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Everything posted by Peasant_Pilot

  1. Yeah the bike addiction goes way back, i have a container full of old bikes....then planes got in the way
  2. Seems like it never ends, finishing up all the little annoying jobs before paint, the window surrounds need a little more love yet video_20240327_193222.mp4 video_20240413_201614.mp4
  3. I think it's an interesting idea. Wether it will suit for this purpose but I like the idea. I'll have a look at the Grumman and see how they have done it
  4. thinking of building a new wing, the foxcon wing is pretty damn heavy compared to a wood, fabric wing. I have been toying with the idea of a simplifies wing, keeping all the moving components and bell cranks out of the wing all together. this is just an idea at this point. the flap runs a larger torque tube setup through the body of the flap, the aileron torque tube runs through the flap torque tube with sealed bearing keeping them concentric. both run on the same axis but move independently of each other. Again....this is just testing the theory at this point, actual load and torsional tests will be run on the torque tubes and the bellcranks themselves to see if its feasible. bandicam 2024-04-28 13-12-57-866.mp4
  5. Have you got a photo of the front gear leg? @GolfWhiskeyHotel Cheers Rob
  6. Updated Version, little bit beefier around the axle mount and more meat top side, aft of the main gear leg mount hole. 3d printed a prototype out of ABS and test fitted excellent. the mission was to gain a little more prop clearance and to be able to fit the bigger Tyres
  7. Haven't forgotten about the Foxcon, have had a few things going on in the background, this is the new nose wheel fork I designed to accommodate the bigger Tyre and get a bit more clearance for the prop over the original one, attached are some renders and also a 3d printed prototype I knocked out through the night, fits the original front leg spot on and has nice clean clearance and should help with avoiding prop strikes. bandicam 2024-04-14 07-20-55-855.mp4 bandicam 2024-04-14 07-22-49-788.mp4
  8. You could always cerakote the exhaust too if you are using mild steel. Mild steel has less tendency to crack too
  9. Freight never used to be terrible a few years back, but the prices have definitely been inflated and is ridiculous for the most part. There are a few suppliers here and there that are reasonable for smaller things, but the question still needs to be asked, what would we want to see more of available in Australia?
  10. Good morning, I've been working on my own aircraft for a couple of years now and designing various parts and aircraft. i have found the road to be relatively difficult initially trying to source parts for aircraft builds/homebuilt etc. especially when compared to USA. Admittedly, everything is available but i have found more often than not, specialized items will need to be sourced from the USA. I do understand aviation in Australia doesn't have the following like it does over there, but it does get me wondering a few things. -What are some of the biggest parts or materials hurtles you have had -what would you like to see more readily available? -any particular material/parts you were unable to source? Cheers Rob
  11. Appreciate the heads up and info mate
  12. I might look a name/model name change, makes sense if someone has it already
  13. the falco was one of the inspirations for drawing up my own, love the aircraft, always have.
  14. I thoroughly enjoy all the reply's, comments and explanations from everyone. good to take it all in
  15. Cheers mate, its my pick of the design choice too
  16. Also, the tail i have enlarged slightly and have re designed the wing and wing roots
  17. Ok so, life does what it does and happens....just like the rest of us. Have had a bit of time off so have been working on the Foxcon Project and have made some ground finally with the Valkyrie design, i had to become more efficient at CAD to finish the bits that were holding me up.....but.....i am nearly there with the final drawings and renders, also had to teach myself how to do the render artwork aswell but i have some pics here of the progress.
  18. Looking for old damaged or undamaged aircraft cowls, needing to make a new cowl for a Karatoo and is easier to make from another cowl than from scratch any condition Cheers
  19. Good afternoon, looking to see anyone's thoughts on a good improvement on from the Clark Y airfoil, I believe these are a good airfoil with relatively stable stall characteristics but is o tad on the older side. not wanting to reinvent the wheel but looking for honest opinions on maybe a better designed airfoil for better STOL Characteristics, 90kn cruise etc. Cheers Rob
  20. Im pretty sure i have some avid mk iv plans if you havnt sourced any yet Cheers Rob
  21. Good afternoon all, im currently looking for any info or plans if possible on the the later Model C Karatoo Wing with the Ibeam Spar, just looking for any info possible, i have plan sets here but it does not have the later model spar design specs Kind regards Rob
  22. They have been in a shed for years, some bird crap in a couple of spots and a lot of dust
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