't foul like they used too.
  11. Rubbish. Running a jabiru engine is a lot more involved than a 2 stroke. Anyone that thinks 40-1 is bad for. A 2 stroke has not had much to do with them.
  12. 40- 1 is fine. Forking out more money for the endorsement is a money grab. It only needs a couple of paragraphs in the initial training to cover it.
  13. the 2 stroke endorsement is just a money grab. it should be abolished. having had both i can tell you flying a solid lifter jabiru takes a lot more knowledge than mixing 2 stroke fuel. if you think fabric planes have fuel smells, try a jabiru. you leave the doors open when parked in the hangar to help the petrol fumes escape.
  14. I did read your comments. I think its Much better to keep it simple. No I don't know where to get a quality actuator.
  15. i only have 582 on an xair experience and it does not stink at all. the only thing i didn't like was the oil spots on the tailfeathers.
  16. silly post. i thought you had flown 2 strokes. doesn't sound like you have with that comment
  17. i think nev has hit the nail on the head. simple is best. a cable or rod is nearly foolproof and you don't have to wonder if your chinese electrics are going to fail.
  18. I would have thought the son would have enough knowledge to take over if his dad had a problem. I guess they will find out more when he is out of surgery.
  19. Well known member of bush fliers down under Facebook group .
  20. Members Liability Insurance A cornerstone of protection for members is our unique Members Liability Insurance Policy which provides liability protection for those members of Recreational Aviation Australia Limited who hold a Student Pilot or Pilot Certificate. The cover, being applicable to the member (not the aircraft), means that the cover is “portable” even when piloting an RAAus registered aircraft owned by some other person anywhere in Australia. The cover has an indemnity limit of up to $20,000,000 for liability arising from third party property damage or bodily injury including a sub-limit of up to $250,000 for liability arising from injuries to passengers (including student pilots). Depending on individual circumstances, you may require more than the limits described above, so you may need to maintain additional individual insurance. Aircraft Insurance Aircraft Hull and Top Up Liability Insurance is available through Insurance House, backed by the same insurers supporting your Members Liability Cover, QBE and Allianz. Insurance House supports RAAus’ strong safety culture and has made a commitment to RAAus that it will receive remuneration for any business placed through our online facility which will assist RAAus with both existing and future safety initiatives.
  21. go to your raa members portal. i am pretty sure its all in there.
  22. raaus will tell you the insurance covers the member for pl, nothing do with the aircraft. the policy goes with me to any raa aircraft i fly.
  23. the news video on 9 showed an engine spitting flames when it flew over this may have been the bird strike ?
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