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Everything posted by BrendAn

  1. you know there is a list of l2s for each state in your raas membership portal. has the town they are in and their mobile number.
  2. It's probably me that's wrong. I haven't flown for a couple of months. I know the runway is 90 at our end . The hangar is quite a bit higher . I will ask one the other blokes that are based there. Bosi derailed my thread by pouncing on my mistake if it is one . The question was if you know the height can you just dial in the altimeter instead of using the broadcast qnh. And I now know I can. 👍
  3. It covers a large area . More than I thought it would. How can area 30 have one qnh when the weather pattern of eastern Victoria is different to Melbourne and western Vic.
  4. Would there be that much difference between the RAAF base and west sale. We use the RAAF base qnh. It's only 10 km away.
  5. I am not sure about your elevations. I thought the western apron was 130 and runway 9 is 90 ft . I had a Dynon panel and a steam gauge and I always set both to the awis qnh. We fly 500 ft circuits at 620 on the altimeter. What have you got for yltv It is 180 ft there.
  6. They are amazing instruments when you think how they react to such minute pressure changes.
  7. i think its on most of the larger regional airfields. we only have it because its at the raaf base 10km away.
  8. Thanks red. Atis is an automatic broadcast that runs 24/7. You just tune in to get wind speed and direction ,temp ,dewpoint and qnh.
  9. when we are doing preflight checks we always switch to atis and put in the latest qnh . if you are flying out of the same place all the time why not just turn the altimeter to the known height, like outside our hangar it is 130 ft asl. wouldn't that be the same result as the atis advice or am i thinking this wrong.
  10. the only thing i can see is the mounting bolt which does look like a pin in this pic.
  11. there is no pin that you keep referring to. you need to scroll down a bit more and look at the other diagram you must admit nev, you make a lot of comments about rotax yet they are good engines. according to you they should be unreliable but they are not.
  12. According to someone here that's impossible because Rotax are so poorly designed and he knows better than they do. Even though they are the most popular LSA and gyro engine on the market .
  13. No it didn't. What U think is a pin is actually a mounting bolt. Look at the service bulletin .
  14. the reliability of thousands of 9 series rotax is well proven. they have the runs on the board.
  15. i never missed an episode of the inventors when i was a kid. i got a letter and a t shirt from them for sending in a drawing of my automatic sheep shearer. amazing tech, it looked like a big box, sheep went in one end and walked out the other end fully shawn. don't know where the wool went though.
  16. the crashed ones are red and white
  17. people flying out of paddocks with 3 corner jacks would appreciate an airless tyre although i guess they already have plenty of them.😁
  18. i think you are talking about the mounting bolts. if you look at the service bulletin danny posted there are 2 long bolts , no pin.
  19. That would have been a great thing to do at school. It's a pity they don't make shows like that any more.
  20. How often do you need a new starter. I would rather pay the extra and get the real thing. Swapping consumables for the same quality but cheaper makes sense.
  21. you can buy good electric petrol pumps cheap now. make yourself a trolley with a drum on it then no more holding cans up.
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