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Everything posted by BrendAn

  1. and mostly clowns that fine truck drivers for absolute rubbish every day.
  2. i have only been involved with 6 912s and none of them had the heating options. my jabiru engine has an electric thing on it but i don't know if it helps much.
  3. a tecnam i did lessons in would ice up a bit when 1st started but clear as soon as the engine temp started to rise.
  4. 9 series don't suffer from icing much because the carbs are on top where the warm air is.
  5. there was something on the news about a renewed search recently, i assumed this must have been to do with that.
  6. https://youtu.be/4IDd56uzTJ4
  7. when you think you are a good driver just take the wife for a drive. then you can find out all the things you are doin wrong.😃
  8. it doesn't matter what i prefer. the thread will get shut down soon like it always does when we drift too far.
  9. yes. easy to maintain and inspect. can't beat rag and tube for buzzing around the local area.
  10. On the xair it's easy to check the carb sockets each preflight. I always have a look at it , but as you can see there is no support apart from the rubber socket.
  11. As interesting as this subject is it has nothing to do with flying any more.
  12. a friend of mine had the same thing happen on a thruster. the prop threw a blade and the 582 carbs came off instantly the vibration was so bad . he reckons it kept the engine from breaking off the mount before he could stop it.
  13. Mine is good. Took it off and inspected 3 months ago. I am going to replace it anyway.
  14. when they first started fitting cable barriers in gippsland one of the people installing them told me some states in america were removing them due to motorcycle accidents. up here they make it hard for the cfa fighting roadside fires in summer. you used to be able to pass dual wheeled tractors now your stuck behind them. if a wide load breaks down between sale and bairnsdale the highway is blocked in that direction. same with accidents. there was a transport spokesman on the radio a few years back telling listeners about the protection that was going on the barriers but as nev said it never happened.
  15. true but my jab has 399 hours on it and there is no mention of problems with the carb socket in the log books since new in 2004. it has no support either.
  16. I meant what evidence do you have that carb sockets are a problem on aircraft. Think of how many jabiru and Rotax engines are flying around they can't be too bad. Although now I am going to fit a new one on mine. Otherwise your words will haunt me whenever I fly.😁
  17. I thought it was odd. He had plenty of warning but kept the nose pointed up.
  18. We have one too. Scion college in sale relocated a couple of years ago. The 40 zone is still active at the old location which is abandoned. I wonder if people get booked there. It's highway 1 as well.
  19. nothing wrong with them if they are changed out occasionally. they think that one has been there since 2006. or do you have a list of incidents where carb sockets have failed on jabiru engines. stick to the facts like you always say you do.
  20. thats what they do here in the busted arse state of victoria.
  21. how long ago are you talking nev. australian cars have had collapsible steering columns and seat belts since the 60's.
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