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Everything posted by Peasant_Pilot

  1. I think that's probably the best way to look at it, realistically making sure everything that could start a fire in the first place is maintained and manufactured correctly in the first place is a big factor
  2. Afternoon everyone, im interested to see peoples firewall setups on the engine side, what material are you using? im assuming Stainless sheet but would be interested to see peoples thoughts Thanks Rob
  3. Sorry for the confusion, engine monitoring systems
  4. Afternoon, looking at options for a Digital EMS to be used with a subaru, anyone have a preference on what they use? Thanks, Rob
  5. Afternoon, looking at a few of the Ipad Panel setups and wanted to see if other members were using them?, what are your thought? Have been looking at the Levil Aviation stuff and the Falkin Avionics Flight Solution kits, seems to be good bang for buck Thanks, Rob
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