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Everything posted by BrendAn

  1. some of the posts from when it h Moderators 7.5k Aircraft: Former Pilot - PA-28, B23, B35 Location: Vermont Victoria Country: Australia Posted September 18, 2022 Said to be near Tallangatta. Weather in Victoria is rain, thunderstorms, hail. Number on board not known. appened.
  2. not according to the pilot interviewed on the news or the airfield manager.
  3. I know a lot of people with the same opinion but we are going way off topic again
  4. yes. i would agree with you if he ran into bad weather but to take off in it is a bad idea. even myself having very little experience can still figure that out.
  5. we have a corrupt bunch of criminals running this state. i would rather them 2 than than jacinta i think.
  6. i love the how the ailerons turn vertical as you fold the wings . very well thought out.
  7. i thought skippy would love victoria. lots of bunnings and mitre 10 shops to get all the parts he puts in his sonex.😁
  8. i am selling one for a friend and that has some ads signed off in the logbook. there is one for a crossmember ,i think it is where the uc mounts. there is another for aileron hangers which is an inspection. pretty sure if they are good you don't have to replace them.
  9. not at all. its poor decision related.
  10. I wonder what is going to happen to raaus after this. One person I know is concerned about having a job after casa decides what to do . There is even talk of something like part 103 coming in. Single seaters fly with full responsibility for themselves un licenesed. Would that mean 2 seat go under casa ?.
  11. I have only read that he had a lot of experience in PPG .. when I spoke to the instructor involved about doing some training he told me he only flew in good weather. He was part time and not interested in bouncing around any more, so I would assume the training with Matt was only on good days.
  12. Absolute rubbish. If you take off when everyone else is staying on the ground because the weather was bad at the point of origin it means you made a bad decision. You don't need hours of training to know if conditions are bad. People need to take responsibility for their actions. Always looking to blame someone else these days. If the pilot was still around he might agree he made a bad decision.
  13. Phone number should be in your inbox
  14. he took off when another bloke said it was too bad to fly and left his plane in the hangar. the airfield manager thought he heard a truck because the weather was so bad he didn't think any one would be flying.
  15. Whatever. You missed the point as usual.
  16. That said the attitude of the pilot is always a factor and as I understand it he was advised not to fly in such poor conditions but ignored the advice this is what no one seems to be bothered about . whats happened to personal resposibility. this person would more than likely have done the same thing regardless of the experience he had behind him. another thing is the aircraft. you can do more involved training to obtain an rpl and might never fly anything other than a c152 or 172. in raaus you can fly lightweight slippery fast aircraft the will get you into trouble quicker than a lumbering old cessna so maybe our training needs to reflect the performance of these modern airframes. they are not draggy ultralight aircraft any more.
  17. It was his girlfriend not wife
  18. Steve dumsney is the sapphire man. Will message you his phone number.
  19. Pretty safe bet considering the tail rotor is missing. Part of its assembly lands on the ground as it veered across the tarmac.
  20. How do you know. The cabin was intact.
  21. Classic case of pressing the throttle instead of the brakes. 😁
  22. are you talking about the 17mm hoses.
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