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Everything posted by BrendAn

  1. similar concept to the rotordyne, whats old is new again. the rotordyne used jet powered rotor tips to hover and take off vertically, it was an autogyro.
  2. i went for a fly with a mate in his c150 a few weeks ago. i was impressed with how easy it was to look behind with the big rear windows. i guess you low wing blokes get a great rear view too.
  3. if i made a ten mile call everyone else would have gone home by the time i reached the circuit. thats xcountry in an xair.
  4. try looking out the back of my xair. i have mentioned this before. if i am flying a 500 ft circuit and a fast aircraft comes in behind me i am at their mercy. i must admit though i only fly in fairly quiet locations and have not had any problems yet. i am always listening and looking out for other aircraft, probably a bit parenoid being new to the flying thing.
  5. It's part of raaus training. Look left,centre and right for other aircraft before making any turn in the circuit.
  6. BrendAn

    elvis's jetstar motorhome

    absolute waste of time and money. elvis never set foot in that thing .
  7. I imagine that association is for ag pilots and they don't want to be giving work away.
  8. I am sure there was something on the news a while back about drones dropping native seeds in NSW .
  9. who are you actually talking to /about. getting a bit carried away.
  10. i wondered about that. why would you do anything besides follow the circuit anyway. i can't see any reason to but i don't know much.
  11. At our airfield runways 9, 5 and 14 are right hand circuits. 27 , 23 and 32 are left hand. This is to avoid conflict with traffic taking off from the RAAF base 10 km away .
  12. sorry i should have said i am only talking about uncontrolled airports.
  13. i mean how far do you go with radio calls, not how far they travel.😃
  14. where does it end though. are you going to broadcast your intentions every 30 seconds. you should be having a good look in both directions before you call entering and rolling.
  15. thanks for that. i just watched the series to the end. i wonder if that was thruster 88 that repaired the plane at cowra.
  16. If they are under 500 ft there should not be a problem in most parts of the country surely.
  17. That is a lot of timing gears.
  18. Found this. It was an air tractor.
  19. 20 year old killed in 2 seat aircraft on a property near Lake Cargelligo NSW this morning.
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