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Everything posted by BrendAn

  1. those qantas link and alliance aircraft are probably all fifo flights. i think you are looking at at a couple of days history somehow.
  2. have you ever had a go in a chopper nev. i would love too but a lot beyond my means.
  3. found this thompson prop on a sonex for sale. what a lovely looking piece.
  4. yes, flash paint job. there are a few choppers here for the summer fire season. never see any elvis choppers since that one crashed in a dam.
  5. True but where do you even find these stories
  6. Sorry.l was a bit rude. I only asked because Supercheap don't sell ford brand hose afaik
  7. I read a pilots story about flying a Hercules. He said 60 degree banks are normal for them. I guess they are trained to get in and out quickly to avoid ground attack.
  8. Hi bosi. I assume they still do it. You would have to be lucky to see it though. They usually don't fly weekends and holidays. I miss the days when the jets were flying. Much more exciting to watch than pc21s
  9. how many deg do you consder steep when banking.
  10. we have a spot like that here. the macalister valley in gippsland. raaf used to use it for low level training. my uncle was grading a road once and said he looked down at 2 jets as they flew past. probably macchis or mirages. would be great to see.
  11. are you talking to yourself 😁
  12. runway 03 at traralgon has regular windshear when the breeze flows over the trees on the east side . scary stuff when you hit sink like that.
  13. this video is more fiiting for the category
  14. they are all 19 reg kits so you could put whatever you wanted on i supppose. bmw r100 engine has been used with success , i think there are 8 xairs using them in the uk.
  15. my mistake. can you move it to engines and props please. if it can be done.
  16. they may also be using the mz202. bolts in place of a 582 and is available new.
  17. I didn't know where to put it. It is oddball so I put it here. Move it to a more appropriate thread if you want.
  18. Some of his creations are brilliant.
  19. I don't think it's for an aircraft. More like an airshow attraction on a stand. Most likely built because they could.
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