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Everything posted by BrendAn

  1. Online is the way to go. We are all on there anyway.
  2. Sorry. I thought you were talking about a microlight licence in the UK.
  3. Thanks red. I do watch a few YouTube's on jodels ,mainly uk
  4. Why can't U explain it here. Would be good to hear from the horses mouth so to speak.
  5. thats pretty clear. 10 yrs or 1500 hrs the cloth comes off so it makes it easy to have a good look over the spars on that aircraft.
  6. none there you reckon. there are more thrusters and xairs flying there than here. they also have easier medicals and fast track licensing for ultralight/microlight.
  7. Not having a go at you. Southern sun is vh ,nothing to do with raas. Are you suggesting raas pilots can fly around the world in their RPC. Actually people that can afford flash European aircraft should be seperate to us that want to fly simple and affordable aircraft. Xair which are great fun to fly are still available new as are several other ultralights it only seems to be Australia that is against ultralights. Plenty flying in other countries.
  8. that would have been fun if you took off not knowing.
  9. I have been involved with ply and timber boats since I was a kid. I love wood. The question I asked is about inspecting an old wooden wing. How do people thoroughly inspect one without removing the fabric. I don't know if sellers would be too keen on allowing potential buyers to hack up their wing skins.
  10. skippy i think you need to give raa techs a ring and discuss what they expect now. for instance both my xairs were 544kg for twenty plus years. this year raaus cut one back to 450 kg and the other to 490. i asked why and was told they wanted everyone to be safe, the real reason is the mt beauty court case. like i said in another post. things are changing.
  11. i would love to buy a jodel but i have the same concerns about wood as talked about here. how do you inspect a wooden wing without wrecking the fabric. maybe a borescope type camera. and cut a few small sections which can be patched neatly.
  12. i agree with skip.90% crap. and what does flying around the world have to do with raaus.
  13. i wish we could set up a new organisation for real ultralight fliers and let the wannabe ga pilots have raaus. all the people that fly simple cheap rag and tube in the bush will keep getting slugged higher fees to help cover costs for the others to fly cta and heavier aircraft.
  14. how can you possibly inspect a wing without removing the covering. is that what the ten year inspection involves. i guess it would always have good wingskins if that is the case.,
  15. i think you will find that has changed now. everything has got harder the last 12 months with raas. the mt beaty court case has ruffled a lot of feathers. i have registered 2 19 category planes recently and i had to supply information on engine and prop. had a hell of a time getting a 582 powered xair transferred because it had a sweetapple fitted but had a brolga when first registered. they accepted it eventually but it took 2 weeks.
  16. sorry. i misunderstood.
  17. What are you saying. Are you like turbo . You put people down for asking a question.
  18. i can figure that out on my own. i posted on the forum to discuss with the members. i know you have a wealth of knowledge but you prefer to make comments that are not helpful. . when i asked the question why not say what you did when you used to fly.
  19. I am blocking you turbo. You don't seem to be able to give sensible replies.
  20. Were the sapphires easy to fly. They look pretty sleek
  21. I think it's his go to answer if he doesn't know himself. Interesting to read that there is no hard and fast rule. That instructor was right even though he told me different to the others.
  22. Thanks. I was just reading those old posts.
  23. Helpful as usual. Are you saying I was taught wrong. Or you don't know.
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