Hallo my Friends from Australia, I had to fly from Oppenheim to Friesach Hirt (LOKH) because i bought the plane there. They finished the plane end of November. From Oppenheim to Passau was the first Route, the weather was foggy, the visibility was bad till Passau ( it is close to the alps on the north side). I stayed one night in a bed and breakfast there, the people was very friendly in ( Fürstenzell, EDMF). Next morning it was always foggy, but i checkt the weather, and in Ried im Innkreis it (LOKL) , this is very close to the alps on the north side, the weather was clear, so I asked for clearance for 10 000 ft, and I startet to climb. there was tailwind, the climbing was very slow, but it was ok. I take Direktion to Mauterndorf (LOSM). Salzburg International Airport was on the left hand side, my altitude was 10 000 ft. than I flight to my home base LOKH. The flight in the alps was 2 hours, very good time, because i hat tail wind. The whole flight was a bit risky, didnt know the plane yet, it was about 0 degrece Celcius and the carburetor startet to ice up a bit. I had to use the second pump and hat to fly full power, then was the engine running very well. I have a Sauer Engine 2,2 l. 85 hp, direkt drive. Sorry for my bad english, wish you a nice weekend.