Thanks for the discussion Bob and Dan Tonner.
In the fall, (around here that's September thru the middle of November) I was informed by a well known Rotax Guy named Ronnie Smith of South Mississippi Light Aircraft that the old 912UL I have had that stator. He said "It WILL fail" and proceeded to explain it pretty much like Dan just did.
I changed if for a new one and it was one of the hardest jobs I have ever done because I stubbornly made the switch w/o taking the engine off the plane. I attached a photo of the bridge I constructed over the wing so I could get up there to the rear of the engine.
Prior to finding out about the stator issue I was in the process of installing two new IgniTech CDI's so the bridge made that easier but overall (in retro) taking the whole thing off might have been less time overall. It's hard to say. Nonetheless, everything - CDI's and Stator worked great. In the next month I flew about 30 hours w/o any negative issues. The engine seemed to be a little smoother also.
Then, right before Christmas I was climbing after buzzing a nearby airfield and the engine seemed a little rough. I brought it back to the field having to hold 5500 to get it as smooth as possible. I landed and the engine quit. With a lot of messing around between the enrichment (choke) and the throttle I was able to get enough power to bring it up to my hangar.
Our children brought their families over for Christmas and were here for an aggregate of about 3 weeks and during that time I didn't trouble shoot.
After everybody went home I got out there and spent a lot of time going through the entire fuel system, a lot of the electrical system and finally checked compression. Like always, I wish I had troubleshot in the opposite direction because I had ZERO compression in #4 and tested it to be a problem with the intake valve.
Yesterday I got all four heads and cylinders off and I'm sending them to LEAF (Leading Edge Air Foils) in Wisconsin. Brett Lawton and his guys are going to clean them up. I will also be doing some other Updates that have yet to be completed. This will bring my TBO to 1200 hours from the 600 hours it was when I bought it.
Y'know. You can pay for it now or pay for it later. I got this plane in Texas for about $15,000 and the engine had only ~150 hours on it. The problem is that it was pushed out of the factory on 27 May 1991.
Wiser heads will tell you just because an engine has low time doesn't necessarily result in a good deal.
They are right!
I'll be back in the air ASAP!
Blue Skies & Tailwinds!™
Brian FitzGerald - The Sky Surfer
PS: Yes. The S-12 is a blast and fits my style to a "T". I threw the other picture in below to show it parked where I stopped on one of my Sky Safaris - a place called "Little Sahara" in Oklahoma.
My thing is to fly between 500' and 1,000' AGL over The Great Plains. I can see stuff on the ground better, wave at folks and pretty much land wherever I might have to...
The only thing wrong with the "12" is the incredible noise my 75" PowerFin puts out. It is hurting my hearing on 5 hour round trips even while wearing 33dB ear plugs and LightSpeed ANR's. I'm still investigating but I'm going 3 blade with a smaller diameter. I'm thinking about an E-Prop Excalibre 3 from France or a Whirlwind from America.