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Everything posted by BrendAn

  1. yes. the rego numbers are available on this thread. i am pretty sure its the plane i am thinking of but i might be wrong.
  2. just interested if it was a jabiru i knew thats all. so it is relevant to me.
  3. was that the jab that lost the oil filter and flipped nose over in a paddock
  4. he is showing up online now, thats a relief. such a terrible tragedy. 3 people that won't be going home tonight.
  5. anyone heard from skippy. isn't that his area.
  6. school is probably not the right word. as far as i know a thruster is still certified which means you can train in them. might pay to have a talk to raaus i guess.
  7. Yes don, and it was a nice one too. I put the ad up for someone else . He wants to set up a small auf type training school. Great idea if it happens. The xairs are great but not certified.
  8. cash buyer. nsw preferred but will travel elsewere for the right aircraft.
  9. What about wife that discovers what you spent on flying.
  10. Raaus can be vague about things. My first xair was 554 kg mtow. When I sold it they changed it to 450 kg. The second xair was 544 kg and when I went to transfer they rang up and said that aircraft must be 450 kg now. I said cancel the registration and I will part out the aircraft. I did not want a dual control single seater. Then they offered me 490 kg which I accepted. So where do all the other aircraft stand that were reduced to 450 kg.
  11. BrendAn

    Fiat G.46

    nice looking machine
  12. Referring to my last post.I shouldn't blame raaus it's probably more to do with evolution than them. Most people want to go faster and further,I understand that. It's just a pity there is no place for the lower end.
  13. There are those of us happy just to fly low performance aircraft in our local area. It's a safe and economical way to get In the air, but the governing body is leaving us behind. The cost of Training and registration and the lack of instructors is a big hurdle. I know people who would like to pursue this sector of the hobby but can't be bothered, it's just too hard now. Raaus consider a 200k LSA as the standard ultralight these days. I know I have gone on about this before.
  14. there is a great post from thruster88 if i can find it, he listed 3 or 4 rules that will keep you safe if you don't break them.
  15. And even pilots with 10.000 hrs still have accidents. That's the bit I worry about.
  16. foreign object fell between pedals and he lost control. once you drop something you have no chance of picking up near the pedals. luckily this pilot survived.
  17. Pilot survives fiery light plane crash at Barnard, Queensland - ABC News WWW.ABC.NET.AU Emergency services were called to a property south-west of Rockhampton this morning. The 30-year-old pilot freed himself from...
  18. sent you a pm.
  19. i know what you mean.
  20. how do you get on training in a lightwing. i was looking at one but advised not to get it for training because they weigh nearly 300 kg and mtow is 480 . 180kg for 2 people and fuel ?
  21. pilot confirmed deceased.
  22. a plane went down in a paddock near the aerodrome at 11.30, maybe just an engine out. although the news report said the police had grave fears for the pilot.
  23. I think there is a couple of live ones on there.. they might need to update you reckon.
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