I read a pilots story about flying a Hercules. He said 60 degree banks are normal for them. I guess they are trained to get in and out quickly to avoid ground attack.
Hi bosi. I assume they still do it. You would have to be lucky to see it though. They usually don't fly weekends and holidays. I miss the days when the jets were flying. Much more exciting to watch than pc21s
we have a spot like that here. the macalister valley in gippsland. raaf used to use it for low level training.
my uncle was grading a road once and said he looked down at 2 jets as they flew past. probably macchis or mirages.
would be great to see.
they are all 19 reg kits so you could put whatever you wanted on i supppose. bmw r100 engine has been used with success , i think there are 8 xairs using them in the uk.