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Savannah Kurt

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  • Aircraft
    ICP Savannah S
  • Location
    St Peters, MO
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  1. Heya! I'm not EXACTLY following your (and Mark Kyle's) setup. I'm using two 3-way valves. Right tanks valve: Right Outer-Right Inner-Right Off. Left tanks valve: Left Off-Left Inner-Left Outer. The valve handle "points" to the tank being used (or to the center of the airframe for "off"). I've got a fuel return-line question. I'm going to be using an Aeromomentum AM13 100hp fuel injected engine on my Savannah. Can I just route my return line to the header tank or is that asking for trouble? I'm a little concerned about routing it full-time to any other tank because if I'm running on outer tanks and my fuel return is going to my inner tank, won't I get a fuel overflow? If I route the return line to the header tank, then any return fuel would, hopefully, be pushed back up to whatever tank is supplying the fuel, or at the least resupplying the header tank. Am I talking gibberish? Thoughts?
  2. Big fat flashing LED, aye! That simplifies things. A fuel gauge in the header would be a pain. I'm still going to add an audible buzzer to shake up any "highway hypnosis." I just started digging into Another NEW Savannah... LOTS of reading there! I'll post my Arduino circuit and program when I get a chance. I'm a bit out of practice with my programming, so my 40-ish lines of display code could probably be replaced with something more streamlined. I'm a bit of a kluge and sometimes take the simple, brute-force method to get things done with programming!
  3. For future reference: any and ALL 1-armed jokes and jibes NEED to be added here! I'll start: Where does the one-armed guy like to shop? THE SECOND-HAND STORE!
  4. Hello everybody! I'm new to this site/group and have already found it to be a vital resource! I just received my Savannah S kit in mid-September and am having a BLAST building it! I got the Savannah S with quad fuel tanks, adjustable seats, electric flaps and trim. I am a one-armed pilot so I have designed and programmed a servo operated throttle and throttle position display using an Arduino controller and a 16x2 LCD display. The throttle is designed with manual reversion in case any servo/electrical issues occur. Throttle, flaps and trim are all controlled with stick mounted buttons. I started building at the tail (as per my ICP USA representative suggested) and have completed the "fin", rudder, horizontal stabilizer, elevator (mostly), flaps and ailerons. I haven't completed the elevator/trim tab because I was waiting for missing parts to get shipped. I'm now in the middle of my first wing now and am working on the fuel tanks. After reading everybody's discussions on fuel tanks, I think I like what iBob is doing - 1 valve per fuel tank. Absolute control and no danger of overflow due to cross-flow. Take off on inner tanks, switch to outer tanks till dry, switch back to inner tanks. I may install an actual fuel gauge in my header tank as a backup to the inscrutable warning light. I'm adding a buzzer to the light as well. I'm enjoying your projects, hints, tips, tricks and humor! Keep it coming. I'm on the EAA Builder's Log site, but it's not always up to date. I'm keeping a paper log with printed pictures for the FAA and am updating the EAA site when time permits. Here's some pictures of my project for your entertainment!
  5. THANK YOU for posting this. I just started my wings and this information is a HUGE help! My kit only came with two tanks and I picked up a couple of extra tanks and brackets later, so I have to work out all the extra plumbing and fittings myself. Your post saved me a LOT of reading and head-scratching trying to interpret the Italian to Chinese to English translated manual!
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