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Everything posted by BrendAn

  1. It's hard wearing and retains gloss for a long time. If you want easy repair you paint in acrylic. Is that even still available. I don't know of anyone spraying cars in anything but 2k
  2. Lots of things have cyanide in them. Why would you be spray painting without a respirator
  3. In the boating world gelcoat is kept polished . Eventually it will wear thin, then it's gets a gelcoat respray or the preferred method these days is paint in 2 Pac epoxy. Lighter than gelcoat and long lasting. I thought jabirus were painted in Matterhorn white 2 Pac instead of gelcoat.. someone will correct me .
  4. its a bit of oxidising for christs sake. polish with one the many restorers avialable at any auto parts store or boat shop and wax it when your finished.
  5. its amazing how rich that country is.
  6. 3km x 60 mt if needs to bring an a380 in to carry his gold out.
  7. a bloke here has a 600 mt runway and flies a 172 off it. no trees or obstacles at either end helps .
  8. 1200 metres The runway length should be not less than 1200 metres. 25 metre turning node at each end of the runway (Figures 1 and 2). The preferred runway width is 20 metres. The maximum allowable longitudinal slope between runway ends is 2%. File Size: 141KB Page Count: 13 main roads wa recommendation
  9. depends how good a pilot you are. i need one about 50 mts wide.😁
  10. its cleaner and quicker and cheaper. epoxy is excellent for strength. even if the skyranger is epoxy it probably has some sort of poly gelcoat. any marine gelcoat restorer will do the trick. i have brought a couple of boats up like new by rubbing oil onto them. restorers probably do something similar.
  11. I thought it was at Tullamore, or is that the same area
  12. my jabiru powered xair lives there now. its in one of your old friends hangar. great little airport there.
  13. Well that's a lot of mine site flights at the same time. That used to happened early in the morning .
  14. those qantas link and alliance aircraft are probably all fifo flights. i think you are looking at at a couple of days history somehow.
  15. have you ever had a go in a chopper nev. i would love too but a lot beyond my means.
  16. found this thompson prop on a sonex for sale. what a lovely looking piece.
  17. yes, flash paint job. there are a few choppers here for the summer fire season. never see any elvis choppers since that one crashed in a dam.
  18. True but where do you even find these stories
  19. Sorry.l was a bit rude. I only asked because Supercheap don't sell ford brand hose afaik
  20. I read a pilots story about flying a Hercules. He said 60 degree banks are normal for them. I guess they are trained to get in and out quickly to avoid ground attack.
  21. Hi bosi. I assume they still do it. You would have to be lucky to see it though. They usually don't fly weekends and holidays. I miss the days when the jets were flying. Much more exciting to watch than pc21s
  22. how many deg do you consder steep when banking.
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